Well, this took WAY too long! The "traffic" was fairly easy, but the logs went through quite a few iterations. The logs are a bit trickier than expected, as they seem to spring back into position rather than wait to be pushed back, but it's still passable. I think the springiness is because I'm using sliders without rails to steady the logs (they kept popping out of place otherwise) but not sure if I can make it work if I add rails.
Funny and a great idea! OMG, that's insane! I can't stop watching the little logs go back-n-forth. Brilliant Rails only affect the slider's range. I believe the springiness is from sliders trying to snap to the nearest voxel. I don't know what to do about that level. In an act of (despe/inspi)ration I turned it upside down. That better?
I think the original Double Hammer is still my favourite. It's OK to have some tougher levels towards the end, IMO. The issue I had with the newer version could be solved relatively easily by starting the Yellow bot an extra square away from the hammer, but Haven't managed to complete Balance Bot yet but will try again later. Like a lot of the levels I imagine building, Frogger would've been a lot easier if there was a piston-type item. Perhaps a slider that automatically slides back and forth along its rail?
I meant to mention, I was showing this to my daughter yesterday while waiting for my kids' taekwondo lesson to start. Within about 2 minutes, I literally had a crowd of 4-7 year olds around me wanting to watch or have a go. I had to put it away so the lesson could start!
IPod 6 beta testing this, gotta say well done! The robot controls work perfect, kinda wish the camera panning and zooming was better and rotation was free moving seems to rotate and lock etc.. We supposed to fall off the puzzles? 0.0
As The Great Escaper said, level 27 need to be fixed, I walked straight to the Finish, this is just a reminder.
Is it the automatic movement you're after? (Sort of like how the motor becomes automatic when not draggable?) Or would a piston function differently from a slider? Lol! Wish I'd seen it :ยด) Glad to hear! I sacrificed multi-touch orbit + walk/drag today, which makes pan/zoom much better because the input is no longer ambiguous. I'm sure everyone will now wish multi-touch back I added free orbit today, will add it as a menu option tomorrow. B makes up for being clumsy by having a big heart. Metaphorically. Fixed. I'm fixing all the things before next TestFlight update. I like how it's not very hard, yet you still have to play many times before you learn to do all the actions in the right order. And the satisfaction of the toss landing perfectly... I did enjoy it! A little trickier than I first thought
Yeah, exactly. Something that will automatically slide back and forth. I think free orbit will be essential without the multi-touch. That's what I was going for. I've had the toss in mind for ages but hadn't thought of a way to fit it into a broader level. Yeah. Looks a lot more finished than most of my levels too!
Fun level Mr.Bez, didn't realise what I was doing until try number 20 or so and than it came to me, clever I must say. Clever is what this whole game is about, I really like the book like menu and the card system with QR code, very clever, never seen this in an IOS game, I think and hope many people will like this.
Oh good. I prefer levels where the difficult part is working out what to do, not actually doing it. That said, I think this one is definitely the other sort of level!
If anyone's got any ideas on how to turn this into a level, please do! Also, minor bug report: select the card to add a new level. Give it a different name, add something to the level and save it. Now tap the new level card again and note that your new level has the same name as the last one.
It's Zelda so I think some red robots with the electric thing on their body to avoid them for starters. Have no clue otherwise, as I said earlier I am a gamer no level designer ha ha, those three levels I made where hard enough for me to think of. Level 38 from Martin is too hard for me, don't know where to start switching all the switches.
Simple but effective. I had tried putting red bots in his eye sockets, but immediately removed them as I thought it looked too creepy!
Is there a trick for the Modern Art level, got 4 blocks lined up, not straight, but zig zag, not getting any further though, it's killing me.
Thanks Mr.Bez got it, but I still don't understand the level ha ha, must be me. Shock Shuffle I got to try that one another day, this is one of the harder levels as well.