Mega Tank is now available on the App Store. iPad and iPhone. Game Gardeners is proud to announce the launch of our first game!! We are a micro indie dev team, and we are immensely excited to finally get the game out to the App Store and let fans enjoy it! Mega Tank highlights: -See how far you can go and how many robots you can destroy!!! -Action and Strategy Gameplay -Endless Runner + Castle Defense -Customizable Tank. Build it up and decorate it the way you want! -Use Weapons like saw blades, flamethrowers, mortars, grenade launchers, cannons, Gatling guns, lasers, missile launchers, smashers, heat rays, and chain lightning to destroy everything in your path! -Three starting -endless- Battles including Bot City, Electro Lotus Jungle, and Metal Desert. Each endless battle has unique enemies, challenging Checkpoint sequences, and a boss battle that gets more and more difficult as Mega Tank rolls further! -Evil robot bosses, including the Mega Robo-Chicken, Not-So-Mega Tank and the Hellzacopter -Share Video Replays and show off your tanks crushing power -iCloud to save progress and share across devices -Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards -Collectible Weapon System featuring the Machine Gun Nukinator -Power-Ups to help the tank through difficult sections including Boost Packs, Shields, Repair Kits, Finger-Of-Death, the Death Ray weapon and many others. -Crane Game to collect weapon pieces, win continues, power-ups and extra scrap!!! -Music by MaXXX -Whimsical art and style of Poor Al Link to it on the store here: Trailer here: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Mega Tank Game Gardeners “The sheer carnage that you can unleash is just too much fun.” – Touch Arcade Earthmart Corporation wants to recycle th… TouchArcade Rating: Free Buy Now Watch Media Details“The sheer carnage that you can unleash is just too much fun.” – Touch Arcade Earthmart Corporation wants to recycle the old robots to create new model shiny high tech versions. But there is one thing standing in the way of their devious plan to press you into an iron pancake... your ride...Mega Tank. -Action and Strategy Gameplay -Endless Runner + Castle Defense -Customizable Tank. Build it up and decorate it the way you want! -Use Weapons like saw blades, flamethrowers, mortars, grenade launchers, cannons, gatling guns, lasers, missile launchers, smashers, heat rays, and chain lightning to destroy everything in your path! -Three starting Battles including Bot City, Electro Lotus Jungle, and Metal Desert -Background gradient colors change based on time of day for nearly endless variety -Evil robot bosses, including the Mega Robo-Chicken, Not-So-Mega Tank and the Helzacopter -Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards -Collectible Weapon System to form the unstoppable Machine Gun Nukinator -Power-Ups to help the tank through rough patches including Boost Packs, Finger-Of-Death, and the Death Ray weapon among a host of others. -Share Epic Replays -Crane Game to collect weapon pieces, win continues, and extra scrap -Music by MaXXX -Art by Poor Al Build up the stack-able death machine Mega Tank, crush the enemy beneath your weight, and roll until the treads fall off. If you run into the zero health bug, please just hard quit the app and restart. It will fix the issue. For any issues please e:mail [email protected] Information Seller:Game Gardeners Genre:Action, Strategy Release:May 24, 2016 Updated:Jan 04, 2017 Version:1.1.6 Size:162.9 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (3) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Attached Files: cbs_actionshot1.jpg File size: 395.6 KB Views: 7 cbs_actionshot2.jpg File size: 409.3 KB Views: 7 cbs_titlescreen2.jpg File size: 354.6 KB Views: 6 cbs_armory.jpg File size: 416.7 KB Views: 5 cbs_cranegame.jpg File size: 411.9 KB Views: 5 Galvaude Active Member Jan 31, 2015 29 0 0 #2 Galvaude, May 26, 2016 Enjoying this so far. LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #3 LordShad0wz, May 26, 2016 Yeeee haaaaaa! For IPhone now? Bring it on! Billy Jayg2015 Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2015 3,734 41 48 Male Player 1 Liberty city #4 Jayg2015, May 26, 2016 Finally zombieland Well-Known Member Sep 30, 2009 52 0 0 Designer and Artist #5 zombieland, May 26, 2016 Billy- Yes, definitely iPhone now!! Galvaude- Excellent! We appreciate the feedback and are really glad you are enjoying it so far! Jayg2015- Yes... -finally-. We feel the same way! Hope you enjoy it! LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #6 LordShad0wz, May 26, 2016 Ok, A few questions. I plan to do a review but I need to really give the game a full shake down first. When in the armory, it's not really explained what weapons I can use and where. Perhaps