Well, however it may turn out, I do hope I'll like it. When will I get to hear something?:> Sounds like a plan!
I can most definitely guarentee that you probably won't enjoy all of it. If it turns out you don't like any of it, then I will be forced to make you a song called "Rancid Disznósajt", which will of course be a Symphonic Folkish Progressive Power Metal song with Ambient influences. The lyrics will all be sung in Hungarian, by me as well. Cause I can actually speak it. As for when you can expect stuff, you can expect at least a rough ass video recording of a song or two by the week's end. Didn't realize that this was the whole freaking album >.< hahahaahah 7 Minutes in, and is really not that bad at all!
Hát, ez egy csodálatos ötletnek hangzik, már nagyon kíváncsi vagyok a végeredményre! /cause you can speak Hungarian :Đ/ Sounds good! Did you listen to some more of it?:>
Yeah, I wouldn't get your hopes up though. While I, in all honesty, think I would have no trouble whatsoever with the pronunciation and speaking your language, simply looking at it gives me a f*cking headache. lmao... Yeah I am about 25 minutes in, it's pretty damn good, though I will admit, I was hoping for a little more randomness with the "some uneXpect-like randomness" tease. ^.^
I'm beyond sure you couldn't pronounce it properly. Pretty much no foreigner can. :X Meh, I did hear plenty of that, as much as it's possible while staying within a sopmewhat traditional format. :>
Give me a couple months with the language, and constantly being around it, and I am confident in telling you that I would be able to hold somewhat a small conversation with you, even pronouncing it decently. Sure I won't sound like a native to the country, but I would be able to get pretty close. Like I said, I just won't be able to read it >.< I am actually pretty good with pronunciations and accents believe it or not, even though I don't really speak many other languages than English. I can do Spanish, and less German, but that's about it. I can immitate sounds/accents/etc. pretty well though. Oh don't get me wrong, it's chalk full of random goodness. Just not as much as I particularly thought there'd be. ^.^
Haha, maybe. Hungarian is amongst the 5 hardest languages, though. :> Then you're not disappointed at least. :Đ Hm, I'm guessing you still don't have anything like late-Cynic for me?
... I believe I just read ~2000 words within minutes of waking up... @Booch AWESOME NEWS!!! I'll tear apart any of your songs with constructive criticism! (I'm awesome at doing that) Sounds FAN-TAS-TIC to me. Though I'd love to hear some female cleans scattered around the tracks (The Agonist). Synth? Plz don't overdo it (The Unguided - Hell Frost technically metalcore). I need that album you posted >.< Why didn't you recommend it earlier!? @Balu` Superb album. Initially loved it, but the proggy elements would latter get the worse of me .
That's a fine way to start the morning! Haha, too bad. It's progress, though! I know what I wanted to show you. Progdeath!
We're discussing this as if I am actually going to take the innitiative and learn Hungarian =P I'm going to save up though, fly out and visit you though. I'll sleep with your ham-eating cat. Nah not disappointed at all! I stopped listening to it, but I downloaded it ^.^ And no I don't atm... sorry =/ I'll throw some more stuff your way here soon though, but unfortunately I will be inactive for the next 2 hours due to a lovely all-staff meeting. Ask me if I'm excited Constructional criticism is amazing for me, I welcome it. You have heard my one song I have recorded right? lol if not, enter Booch138: The stuff I have planned though is not quite as fast, but I also did this entire song on my own. And trust me, I do light with the synths and stuff, I really don't like to overdo it myself, but it will be a bit more prominent than I usually do. It will also depend on how good the keyboardist is. That Amorphis album? Sorry I haven't suggested them sooner. When you have soo much music, you tend to overlook some it 0.o
Oh, really? I actually like some melodeath? Weird, I never considered it such. I suppose you also know the original Crimson too?
Are you excited? Sounds pretty long and tedious to me . Most of the melodies aren't attention grabbing. Song opening riff sounds pretty good, but it's repeated too many times in succession to be effective. Could use more 'filler' notes/melody/riffs between the slower melodies. The thing (tempo change?) at ~3:05 sounds pretty good. But again, riff is repeated too often.
Too bad, that's an even better album that the second one. I wonder how you'd like Dan's solo stuff: Hey, I learned your language aswell, that's the least you could do in return! :< He'd.. love that. He'd look at you as even more stuff to eat. Alright, then I'll only be able to listen to those tomorrow, though.
-_- Just a few threads ago I stated that I don't like overused synth, esp the sound used in that song. I'll see how it goes... Nup don't like it. Esp with the chorus being so repetitive.
It isn't overused here at all, I think. Anyway, too bad. Dan's one of the few growlers out there who I can actually enjoy. :x Let's see how this goes.. Pure progmetal, maybe some powermetal influences.. Not sure how you'll like it, but I just love the riff.
Nup... Nice riff though. Just didn't like the heavy focus on vocals and rather simplistic instrumental work.