hey.. welcome here bro, about the units.. if your tight on medals Ptolemaic Slug and airborne melty honey are viable options, mortar soldiers too if you can defend it propertly.. if your gunning on the big units hands down on the hi-do..
Thanks for the advice, I was thinking about getting the Ptolemaic Slug. It seems to be a favorite in this forum. So I was reading several guides that were made before the recent update/nerfs and most of them said these units are considered the best: Claw unit Patrol Robot Modern Robot Donkey Slug Iron Nokana Mk II Black Hound Utan ( bought) R-Shobu (bought) Are those units still good in this game and what are your favorites? Also, is there a specific unit that would help me with the campaign missions and unlocking POWs quicker? I just started and there's so many units to unlock. Too bad I only have about 300 medals -_-
all of the units you mentioned are nerfed exept r shobu and i think black hound, but they are still usable just theyre not that overpowered anymore.. on unlocking pows, i usually just use morden950 and his special.. chances are 100% hit rate on all areas guarantee, another is samurai planes but they have a blind spot upon entry(cant hit near your base) and they are two shots(summon them twice because they hit hidden pows but lacks power, so they remain hidden again)
Black Hound has been nerfed, although its not a big deal, since its only the attack cooldown is increased. Btw, the mentioned units that were nerfed are still valid, although it is significantly weaker. Since I don't know the deck so far, here's a list of units I would buy (Maybe you have them also). 300 Medals is actually a pretty tight budget, so I'll create multiple options for you. Try avoiding the expensive options until you grind the medal to get it. Free Units worth keeping in Deck Robot Morden Cyborg Allen Elite Arabian Soldier Donald Morden Allen Di-Cokka Cheap Medal Units worth buying (30-70 Medals) Native (30) MH-6s (60) Scientist Zombie (60) Rebel Mortar (60) Paratrooper (A bit of a risk, it becomes useless after early game) (40) Samurai Tank (30) Drill Slug (60) Airborne Melty Honey (70) Average Medal Units worth buying (80-180) Tar Man (100) SV-001 Experimental (100) Ring Laser Mecha (100) Hazmat Soldier (90) Sarubia Ver.PM (150) Di-Cokka Ver.PM (160) Girida-O Ver.PM (150) Clone Zombie Fio (100) LV Armor (120) Expensive Medal Units (180+) Special Force Biker (200) Protogunner (230) Slug Flyer (250) Augensterm (240) Hi-Do (400) Karn (220) Shoe (220) Iron Nokana (270) Iron Nokana Mk.II (280) Metal Rear (280) Patrol Bot (240) Commander (200) Jupiter King (300)
Thanks so much for the list!!! Its nice to know how there are so many units that are useful. I did not expect the game to be this well balanced. I thought there would only be several units that are worth getting. What's everyone's favorite unit?
What you say doesn't make sense. Even if I haven't upgraded anything, having reached my units limit in the game whacking the base for almost the full 99seconds without hardly any resistance and the opponents spawning any units, it wouldn't take 99 seconds. For that matter, I was fully upgraded I had a couple of Donald Mordens & Iron Nokana hitting the base for at least a good 60s minimum.
My favorite is the slug gunner.... its a good average unit.. a tank being able to melee leona and knock her back so my other units can finish her off.. also.. its minigun is better than any sv's vulcan since it shoots around 8 bullets I think? Its a decent unit.. Another one would be the ptolemaic slug.. having a sv's special as a regular attack comes in handy.. Also I just bought the lv armor.. And although it's an unit that seems to be weak.. has a short special ability cool down.. and has a cost of 80 ap and posses 2400 armor for an early unit seems to do fairly well.. a stack of them raining special is hilarious though xD Also jupiter king.. Its devastating laser helps to knock back the oppression.. helping you too gain terrain . But you got to protect him well.. if you do you might be able to stack them up xD
Yeah, I just purchased the ptolmaic slug and the spread damage is useful! So far have unlocked: Utan (level 20) Guerrilla Mortar (20) ptolmaic slug (20) R-Shobu (8) Iron Nokana MKI (7) In one game, someone spawned Leona. Embarrassingly, she took down my sandbag, mortar, and ptolmaic slug by herself LOL! Any strategy against her? How do you guys usually start the wifi matches? How many times do you upgrade the ap speed ? Do you build a small unit first or save for stronger ones?
