Metal topic? (partly for Booch)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Balu`, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    Balu you do you like this stuff? Someone labelled them as prog power metal, I found them to be pretty enjoyable :p

    First half acoustic, second half metal, all good.
  2. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    #4922 Balu`, Jan 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2012
    I did like those, especially the first one! :>

    I think you'll like this band.. Sort of progressive/avant-garde tech/extreme with -core influences. I really can't narrow it down more. :x
  3. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    That was actually pretty decent, considering it's a little off from my usual tastes as well.

    You have probably heard this song before, I don't know a soul who hasn't, but most of those souls (in fact none of them :p) live in Hungary.

  4. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Hmm. You've just met the first one. I hadn't heard of this song before. :x Not bad, the vocals are actually pretty decent.

    This is still weird, not as horrible as their album before this one, the second song was actually pretty enjoyable. They really do need to stop trying to mix melodeath with trance. :|
    Seriously, non of this stuff can compare to their old ones:

    I'm pretty much flooding you with recommendations, especially so if you include the songs from my previous post, since those songs were directed at you as much as gunxsword. ^^
  5. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    Glad you somewhat enjoyed the KoL song. Like I said, I like that song in particular, but I can't say that I like much else from them. lol.

    Amazed that you even made it through each of the songs! hahahaha old BSC was great, a little on the formulaic side of Melodeath, but it was good none-the-less. I like mid-late career BSC for the simple fact that I love many different bands in the Melodeath category, and not one of them has trance mixed with it. Some have some techno-ish parts (Like a select few Dark Tranq songs) and many make good use of electronics, but yeah nothing sounds quite like what BSC does. I also like it because while I think Melodeath is my (obviously) favourite category, techno/electronica/trance, is also a huge passion of mine as well. And those two uniquely mixed together? Eargasm.

    That Leprous song was very interesting to me. Particularly because I didn't much care for the music actually. It was okay, but not that terrific. However, the vocals were awesome to me. Reminds me of mid-career Depeche Mode. Which inclines me to ask if you ever heard the one weird album from them called "Ultra". If you haven't, here's a taste. This is the album where the singer was in the middle of battling Court Ordered Drug Rehab for his heavy herion addiction, and almost fatal overdose. A little less "happy" than your typical older Depeche Mode sound. Electronically, they use more ambient flavours than the blatant Electro/Synth-Popish style than they normally do. Really dark and depressing, which I like.

    Wish it was the full song, but they don't have it on YouTube, just the music video.

    If you are even remotely close to interested in these songs, I would HIGHLY suggest the album "Ultra", if not for the original version of "Freestate" and "Sisters of Night". This album was one of my favourites growing up.
  6. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Meh, I never really liked trance. I can tolerate it when mixed with ambient and soundtrack-like symphonics, but that isn't really trance anymore then. >.<

    Even though you didn't like the instruments that much, do yourself a favor and download their album "Bilateral". It's really that good.

    It was.. interesting. I've never been a huge Depeche Mode fan, but I've enjoyed the song I've heard.

    Also, listen to the Random songs I posted earlier today. REALLY interested what you'll think.
  7. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    Eh ok... I'm just going to skip the walls of text and post this rant:

    I'm inundated with albums!!!

    Remember last time when I had ~15 albums to burn through? That was relatively easy because, I chose most of those albums on a basis of genre so I could burn through a lot of junk easily.

    However, recommendations from you two demand more attention than those 'genre albums' so I can't exactly speed through them.

    My point in posting this rant is because I have some weird OCD that irritates me when I see (or know) un-listened albums floating on my desktop.

    *End of rant*
  8. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    That must suck.. I'm glad this kind of stuff doesn't bother me, since when there is freeleech on my favorite music site, I can end up downloading about ~300 albums. >.<

    Anyway, I posted a song or two today, that you might really like. Read above. ^^
  9. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    Glad you like them! I knew posting the slower, acoustic opener track was a good choice :D.

    Your recommendations... I have tried both bands and... didn't like them. It should come as a fact not to involve me in avant-garde songs no matter the genre combination. I just don't enjoy them.
    The grindcore album sounds pretty un-melodical to me so I passed on it. Plus, I prefer the more aggressive, fast paced and wall-of-sound type (a.k.a. the ones that you dislike).
    I knew the name Blood Stain Child would ring some bells! I love their album Idolator (but didn't bother with Mozaiq for some queer reason) so I'm perfectly o.k. and fully embracing their now sound! Thanks for the album :D
  10. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Meh, maybe, but I still will try to broaden your horizons, that's pretty much the point of this thread. :x
    Too bad, anyway.

    And how the hell can you like this new weird trance-metal sound?:Đ

    Can you guys just throw some random recommendations at me? Anything I might like (and please no melodeath or -core). :Đ
  11. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    I'm currently broadening my tech-death (some of these stuff sounds WICKED!) and grindcore libraries. In other words, I'm going further along the 'extreme' end of metal :D.

