This divorce thing... I'm going to learn about the legal aspect of family disputes soon, and I'm pretty sure that will only show me how much of a headache divorcing/family disputes will be. On a more positive note (for me), you could be my case study (I'm serious, if you're available ). ------------------------------ Kids <- ~_~; ------------------------------ Woot Chaosweaver! Love its killer bridge . Can't wait to hear it!
Sure! hahahahaah Yeah but the sounds and atmosphere of the song is vastly improved in the new version, which really speaks to me >.< I'm pretty saavy with learning new songs. Especially when I pretty much have nothing but time on my hands. Depending on how long the song is, and it's complexity, I can learn the average song in any genre in about an hour, and that's perfecting it, like the situation with this SS song. It's your typical Melodeath with harsh/clean vocal combos, but the guitars aren't too difficult. Particularly with Melodeath, while the guitars may be a little more complex, I am very formidable Rhythm Guitarist, so I can pretty much match anything with relative ease. It also helps that I have a very keen ear for notes/chords/scales, so I play everything by ear. I rarely ever have to use tabs or anything. I relate using guitar tabs to using cheats in a video game in all honesty, I just don't do it unless I simply cannot progress without them. A rare situation really. There are those bands though, that more often than not, I simply HAVE to use tabs. One band I can think of for a perfect example is Opeth. I swear Akerfeldt makes his own chords up. LOL solos are literally my only weakness. I suck at solos. I plan on changing that over the course of the next few months though. Yeah it may sound shitty but I really don't care at this point. I know I suck at vocals and stuff, but I really just want to have fun. Not worry about things like that so much.
Meh, I doubt we'd every agree about this one. >.< I suppose that does make things easier. I have a horrible ear for music myself, I wouldn't recognize a note if my life was at stake. >.< I mean, if I hear a note, I can reproduce it (like, by whistling), but naming it would be far beyond me. Plus, I've got music in my head constantly, but I wouldn't have a chance at playing those notes on anything. Yeah, as long as you have fun, who cares about the other stuff. :>
hehehehe we agree on a lot! But we also disagree on a lot Well, particularly with chords, I can't name them all by ear, more simpler ones maybe, but when it comes to more complex chords, I can just imitate them, both vocally and instrumentally, not name them. Notes though, I can spot out and name instantly, and it just so happens that Melodeath is more a string of notes more so than chords, thus is why I can learn them insanely fast. You may think this is bullshit, but if you gave me a Melodeath song, I can learn the rhythm, maybe even some simpler leads, in my head here at work and would be able to play it decently on the guitar when I got home lol... I have this weird music program in my head that is pretty cool. When I listen to music, I can close my eyes and before me is this imaginary "screen" that separates all the tracks piece by piece. Essentially I can concentrate on certain tracks that are playing in the song, like guitars only, drums only, or a combination of different ones, like duel guitars, and Orchestrations mixed with guitars or anything like that. Sounds stupid I know, but it sometimes really freaks me out that I can do it. I don't exactly know what kind of form of "Thinking" that is, but it is pretty weird. This also helps immensely when learning a new song. And yeah I will have fun. I would also like to just get my name out there and stuff, covering a wide base of metal songs to appeal to all my different friends. My next song I plan on recording is "Ain't Love Grand" by Atreyu, just cause... well it's kind of where I am at personally with the song. heh...
Yeah, that's 'cause you aren't right so often. :>> That sounds... weird. I kinda wish I could do that, though. :x That separation stuff doesn't work with stuff like DTP - Deconstruction, does it? Have fun with that! But also, aw, why not 'Stratofortress'?:ĐĐ
Oh I'm right. Believe me, I'm right. I just like to let you have your moments once in a while. <3 It is weird... ironically I discovered the abilities about 6 years ago, and it has only gotten sharper since. I first figured out I could do it smoking pot, it allowed me to focus more. But then I eventually learned I could do it without the stuff. I can literally do it with anything. and I mean anything. While albums like Dev's Decon is a little more structurally insane, I can still for the most part separate the different tracks and "deconstruct it to it's source" (I just made myself giggle btw). I can't think of anything I have come across that I can't do that with. hahahaha f*ck you, I can try though. I can't guarantee it will come out sounding anything like Tolkki's skills, but I can at least try. I used to be able to play most of "Stratosphere" when I was like... 17. So maybe I can give it another go. That will be a while though ^.^ I have a list of songs going already so far to cover, and constantly adding requests to the list. I posted something about doing this on my FB page and got like 15 song requests, mostly stupid songs I do not plan on covering (Like Lacuna Coil... *gags*) but a few that I have taken into consideration.