I missed it? There's four outlined blocks on the tank. Can I use weapons on those whit squares? Are all the weapons manual or is there any that will fire automatically so I can concentrate on others? Can you please add a scrap doubler in app purchase. People such as myself won't purchase consumable IAP but I will purchase a currency doubler that will let me play the game to earn the rest. The IAP prices are pretty high to be honest as well. Also do you earn those gold cogs by playing it are they purchase only? I was only able to view two ads before it said there were no more available. You need to check your ad network there's a problem there. That's it for now. It's a fun game so far. I'm just trying to figure things out here. I'd be happy to make a purchase if you put in a scrap doubler. Billy orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #7 orangecan, May 26, 2016 I quite like both the idea and the mechanics, but I do have a few issues with It so far 1. The cost of the equipment/upgrades - I'm struggling to get past about checkpoint 5 at the moment despite having upgraded both my weapons once but the amount of cash you earn versus the price of equipment seems to me like there's a great deal of grinding to do. Also I struggled to see any difference in the effectiveness of my weapons after the upgrade. 2. Explanation of weapons/locations - I spent over 1000 on a mortar, thought I'd just equip it in the empty slot at the top but it won't let me and it's completely useless as a primary weapon. 3. Explanation of what the lucky debris does - I finish my game, try the lucky dip, win something (including a continue at one point), close the screen and it's game over. I'm going to persevere with it for a bit but unless I'm missing something fundamental I'm not sure I can deal with the grind. LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #8 LordShad0wz, May 26, 2016 This is exactly why I haven't purchased anything. You didn't find any explanations either? They need to explain what goes where and what does what. The game desperately needs a scrap doubler IAP as well. Billy LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #9 LordShad0wz, May 26, 2016 This is exactly why I haven't purchased anything. You didn't find any explanations either? They need to explain what goes where and what does what. The game desperately needs a scrap doubler IAP as well. I wish I could have beta tested this. I would have definitely brought this all up. Billy zombieland Well-Known Member Sep 30, 2009 52 0 0 Designer and Artist #10 zombieland, May 26, 2016 Billy- Some answers for you here!! Yes, weapons differ. Some are 'auto' fire. (most auto fire). Some are manual like the Sniper Rifle or the Ground Weapons (like the Sawblade). Choice to not add more text to explain was basically a menu choice. We could/should have had pop-ups appear or an (i) bubble that person can touch to get even more info on a weapon. We also felt that 'discovery' was part of the game. So figuring out which weapons you like and don't and which are auto-fire/not was supposed to be part of the experimentation and fun. Noted though that we could give more information. Noted about pricing of the IAP. To answer your Q, Golden Gears are earned in the Lucky Scrap game. We have a Power-up for Scrap Doubling, but not a full IAP to do it. Also noted that this might make a good IAP to add to it. Thanks for the heads up about the videos. Seems like we need to add more providers of video ads or they need to get more ads for us. Good to know though that people are running out of ads to be served to them. Really appreciate the feedback here!!! Thanks again for taking the time with the game! -Al (from Game Gardeners) mj132 Well-Known Member Oct 2, 2013 354 5 18 United Kingdom #11 mj132, May 26, 2016 Give this a quick go on my old 5s but I need to try it on my 6s+ or ipad mini as I can't read the text on the smaller screen so I have even less clue about what to do, but I will give it a few more goes on the larger screen, as I do like it so far zombieland Well-Known Member Sep 30, 2009 52 0 0 Designer and Artist #12 zombieland, May 26, 2016 Some answers to your Q's. First, thanks for the feedback. Good to hear what people like and don't and we're open to the feedback! Much appreciated! 