Is it customary for the App Store to experience Memorial Day sales? Any excuse to market the product, I guess...
Nothing much on sale.. You spoke too soon. I've noticed that they only usually discount for big holidays like Xmas,Easter, valentines day.. Are the biggest ones.. The rest are all small random sales. So much is free around christmas. I think I got: rayman, slice it, cat physics, sunday lawn, geared 1 and 2, tiki totems 2, sheepernova, sheeple, cows in space, farm break, finger physics, cover orange, heaps more.. Was like free app heaven..
It's probably a good bet that we'll see some sales from EA, Capcom, Gameloft, Namco, Sega, and some indies. Probably nothing spectacular but you never know. Seems like sales are becoming larger and more commonplace all the time.
it's ok...there are so many games releases today I doubt I would have money for these hypothetical sales
I'm always sensitive towards those words like "sales" and "free". just let it be more ferocious and free my budget for more apps. lol
There will probably be a few small sales. I would expect we'll see much bigger ones come Independence Day.
More related to release than Memorial Day, but Neuroshima Hex just got two new IAP armies, on sale for $0.99 each for a limited time... Neuroshima Hex Puzzle is on sale (again) for $0.99 as well, though I'd highly recommend the board game to the puzzle game if you only get one of them. (They're both good though!) Rise of the Triad went on sale ($0.99) for the new Duke Nukem game's release. NLOG MIDI Synth went on sale for $1.99.
Seriously considering Rise of the Triad and that NLOG MIDI Synth. What do you think of the NLOG, Dr. Elbs?
A Sale has been Commanded The Dev'orn High Regent wishes to inform you that to honor the untold billions lost on the battlefields in Vincere Totus Astrum (a Casual 4x Game Developed by Gamesare Studios), That he has sent a Regiment of De'Shzz'orn attack troopers to The Developer's home and forced him to lower the price 50% of the game. Which will start on the 27th and end on the 31st of May. $1.99 to $0.99) His most high Regent also wishes all Humans despite there apparent weakness and futility of existence a pleasant holiday weekend. LONG LIVE THE DEV'ORN EMPIRE!
Don't thank me, thank the Dev'orn Regent of The Hierarchy, His troopers are in my office till the sale is over.
Well the big one finally hit, EA has dropped prices on pretty much all thier games. Personally with the new deadspace update out, seems like a steal at that price, NBA Jam HD is on sale but not the .99 everyone was hoping for. Happy pickings!
Damn. Life still isn't on for 99 cents. $2.99, although cheaper, just isn't enough for that game. NBA Jam, however... hmm... $2.99 would be much better
And on schedule, down go the usual Namco suspects (Pac Man games to 1.99, Pole Position, Star Trigon, Tamagotchi etc. to .99) surprise, but there it is.