That's.. interesting. :X I guess my new goal is to find something you cannot do that with. :> But Lacuna Coil is AWESOME! :\ Also, I'm looking forward to hearing that. Didn't know you knew Strato at 17.. that was a long, loooong time ago. Oh and, not metal at all, but... Flashbulb's "sequel" to Soundtrack to a Vacant Life, Opus at the End of Everything is coming out in a few weeks.. I'm waiting for that.
Please do, because I am interested in finding one myself. Even bands like uneXpect with entirely way too much going on can be broken down pretty easily. Ironically, one of the most difficult albums I had trouble digesting and breaking down right away, was Fleshgod Apocalypse's "Agony". Not that the album didn't flow together well or anything, it's just hard to break down subtitles of orchestrated music behind drums blast beating at a million miles per hour. rofl Lacuna Coil is awesome...? Really? Now that is a statement I never thought would come out of your mouth. Or, rather, placed on the internet through your fingers. lol... I hate that band. To death. But like with some bands I hate, I can find a couple songs I can really enjoy, particularly this song: Pretty decent song. And yeah my dad gave me "Episode" for my birthday and I loved the shit out of it. But that was when I was like... 14 or 15, Before the prominence of the Internet, so I never really got to pursue their further albums, and was much too poor to buy them. Then later on down the road I picked up some albums, and eventually downloaded their entire catalog lol. And f*ck you again! That wasn't that long ago! *growls* And oh shit really? Definitely looking forward to that one. Love StaVL.
I'll think of that tomorrow, I'm studying for a test right now, that why I'm keeping my posts pretty short. :x Haha, you really can not recognize sarcasm over the internet. >.< Episode is a good starting point. :> And maybe, but I just love telling you you're old. :>> Yeah, Febr. 7. is the date. Hopin' for a leak.
Sounds good bro, I gotta actually take off and do some data presentations so I will be off the forums for now. Won't be back on till long after your mum has tucked you in your bed. (you see that there? I can be mean about age too...) hahaahah No, I really could not recognize the sarcasm there. haahahahaha. But thank god, cause I was going to say. I know you occasionally enjoy things I didn't think you would, but my god. Lacuna Coil is just garbage. Yeah I think Episode was a good starting point for me. That and Blind Guardian's "Imaginations" album were really my first two introductory albums to Power Metal. I unfortunately don't remember which I got first though, but I got them very close together. Sweet, if you hit a leak, please hook me up!!!
Alright.. I might see you in the morning, though. I mean the morning for me. When I get up, it's only midnight over there! :> And yeah, but I'm used to it. :x Nah, it's not garbage. Garbage is mainstream pop, dubstep and shit like that. (and by dubstep, I mean the mainstream kind, there are actually pretty interesting ones that don't sound like the popular ones at all :Đ) That's interesting, if I'd heard them close to each other, I wouldn't have thought they were the same genre. Will do.
Sounds good dude. I'm hoping to get my laptop for a night or so soon so I can load those vids. My ex just doesn't have any other means of entertainment when she goes to bed, so I sympathize. Ironically, as much as I don't like dubstep still, my brother has had me listen to some interesting stuff. Like songs with still recognizable dubstep elements, but have some interesting keys and atmospheres. I'll get some titles and see what you think too, cause I was shocked. hahaahah At the time, I didn't. Hell, back then I wasn't such a genre-naming whore either though. It was all just "music" to me. As I got older I complicate things way too much ^.^ Regardless, looking back and thinking, yeah those were my two first Power Metal bands I got into.
Haha, can't you upload 'em from your touch or something? Maybe if you tried to record them with it? Meh, I doubt I'll like it, the only artist that made interesting stuff was Burial, that I managed to enjoy. Haha, it's surprising that power metal even existed when you were 15 or so. And you aren't such a big fan of genre-naming now either.
Nah, because I am playing the song with my iPod through my amp, and using a separate camcorder to record me playing along with the music. The music is then stored on a SD card. Now thinking about it, I could always just bring that SD card to my work and throw them on the computer and upload them from here lol... can't believe I never thought of that. hahahaaha Yeah I barely like it, not even enough put them on my iPod or listen to it on a semi-regular basis. But it's interesting stuff none-the-less. I got him into Chiptune over the weekend ^.^ I swear to god I am going to snap and destroy you one day. Real power metal was pioneered before even I was born!!! (Albeit, only by a few years >.<) And nah I am not a fan of it, but compared to even 7-10 years ago, I've learned to ride with the genres and subgenres. hahahaha
Ah, that makes sense. Also sounds like a good way to do it. >.< And I can believe you hadn't thought of that. (sorry, I'm just in a mood like this >.<) Wow, chiptune? You're pushing him in the wrong direction. :Đ No you don't. You like me way too much for that. ^^
What's to huh about? The first actual power metal album is probably Walls of Jericho by Helloween, though with lots of speed metal influences.