1. Noted on the costs of items. Some are expensive because they are in fact 'that much better'. Some of the upgrades are also pretty expensive because once you get a Level 3, Level 4 weapon of any type they get pretty lethal. We will take a look at the pricing though and see what we can do. 2. Understood on the need for explanations. We assumed people would like to noodle around with the weapons, but see that people don't want to grind to find out they don't like something. Useful to have an info pop-up for each weapon. And yes, the Mortar is a much better secondary weapon than primary. I use it as the 2nd weapon on the stack 3. So Lucky Scrap allows you to play that Crane Game. If you got a Continue it definitely should have let you 'continue' on your current run. The purpose of the Crane Game is to a) Get Continues b) Get More lucky scrap c) get Golden Gears d) get scrap e) get power-ups and f) get Machine Gun Nukinator parts. If you collect all the parts for that you get to use it in a battle (until the ammo runs out). It's a deadly weapon and can change the outcome of any hard Checkpoint run by just crushing the enemies wholesale! For the difficulty. We recommend you upgrade the 'body' and get the free Flaming Arrow Gat Cannon immediately. Uprading that and the body will take you a long way. Grinding to the '2nd stack' also is a good way to progress. When you have that Mortar armed with the Flaming Arrow, you can do some damage! We actually had gotten feedback the game was too easy during Beta testing so part of what you are feeling was that increase of difficulty to make the game more of a challenge. Noted however that we can probably reduce it a bit and find a better happy medium. Thanks again for the feedback and hopefully you are able to advance and keep enjoying the game and weapons! -Al (from Game Gardeners) zombieland Well-Known Member Sep 30, 2009 52 0 0 Designer and Artist #13 zombieland, May 26, 2016 Yes, truth is it's hard to see on a smaller screen. (I have played it on everything of course and I prefer the larger screens for sure). It runs great on a 6+ as well as the iPad Mini. (much of the game was developed on a Mini so the experience there is pretty good as long as you aren't running too many other apps and causing memory issues.) Thanks again for the feedback and hopefully you get to enjoy it on the larger screens!! -Al (from Game Gardeners) zombieland Well-Known Member Sep 30, 2009 52 0 0 Designer and Artist #14 zombieland, May 26, 2016 Definitely will look at adding more 'information' to the menus for sure!! Also the scrap doubler IAP is a great idea so we'll also take a look at adding that! If you're interested in Beta testing other apps, I actually work on a bunch of different stuff and would love to keep in touch with you for future Beta testing!! Thanks again for the feedback! orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #15 orangecan, May 26, 2016 Thanks very much for the reply, I thought that upgrading the body might be the way to go but the grind needed for the 4000 seems just a bit too Grindy. In terms of weapon explanations my problem with it was the fact that I bought the mortar not realising that I needed to upgrade the body before I could fit it. I saw the empty slot on the top and assumed I could drag and use the mortar onto it. I think the actual info about the weapons themselves is pretty good. I'm still not sure about the lucky dip! I get the concept but I did on one occasion get a continue and I just exited out of the screen and it went back to game over. I do like the game and I hope I've the patience to get the body upgrade - I would pay for a doubler if one was offered cos it's good fun. LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #16 LordShad0wz, May 26, 2016 Can you just tell us here what we can use where so I can plan things out? Can we use those four white outlined areas for weapons? Are any of the weapons automatic so we can concentrate using other weapons? What weapons can be used in which slot? Please help us out here. I'm glad you would add a scrap doubler. I'll definitely buy it. Billy zombieland Well-Known Member Sep 30, 2009 52 0 0 Designer and Artist #17 zombieland, May 27, 2016 Billy- Sure Np. Here are some explanations for how the slots on the tank work. At Game Start: Ground Weapon - Bottom Square Ground Weapons Only- All are manual use except for the Flame Thrower. Weapon Slot 1 Direct, Area, Indirect and Conglomerate Weapons Body Can be upgraded for more HP on the tank Chassis This upgrades the tank and adds a 'stack' Stack 2 Tank (unlock 2nd story of tank via Chassis Upgrade. Also Unlocks Battle 2.) Weapon Slot 2 2nd slot for weapon Direct, Area, Indirect and Conglomerate Weapons Auto Gun 1 The place to mount this is unlocked with the 2nd stack tank. Buying this arms Mega Tank with a weapon that auto fires at flying enemies that come too close. Power Up Slots 3 and 4 The 2nd stack adds 2 more Power-Up Slots to be filled. Stack 3 Tank (unlock 3rd story of tank via Chassis Upgrade. Also Unlocks Battle 3.) Weapon Slot 3 3rd slot for weapon Direct, Area, Indirect and Conglomerate Weapons Auto Gun 2 2nd Auto Gun mount slot. Can buy this to add 2nd Autogun. Both of them are upgradeable to do more damage. Power Up Slots 5 and 6 The 3rd stack adds 2 more power-up slots for a total of 6. Decorations can be placed in a couple of set locations. More decorations slots unlock as the player stacks the tank. Let me know if you have any more Q's about the slots!! Will explain weapons and some weapon strat in another post in a little while! -Al zombieland Well-Known Member Sep 30, 2009 52 0 0 Designer and Artist #18 zombieland, May 27, 2016 Just to confirm. The first Body upgrade should be 2000. (Please let us know if you are seeing 4000, because that would be a bug). The prices for the body upgrades should be: 2000, 8300, 12500, 20000. 