FYI: I have to turn on my iCade, launch the game, press the home key out back to springboard and go back into MS3 for it to work. Works great after that. I did run into one problem last night, the iCade seemed sluggish, almost inputting the wrong buttons at a point. This was fixed by going to springboard, turning iCade off, then back on, hopping back into MS3. Odd. Never had this happen on iCade or iCade Mobile before. Still works though
And don't forget to look for alternate routes! Your purchase might encourage more to come out. This is seriously one of the better, most handcrafted ports on the iOS.
WOOHOO!!! Was FINALLY able to spend some time with this one today... and WOW!!! The game looks ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC on my iPad 2! Love the graphics! The controls are also pretty damn good... love that you can adjust them. I haven't run into any section where my fingers were covering up any of the gameplay areas to where I couldn't see what I was shooting at or where I was moving. Your character tends to stay pretty much in the middle of the screen (horizon-wise, not vertical...) The gameplay is fantastic... I'm totally psyched to be able to play this whenever I want now... laying in bed, in the car... every time I have 5 minutes. =oD
Full Retina (Scanlines Off, Filtering Disabled, 4:3 Enabled) Vasoline Enabled (Scanlines Off, Filtering Enabled, 4:3 Enabled) and my preferred way to play, for now: Full Retina w/Scanlines (Scanlines On (50%), Filtering Disabled, 4:3 Enabled) Just for the record, I think it's a mistake to show the vasoline enabled images on the app store, and there's a bug where your video settings will get reset when restarting the app.
Thanks for posting the pics. Saw Sumo's post and then got caught up. :/ Yeah, the third pic is basically how I play too, but I use 16:9 rather than 4:3. Oh, and DotEmu are aware of the settings bug and have said it would be taken care of in the first update.
Yeah, I just tried it out on my iPod this morning, and now see what you guys are talking about... =o/
Loving this game so far, but even on easy mode I'm getting my behind handed to me. I think easy mode gives you about 3 continues or so. Is there any way to increase the continues after they've been used up? Can't get past the third level! Help!
Thanks for posting pics of the different modes! So the Filtering ENABLED is an attempt to 'smooth' things out because the game is so pixelated?
$7. How many ps3/Xbox/PC/DS/3DS/PSP/PSVITA games could you buy with that... Hmmmmmmm None. You pay $50 for every new console game I play no complaints..
I was waiting for the price to water down for a bit, but I guess there is no indication of that happening soon. Oh well, plenty of other time wasters around to fiddle with. (I wanna play this)
Agreed... I'd have been content paying $15... Maybe more... Totally lovin it. I hope it sells well and they port over more titles from the series. =oD
Same here! I am willing to pay $7 if they can relaunch their metal slug touch with better control schemes and the ability to get out the tank. But this, I love it Wish it had online MP though...
Yeah, online MP would be great... Just got a chance to play co-op with my nephew... Was a blast, but he sucks. Hope I can find someone decent to play with... Too bad none of my co-workers are willing to spend $$ on iOS games.
That's the thing, most of my friends have a smartphone but none are hardcore gamers. They like angry birds and such instead