Twenty-three minutes and thirty-one seconds of pure bad-assery. Trust me, when the song is over, you're going to ask yourself "Wait... 22 minutes just passed by?"
Joking again, right?:> It's pretty amazing.. :> And long songs are awesome. All prog: Sadly no album version of the BG song is up. :\
-_-' I have a feeling that I would like an instrumental version of the song a lot more... I can't like the vocals for some reason... Sounds great. But not my type... At least I can appreciate it! This song I like. (incorrect grammar I know). Is this a mix of prog power metal? Is the album (or any others) worth getting? @Booch Nup didn't finish it. Figured the streaming bandwidth could be better used for downloading the album instead XD.
Elysium, and pretty much all other Stratovarius albums are absolutely worth getting, but some range from Power Metal with Neoclassical Elements (Like the Elements Pt. 1 & 2 Albums) and there are some more Power with Progressive (Like Elysium and Polaris), then there are some that have more of a Heavy Metal feel to them (Like their Self-Titled album). You can be sure though, that most all of it is good ol fashioned Quality Finnish Power Metal. As for Theocracy, they are a fantastic band. Make sure you pick up their new album as well, As the World Bleeds. Almost better than Mirror of Souls for me, but very few songs in any genre of music hold a candle to the song Mirror of Souls for me. That's one epic piece of hot christian love right there. They make me theocrazy *slaps knee in laughter*
You don't like Hansi? I don't think we can talk again. Ever. Well, that's something. :x Yup, definitely worth getting. Also try Episode, Visions, Destiny, Infinite and Polaris. Others too if you like some of these.
I meant I couldn't get myself to like him O_O Not like I dislike him or anything... I just don't find his voice appealing +_+
Try another song.. Let's say The Bard's Song (In The Forest). If you don't like it, I'm not sure I can speak with you again. Seriously. :X
=_=' Firefox froze up while trying to stream the song via youtube. Perhaps its awesomeness is too much for the browser? *Edit ... You can 2/5 speak to me... The first half and section near the end are... slow. Everything in between have proven to be enjoyable.
Well, that's something. Enough for me to give you another, probably last song to try: Mirror, Mirror.
!?@$ I would totally love an entire album that sounds like that song . You sure that's prog metal? Sounds pretty upbeat and aggressive compared to anything you've shared (with me). *Edit: Love the background note bending... sounds haunting XD
Yeah I consider more of BG's stuff Power Metal, than Prog Metal but the roots of both are prevalent in their music. They were awesome live ^.^ I would also give "Imaginations from the Other Side" a go (The album itself is highly worth a download), "Precious Jerusalem" (which is on the "A Night at the Opera" album, another highly suggested album) and also try Journey Through the Dark which is on "Somewhere Far Beyond", another great album.
It's borderline prog. A Nightfall in Middle-Earth, Imaginations from the Other Side, Somewhere Far Beyond and At the Edge of Time are all similar, plus A Night at the Opera is a little more proggy. All HIGHLY recommended. BG are one of the greatest metal bands of the last 20 years I think.
Actually no. A band is a group of people, like a family, and therefore can be referred to with both the singular and the plural version of the verb. Oh, how I hate grammar, and English is still far easier than my language. :x That's not even a good joke. :X
The band is a single entity (since there's only 1 BG) therefore it should use singular noun. Or otherwise you meant 'the band members are...'? i vvaz c-rious!
Nope. The sentence 'The band is in town, I'm going to their concert.' proves this. It's absolutely correct, and revers to the 'band' with both the singular and the plural form. You wouldn't say 'I'm going to its concert', would you? It's called a collective noun.
Doesn't this prove your previous use of are in "BG are one of the greatest metal bands..." incorrect? @_@ I only said that 'is' is preferable to 'are' in that particular sentence...