2000 should not be too bad of a grind if you save your scrap on a couple of runs. (don't repair if you can help it and it will allow you to save the scrap quickly. sure.. you won't go as far but that's not really your goal on those runs if you are trying to keep/gain scrap!!) The scrap also will drop very quickly once you get to the 2nd and 3rd Battles. The enemy count/difficulty goes up and so does the scrap return from those. Got it on the 'slot' explanation needed. I can see how it looks like you could arm a 2nd weapon already when you in fact can only have 1 armed for a single stack tank. On the Lucky Scrap game. If you got a Continue, and it brought up the dialog to 'continue' and then didn't, that is definitely a bug. If you get a Continue it should definitely let you continue in the game if you accept the dialog afterwards. Please let us know if you continue to have issues with that!! (clearly we want to fix that if people are having an issue with the Continues in there.) Glad you are enjoying the game and thanks again for the feedback! Really exciting to see people playing it and enjoying the game! LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #19 LordShad0wz, May 27, 2016 I really love the artwork of this game. I just want to emphasize this. The tank itself and the background is fantastic. Whoever did the artwork is really good. Billy zombieland Well-Known Member Sep 30, 2009 52 0 0 Designer and Artist #20 zombieland, May 28, 2016 Billy!! Thank you! I did the art work. The tank and style of the game come from my fine and street art career. I have been doing murals for a very long time (on the street), and also started doing some fine art in 1999. (and have since) I rarely got to do art in any games I worked on. Always was a Producer and Designer but never an artist. If you want to see more of the artwork and robots, check out Really appreciate the compliment about the art!! -Al (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 4 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Billy- Yes, definitely iPhone now!! Galvaude- Excellent! We appreciate the feedback and are really glad you are enjoying it so far! Jayg2015- Yes... -finally-. We feel the same way! Hope you enjoy it!
Ok, A few questions. I plan to do a review but I need to really give the game a full shake down first. When in the armory, it's not really explained what weapons I can use and where. Perhaps I missed it? There's four outlined blocks on the tank. Can I use weapons on those whit squares? Are all the weapons manual or is there any that will fire automatically so I can concentrate on others? Can you please add a scrap doubler in app purchase. People such as myself won't purchase consumable IAP but I will purchase a currency doubler that will let me play the game to earn the rest. The IAP prices are pretty high to be honest as well. Also do you earn those gold cogs by playing it are they purchase only? I was only able to view two ads before it said there were no more available. You need to check your ad network there's a problem there. That's it for now. It's a fun game so far. I'm just trying to figure things out here. I'd be happy to make a purchase if you put in a scrap doubler. Billy
I quite like both the idea and the mechanics, but I do have a few issues with It so far 1. The cost of the equipment/upgrades - I'm struggling to get past about checkpoint 5 at the moment despite having upgraded both my weapons once but the amount of cash you earn versus the price of equipment seems to me like there's a great deal of grinding to do. Also I struggled to see any difference in the effectiveness of my weapons after the upgrade. 2. Explanation of weapons/locations - I spent over 1000 on a mortar, thought I'd just equip it in the empty slot at the top but it won't let me and it's completely useless as a primary weapon. 3. Explanation of what the lucky debris does - I finish my game, try the lucky dip, win something (including a continue at one point), close the screen and it's game over. I'm going to persevere with it for a bit but unless I'm missing something fundamental I'm not sure I can deal with the grind.
