haha no kidding. Gameloft seems to be playing the market like they are making tons of money at full prices. Last time I checked, MC2 was the only one that is still visibly in the top 200 charts consistently (actually almost always). You have to wonder where they are making all their money from. Maybe that xperia exclusive thing payed off (yeah right).
During this sale I managed to pick up Space Miner HD, Sacred Odyssey HD, House of Mice and Cubed Rally Racer. I just wish I could've picked up more gameloft games. Oh well, there's always the 4th of July sale.
Pssh, whatever, there's no 4th of July in MY country, the day is no big event in MY city, you guys are lame for waiting for a holiday for sales, blah blah blah parent's basement blah blah blah. Totally calling it, nothing will go on sale, maybe some small stuff, but that'll just be a coincidence. Spoiler now THAT'S snark. the moar you know!
Sucks to be you then.. We Enjoy those holidays. with or without sales. Now go back and hide under your rock.
um.... noun /ˈsärˌkazəm/ sarcasms, plural The use of irony to mock or convey contempt - his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment
Well good news folks, anyone that missed or procrastinated too long on the ea sales has a little longer: From their twitter account:One more day of great savings! We've extended the #MemorialDaySale until 9pm tonight just for you! http://bit.ly/kTVdsb