    Because it sounds unique? :confused: Plus, I have no problem against trance (and that can be weird because I absolutely dislike electronic). Perhaps my sci-fi movie/game tastes are a factor in this. Who knows...
    Whatever your stance on trance, the melodic aspect of this band is commendable. I really like how the band use trance as background fillers and melody leads. There's a lot of fun to be had with the band's songs imo.

    Yeah I'm jumping on the prog metal wagon as of... now. I'm not sure what my success rate is but I'll post some slow-with-subtle-melody songs/albums should I find some that might suit your tastes.
  12. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    O well, I doubt I'll have many bands to recommend on that front. :x I can't really enjoy bands heavier than Strapping Young Lad/ Gojira/ Meshuggah.

    Yeah, it does. But you just said you hated avant-garde, probably the most unique metal genre ever.
    I can somewhat enjoy trance at times, but electronic (other than ambient) mixing with metal is rarely a good idea.

    Now that is where I'll be able to recommend you lots and lots of bands. ^^
  13. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010

    I don't exactly 'hate it' (if, at all) in the same way I hate the mainstream pop artists. I just can't get into them.
    Eh in that case, would myGRAIN on your hit/hate list?

    :( Please don't... ... ... I'm not opening my 'Balu` recommendation flood gate' just because I said I was listening to a few prog metal albums.
    To extend the metaphor a bit further, I would need a Kariba Dam sized device to hold the extra albums :(.
  14. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    Royal Hunt - Symphonic power metal with prog elements?

    Starts @20 sec
  15. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    MyGRAIN is, well, interesting. Too melodeathy for me, but it's one of the few melodeath bands I can.. enjoy. :#

    Haha, if I don't, Booch will. He knows at least as many as me. :Đ

    My previous post reminded me, I haven't even asked you. You do know Meshuggah, don't you?

    @second post: I'm familiar with Royal Hunt. Their new album isn't bad, but they have quite a few better ones. :>
  16. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    A few things should be noted here.

    1) I really do like all the songs below.

    2) While you may not necessarily like all of them, I tried to pick ones that you might find some satisfaction in.

    3) Random enough? :rolleyes:

    Mozaiq is where they started having a much more prominent trance influence in their music, which is when I started enjoying them the most honestly. When they announced having a female singer in their band and releasing a new album with her, I was, admittedly, a tad skeptical yet equally optimistic. I was just hoping she didn't have some kind of overly JPop style of voice, but she actually has a great mid-range vocal style, and I absolutely love it with the music. It's a very welcomed style and I fully condone it.
  17. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Wow... I listened to some parts of the songs to get a general idea of them, I'll listen to them some more tomorrow.. That Kate Nash one surprised me a lot, never thought you'd enjoy anything like that. >.<

    And you still haven't tried the ones I posted earlier?:c
  18. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    Some interesting sections and ideas. I'm not throwing them out, I'm just saying that sometimes, they try and achieve writing special or 'unconventional' songs that appeal the more conventional types (the first song), but most other times the stuff they're trying to innovate just fall flat to my ears (second song).

    On the topic of Jap music, is it just me or do they love adding symphonic/electronic/trance sound to their music?
  19. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    <3 me some Kate Nash. My wife thinks I am gay for listening to her, but I don't care. She's awesome. hahahaah. One thing that even strikes me weird about liking her though, is that I absolutely hate her accent, and anyone's accents that sound remotely close to it. But... somehow... I really enjoy her voice and music. lol. One of those insane paradigms.

    Definitely check out the songs. All of them are fun in their own ways for sure. ^.^

    The two Random songs and the Bent Sea ones? The first Random song was okay, couldn't handle the vox for some reason. Reminded me of a band that i can't for the life of me remember the name of. They are pretty popular too. The second one was... I dunno. I didn't particularly like it.

    The Bent Sea however, was pretty cool. Not usually my cup-of-tea, but it was fun and short! hahaahaha

    You suck! hahahaha. I love uneXpect. They are weird but lots of fun. I find their unconventional song structures very inticing. I can't say that I am always in the mood for them, but they usually make it somewhere in my music rotation.

    And yes, I am lead to believe this is because Japan, and all Japanese people, are actually robots, or made of electronics. They add human vocals to the music so that we don't think anything is going on, but the electronic atmospheres and leads and keys and such, are actually messages, that only other robots can understand. This in theory, leads me to believe that one day, Japan will take over the world, and begin creating Human/Robot hybrids, and consume us all. They have such a wide variety of music so that the robots that only like pop, or only like trance, or only like metal, etc. can hear the messages that Japan itself is trying to send out. And that message? Try to take over the world.
  20. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    It's.. suprising. But you like weirder thing too, though. :x

    That's one batch, yeah.
    Hm, maybe BtBaM? They do remind me of them a little, just with more ambiance.

    The other ones are the 3-4 songs I posted a few pages back that you even seemed to notice yesterday. :Đ

    Also, sympho/doom/gothic:

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