This is exactly why I haven't purchased anything. You didn't find any explanations either? They need to explain what goes where and what does what. The game desperately needs a scrap doubler IAP as well. Billy
This is exactly why I haven't purchased anything. You didn't find any explanations either? They need to explain what goes where and what does what. The game desperately needs a scrap doubler IAP as well. I wish I could have beta tested this. I would have definitely brought this all up. Billy
Billy- Some answers for you here!! Yes, weapons differ. Some are 'auto' fire. (most auto fire). Some are manual like the Sniper Rifle or the Ground Weapons (like the Sawblade). Choice to not add more text to explain was basically a menu choice. We could/should have had pop-ups appear or an (i) bubble that person can touch to get even more info on a weapon. We also felt that 'discovery' was part of the game. So figuring out which weapons you like and don't and which are auto-fire/not was supposed to be part of the experimentation and fun. Noted though that we could give more information. Noted about pricing of the IAP. To answer your Q, Golden Gears are earned in the Lucky Scrap game. We have a Power-up for Scrap Doubling, but not a full IAP to do it. Also noted that this might make a good IAP to add to it. Thanks for the heads up about the videos. Seems like we need to add more providers of video ads or they need to get more ads for us. Good to know though that people are running out of ads to be served to them. Really appreciate the feedback here!!! Thanks again for taking the time with the game! -Al (from Game Gardeners)
Give this a quick go on my old 5s but I need to try it on my 6s+ or ipad mini as I can't read the text on the smaller screen so I have even less clue about what to do, but I will give it a few more goes on the larger screen, as I do like it so far
Some answers to your Q's. First, thanks for the feedback. Good to hear what people like and don't and we're open to the feedback! Much appreciated! 1. Noted on the costs of items. Some are expensive because they are in fact 'that much better'. Some of the upgrades are also pretty expensive because once you get a Level 3, Level 4 weapon of any type they get pretty lethal. We will take a look at the pricing though and see what we can do. 2. Understood on the need for explanations. We assumed people would like to noodle around with the weapons, but see that people don't want to grind to find out they don't like something. Useful to have an info pop-up for each weapon. And yes, the Mortar is a much better secondary weapon than primary. I use it as the 2nd weapon on the stack 3. So Lucky Scrap allows you to play that Crane Game. If you got a Continue it definitely should have let you 'continue' on your current run. The purpose of the Crane Game is to a) Get Continues b) Get More lucky scrap c) get Golden Gears d) get scrap e) get power-ups and f) get Machine Gun Nukinator parts. If you collect all the parts for that you get to use it in a battle (until the ammo runs out). It's a deadly weapon and can change the outcome of any hard Checkpoint run by just crushing the enemies wholesale! For the difficulty. We recommend you upgrade the 'body' and get the free Flaming Arrow Gat Cannon immediately. Uprading that and the body will take you a long way. Grinding to the '2nd stack' also is a good way to progress. When you have that Mortar armed with the Flaming Arrow, you can do some damage! We actually had gotten feedback the game was too easy during Beta testing so part of what you are feeling was that increase of difficulty to make the game more of a challenge. Noted however that we can probably reduce it a bit and find a better happy medium. Thanks again for the feedback and hopefully you are able to advance and keep enjoying the game and weapons! -Al (from Game Gardeners)
Yes, truth is it's hard to see on a smaller screen. (I have played it on everything of course and I prefer the larger screens for sure). It runs great on a 6+ as well as the iPad Mini. (much of the game was developed on a Mini so the experience there is pretty good as long as you aren't running too many other apps and causing memory issues.) Thanks again for the feedback and hopefully you get to enjoy it on the larger screens!! -Al (from Game Gardeners)
Definitely will look at adding more 'information' to the menus for sure!! Also the scrap doubler IAP is a great idea so we'll also take a look at adding that! If you're interested in Beta testing other apps, I actually work on a bunch of different stuff and would love to keep in touch with you for future Beta testing!! Thanks again for the feedback!
