Metal Music for your Games

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by carrytheone, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. carrytheone

    carrytheone Active Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Free-range Game Developer
    Brisbane, Australia

    For all those developing action games I thought it worth mentioning that Severed Fifth are a really great California-based metal band who release their music under a Creative Commons Share-Alike license. Now, my non-expert opinion is that Share-Alike is not strictly compatible with a closed-source, commercially released app, but I could be wrong (anyone have any thoughts on this?).

    Either way the band were all too happy to give me explicit permission to use their music for free. So while I can't speak for them, I would say it's worthwhile contacting them about it (@severedfifth or grab contact details at cos they might just like the idea.

    Being metal there are plenty of long intros and other instrumental bits to choose from. Plus they now have a forum thread asking what they can do to make it easier for developers to use Severed Fifth music in their games so if you have any input or questions I'm sure they'd love to hear it.

    You can sample their music directly from their releases page.


  2. NinjaGeorge

    NinjaGeorge Active Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    That's awesome and very interesting. I love metal music in games. Now I'm tempted to add a Severed Fith Faction to Trouble In Tin Town. :)

    - Mike

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