Well.. I usually do 2.. depending on my partner.. if my partner starts sending units I do between 3 and 4 depending on how my partner is doing.. if I see he needs help I send an unit that might help him.. like the ptolemaic slug for example.. while he and my slug makes some damage I work on saving for my big hitters... but keep in mind.. this works best on long maps.. On smaller ones I do twice.. and cal me paranoid but I just wait for someone to spwn leona.. they usually always do.. if thats the case I do either two things... 1. I save up for the slug gunner.. if she gets to close he will punch her and knock her back.. and after that.. units spawning will go ahead and breath and take her out.. 2. Depending on my deck.. if I dont have the slug gunner.. I spawn cheap units all at once so I can at least knock her back.. but keep in mind.. dont send them when she is about to do special.. wait for the special.. then send either 2-4 units.. they will somehow manage to push her back.. I done it with the girida, bradley (with vulcan), lv armor.. On my other device.. I started from scratch.. and so far I managed to push leona with girida o, bradley (vulcan), and nadia, and sometimes that truck with the missiles I forgot its name... I usually send the bradley first since it diesnt flinch when attacked.. Another way I done it is when I see they spawned a leona.. I quickly send a shileded guerrilla.. and I try to keep her at bay so my partner sends units that can deal with her.. if done correctly your shielded guerrilla might even survive.. All you trying to do is cause her to flinch back.. if you done it.. she is dead.. once she flinches twice you know for sure one last shot will end her.. And if you have her... and your oponent does.. try to do the special first.. it will give you the upper hand...
Basically what you trying to do is send an unit that survives a lot.. and causes enough damage and gives you ap Btw.. when I'm in the process of upgrading ap when I'm around 3 to 4 upgrades.. If I see an r shobu being deployed.. I just save enough for the slug flyer.. i can't stand r shobus lol xD I literally don't.. I laugh evilish when I destroy them before they even fire their second or third rocket making their efforts a waste xD
Unlocking pow faster use black hound claw unit donkey slug. Wait till enemies soldiers attack your base with their knives then start deploying them. Usually POWs mostly released near your base. Max your sortie points msp.
Definitely Shoe and Karn as my one-two 700 AP heavy drop. Excellent HP, excellent knockback resistance (Able to withstand a Clone Fio / Zombie Marco's vomit laser, which is amazing) along with excellent high ranged firepower. Ofc, like all heavy units, they will need more shielding to maximize their potential. Need a caterpillar killed? Shoe and Karn. Augenstern? Shoe and Karn. Iron Nokanas? Shoe and Karn. Definitely the quickest wall killers out there. Stopping Leona is pretty tricky in your case, since I don't know anything about your deck. Posting your deck would be helpful for me and others to help you out. I used to run Leona in my deck, but her nerf made me put her away for the Hazmat Soldiers.
Panzer Army 2.0 So here's the updated Panzer Army, not much as changed, but the changes made are pretty significant. Hazmat Soldier (Early game spammable soldiers with anti-air specials) Robot Morden (Solid game-walls) Girida-O Ver.P.M (Semi-spammable high damage and hp tank) Patrol Bot (Mainly used for pushback, not damage) Di-Cokka Ver.P.M (High damage and hp tank with a bit of range) Black Hound (Rush sweeping special and basic anti-air) Karn (High damage and HP wall killer, with basic high damage anti-air) Shoe (High damage and HP wall killer, with basic high damage anti-air) Hi-Do (Nice safety first with amazing spread special) Donald Morden (Tie-breaker special that also sweeps all mortars soldiers) Some substitutes I sometimes use are: Girida-O for Hazmat Soldiers or Leona Jupiter King or Iron Nokana Mk.II for Hi-Do Metal Rear for Donald Morden
I used to spawn 2 mortars and 1 donkey/robo morden to stop Leona, just spawn a tanky unit to absorb the damage and some damage dealers behind it.
Wow, Big thanks to everyone on this forum for all the great advice. Hopefully, I eventually unlock enough stuff so I can play 2v2 with you guys. So far my deck in progress is Utan (Level 20) Guerrilla Mortar (20) Sandbag (20) Patrol robot (14) Ptolemaic slug (20) R-Shobu (13) Iron Nokana MK II (20) What should I save up for to complete the empty 3 slots (or switch out)? Btw I did not know shoe and karn were so good. I've been reading alot of guides and they were saying the production rate is too slow? Also, one last noob question haha.. So do all air units only last temporarily? I'm a bit confused about them. What units can actually attack air units and why bother to kill them if they only last for a while.