Thanks very much for the reply, I thought that upgrading the body might be the way to go but the grind needed for the 4000 seems just a bit too Grindy. In terms of weapon explanations my problem with it was the fact that I bought the mortar not realising that I needed to upgrade the body before I could fit it. I saw the empty slot on the top and assumed I could drag and use the mortar onto it. I think the actual info about the weapons themselves is pretty good. I'm still not sure about the lucky dip! I get the concept but I did on one occasion get a continue and I just exited out of the screen and it went back to game over. I do like the game and I hope I've the patience to get the body upgrade - I would pay for a doubler if one was offered cos it's good fun.
Can you just tell us here what we can use where so I can plan things out? Can we use those four white outlined areas for weapons? Are any of the weapons automatic so we can concentrate using other weapons? What weapons can be used in which slot? Please help us out here. I'm glad you would add a scrap doubler. I'll definitely buy it. Billy
Billy- Sure Np. Here are some explanations for how the slots on the tank work. At Game Start: Ground Weapon - Bottom Square Ground Weapons Only- All are manual use except for the Flame Thrower. Weapon Slot 1 Direct, Area, Indirect and Conglomerate Weapons Body Can be upgraded for more HP on the tank Chassis This upgrades the tank and adds a 'stack' Stack 2 Tank (unlock 2nd story of tank via Chassis Upgrade. Also Unlocks Battle 2.) Weapon Slot 2 2nd slot for weapon Direct, Area, Indirect and Conglomerate Weapons Auto Gun 1 The place to mount this is unlocked with the 2nd stack tank. Buying this arms Mega Tank with a weapon that auto fires at flying enemies that come too close. Power Up Slots 3 and 4 The 2nd stack adds 2 more Power-Up Slots to be filled. Stack 3 Tank (unlock 3rd story of tank via Chassis Upgrade. Also Unlocks Battle 3.) Weapon Slot 3 3rd slot for weapon Direct, Area, Indirect and Conglomerate Weapons Auto Gun 2 2nd Auto Gun mount slot. Can buy this to add 2nd Autogun. Both of them are upgradeable to do more damage. Power Up Slots 5 and 6 The 3rd stack adds 2 more power-up slots for a total of 6. Decorations can be placed in a couple of set locations. More decorations slots unlock as the player stacks the tank. Let me know if you have any more Q's about the slots!! Will explain weapons and some weapon strat in another post in a little while! -Al
Just to confirm. The first Body upgrade should be 2000. (Please let us know if you are seeing 4000, because that would be a bug). The prices for the body upgrades should be: 2000, 8300, 12500, 20000. 2000 should not be too bad of a grind if you save your scrap on a couple of runs. (don't repair if you can help it and it will allow you to save the scrap quickly. sure.. you won't go as far but that's not really your goal on those runs if you are trying to keep/gain scrap!!) The scrap also will drop very quickly once you get to the 2nd and 3rd Battles. The enemy count/difficulty goes up and so does the scrap return from those. Got it on the 'slot' explanation needed. I can see how it looks like you could arm a 2nd weapon already when you in fact can only have 1 armed for a single stack tank. On the Lucky Scrap game. If you got a Continue, and it brought up the dialog to 'continue' and then didn't, that is definitely a bug. If you get a Continue it should definitely let you continue in the game if you accept the dialog afterwards. Please let us know if you continue to have issues with that!! (clearly we want to fix that if people are having an issue with the Continues in there.) Glad you are enjoying the game and thanks again for the feedback! Really exciting to see people playing it and enjoying the game!
I really love the artwork of this game. I just want to emphasize this. The tank itself and the background is fantastic. Whoever did the artwork is really good. Billy
Billy!! Thank you! I did the art work. The tank and style of the game come from my fine and street art career. I have been doing murals for a very long time (on the street), and also started doing some fine art in 1999. (and have since) I rarely got to do art in any games I worked on. Always was a Producer and Designer but never an artist. If you want to see more of the artwork and robots, check out Really appreciate the compliment about the art!! -Al