Now this is interesting. I was stuck on level 20 for about two days and I did level 21 on my first attempt. I hope this isn't a spoiler, but the solution is related to doing a wild panicky double-jump in the gaps. At least, that worked for me!
Assuming you know where the idol is: Spoiler start up on the idol ledge(you can collect the idol without falling down) and start running behind the arrow traveling from the right. Double jump when you're under the low-ceiling to stay above the arrow coming from the left. Double jump again under the high ceiling to make it over both arrows. You should be able to make it to the end before an arrow from the left comes out. Nice and reliable. Should get it within a few tries.
The next batch of 10 new Meganoid 2 levels is on it's way.. waiting for Apple's approval, so it should be there long before the holidays you'll want to bring a towel for these levels !
No, it's not a bad thing. It's a terrible thing. No skill, just dying and remembering for a few seconds. A goldfish could play this by thrashing around on the touch screen. Loved the first game, this is totally horrible.
Yeah, that's great until you have to jump blind down an enormous hole with no possible way of knowing what's at the bottom, or a rock drops on you from OFFSCREEN.
Those rocks... They poke down from the ceiling before you trigger them by passing by... And those 'blind' jumps... You're always supposed to save one of your jumps when falling down them.
and the new levels are now live on iOS ! Grab a towel, and good luck! -
Maybe you should work more on your spatial awareness, and less on advertising to the world that you're just not very good at video games; if you actually had skill, you wouldn't need to rely on memorisation and constant restarting. All of the hidden instant-death type traps in this game have subtle visual cues, and the traps that aren't instant-death (drops, boulders, etc.) always give you time to react and escape them. Given your post history, though, it appears you only registered for the TA forums in order to bitch and moan about everything you can possibly think of. Knock it off.
I wish there was a way to skip a level. I'm still stuck on 21. For me it is pretty much impossible. So I loved this through 20, but now I don't play it. Let me skip the level and I'll at least try 22....
Ha ha thats the stage i'm stuck on ! Half of me loves this game, but the original Meganoid i found more 'friendlier'. Saying that i played Stardash tons and completed it. Some of the later levels were more like 'rhythm games' as you had to do a jump at a certain time/spot over and over'. But yeah level 21 i'm getting fed up with it ! I think there needs to be an 'easy' level which gives us more time. A few times i've got close to the exit but the time has gone. I mean granted you dont want to make the games too easy as people will moan their 69p game was completed in an hour, on the other hand if its too tricky people simply think 'meh' and move onto another game. Difficult to get the right balance.