Shoe and Karn's production rate is the same as the Iron Nokana Mk.II now, they're the quickest producing Very Slow production unit. And they usually last until another batch of Karn/Shoe can get out. All air units are temporary (Hi-Do does not count!), but you want a dedicated anti-air, since air units does quite a bit of damage that could otherwise be easily avoided. Not having an anti-air practically letting your opponent hammer your face with you not doing anything about it. Best ground anti-air is the Black Hound and the Best air anti-air is the Slug Flyer (Also the only flying unit that has quite a bit of hp). For the last three slots, I would put in Black Hound for sure. For the last two, I would say you have a choice. (1.) Slug Flyer + Some heavy hitter (Jupiter King or Donald Morden) (550 Medals or 250 Medals if Donald Morden is used. 610 for lvl25 Slug Flyer and Jupiter, and 310 Medals for Lvl25 Slug Flyer and Donald Morden) This setup would make sure your skies are clear, helping you making a push in the long run. Jupiter King will hit knockback some units that has normal range. Donald Morden is the economical option and has a special that sweep any weak units and will win you a stalemate. (2.) Karn + Shoe (500 Medals total, Lvl25. Karn/Shoe is definitely needed) Overrated by me and definitely need a deck built around it, and the deck is not very noob-friendly (Skill and high medal units), but give them a whirl if you please, I'll be more than happy to help create another Karn/Shoe deck that maybe a noob friendly deck (3.) Hi-Do + Donald Morden (400 Medals, 430 for Lvl 25 Hi-Do) This is pretty popular one-two in Wi-Fi, and its pretty potent. They both have around the same cooldown, Hi-Do is a bit longer, which makes it awesome. Their specials allows for massive spread damage. It would be extra strong if you put in either Metal Rear or Jupiter, but I feel like I'm asking too much already. Unit you can replace: Sandbag. Sandbags are pretty pointless, although they seem quite good. It's just free AP in the early game and you definitely don't want to give your opponent free AP. Replacement list, the list is from top to below, varying on its importance. Robot Morden: You are missing that around 100AP unit and Robot Morden is a great pick for many reasons. One, he's free. Two, he doesn't get knocked back. Definitely the best free unit imo. Donkey Slug: Although nerfed, it fills in your no 100AP unit crisis. And weirdly enough, its special does have this anti-air effect. Great for protecting those utans, but be warned, the nerf does make it slightly worse than before. Elite Arabian Soldier: Another free unit I was going to do a review, but never got around doing (Maybe after this post? lol). Its HP is the same as the Claw Unit now, since the Claw Unit's HP got nerfed. However, the damage is definitely not the same, Claw Unit does a quite a bit more damage. Also the Claw's special does a bit more damage than the Soldier. But why choose the Elite Arabian Soldier over the Claw Unit? One, its production is fast, not slow like the Claw Unit. Two, its free. Three, its special dashes can intercept MSA (Metal Slug Attacks) and thats pretty huge, since MSA can determine games especially in 2v2. Now, I can give a lot more tips in 2v2 matchups, since I fare much better in that realm, although I like 1v1 also. PM me your email, and hoping we can get a match in! Unless you're not in android, which sucks then ;-;. Sorry for this loooonngggg post!
It's also worth pointing out that anything you kill gives you an AP boost. Even if an air unit has fired all its shots and is about to leave, it's generally in your bests interests to destroy it anyway. It probably goes without saying (as it's such a good all-rounder, early game especially), but the Claw Unit is highly effective against air units as well. The Donkey Slug's special has some very high-reaching splash damage, too.
It makes a lot more sense now. I think I am going to unlock the slug flyer next for the much needed anti-air support. Thanks Hyun for the offer, but I'll probably send a pm after I unlock more POW bonuses. Freeing all of them is taking me forever -_- Btw, I just switched from an iphone to an android. The MyTapjoy app doesn't seem to be working properly now. Do you guys have Metal Slug Defense listed in your MyTapjoy app? I can only do the offers I get in the game