@Balu` Knows what's up. Hahahaha. I even subtly put "April Fools" in my text, if you look at all the capital letters that should not have been capitalized. ^.^ F*ck Dubstep.
OH! It's actually April 2 here so it's no wonder I didn't notice. Plus, I kinda had enough April Fools yesterday so... I'm kinda recovering from it today . http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2165162/Google-April-Fools-Day-Pranks-2012-8-Bit-Maps-Chrome-Multitask-Mode-More This article just choked me up.
Should've told me earlier -_- THROW 'EM MY WAY! The floodgate's open Btw, heard of Nevermore/Warrel Dane?
Off topic: OMG what's with my double posts in this thread lately? On topic: Evenoire - Vitriol (symphonic power metal). THIS. IS. THE. Type of power metal I need the most!!! ***EDIT***
Holy sh*te - on a random whim I checked it out and... I never got into metal - the Metallica kind, but Symphonic Metal - holy effing sheet. <3 <3 <3 If you find any more like it, let me know, I have a new music addiction.
I haven't heard any mention of black metal since I've been listening in on this thread, but i thought I'd post some DSBM. DSBM gets dismissed a lot because people assume it's the generic thrash-y brutal noise that most black metal falls under.. But DSBM is super melodic and i've never come across any genre anywhere near as passionate. This is Woods Of Desolation. A 2-piece band from south of Sydney. One of those guys, Tim, is my favourite musician of all time. He's also Austere, Germ, Grey Waters and Naxzul. Absolute ####ing genius.
*After Forever - After Forever (their latest album) Amaran - A World Depraved & Pristine in Bondage (thrashy power metal. VERY GUD MUSIC!) Ancient Bards - Soulless Child Crysalys - The Awakening of Gaia (great butterfly album art ) Desdemon - Through the Gates Echoes of Eternity - The Forgotten Goddess & As Shadows Burn (similar to Amaran) *Nightwish. I'd recommend Highest Hopes: The Best of Nightwish. *Within Temptation - The Unforgiving. *The recommended albums are just the generally accepted 'best' albums by the band.
@Balu` I know you need creativity in your metal but would you appreciate bands that treks the same road everyone have trekked before them but does it better than all who's been down that road before them? Rise to Fall - Defying the God is simply the most predictable, reused and overused style of MDM mixed with power metal vocals you'll ever hear. BUT! THEY do it sooooooooooo well that it's impossible for me to dislike them!!! ZOMG Whispers of Hope's chorus is sooo sweet (but I swear I've heard it before): Ring any bells? Perhaps I should be asking Booch this question instead... ------------------------- Very off topic rant MY MOUSE SUKS! It can't even move 1 pixel with any accuracy . Gotta buy a new one soon.
Huh, I've been listening to about half of those. Guess I never realized they were metal... Definitely some new names to check out though, many thanks!
Alright, mass reply time. @gunxsword: Evenorie isn't really power metal, much closer to symphonic/gothic (with some slight power, prog and eastern folk influences), I'll try to search for something similar. Apart from the folk stuff, Epica is sort of similar, although I like them much, much more. (Also, they have the same songwriter as early After Forever albums.) First batch. @Liam: The song was decent, but it didn't change my views: black metal is boring. Seriously, apart from some epic black (such as Summoning) or some prog black (like, let's say Ihsahn), I don't find much enjoyment in the genre.
Yeah, I don't really like just straight up black metal. I only listen to DSBM and Avant-garde black metal. The song I posted had a really similar raw sound like normal black metal, but was a lot more melodic.
Yup, and the raw sound is party why I dislike it. To me, the production of an album really matters, and that it exactly what black metal is the worst at. (Plus the "straight up" black metal bands tend to have lyrical themes that I can't really tolerate, but that's a different subject.)
Hm true true, for some reason I'm having trouble distinguishing goth metal from power. Well, good to know that I actually like goth metal more than power . Now I've just opened myself up to another genre! I blame Castlevania for my goth metal addiction. ------------- Epica is meh to me... Savage Circus sounds great! Album recommendations? Rebellion is good. Wouldn't mind some albums from them. Stormwarrior's vocal sounds horrible to me... but, it would've otherwise been great... Iron Fire = meh (in a good way). That last song you posted was also quite... mediocre. Thx for the first batch anyway! Where's the second?
Weird, those two are pretty much nothing alike. Anyway, I wish I could help you with some goth metal, but I find 90% of it melodramatic and therefore dislike it. I'll look through my library tomorrow, though. Aw, but Epica is amazing! You'll get there... Pretty good success rate taking the previous attempts into account... I'll post the second batch tomrrow (which might be later today for you depending on when I wake up, stupid timezones).
Hmm... HMm... ... HMM... ... ... I just realized how much I LOVE gothic metal!!! (without previously realizing) This song just resonated with me so perfectly, and I don't even know why: *Edit: Is Desdemon (the band I mentioned a while ago) more gothic or power? I'm starting to get the idea that I'm a bit 'out there' because I find 'dark, depressive and melancholy' music as being rather uplifting...
Some random stuff I found that you might like (so yeah, mostly @gunxsword). ^probably my last try with Sonata for a while, but this really is pretty different, you might enjoy it.