Since you can't move some stores like the Helipad and Subway if I delete them will I be able to buy them again?
Action -> Hire staff You have to fire your previous employee to hire a new one for floors 1-4 though.
I'm also wondering-- why do you only have one set of stairs and escalators? The game lets you have two sets of each.
Heres a pic of my tower at the end of the 15 years I unlocked most stores not all and was number 1. There some empty spaces but I just kept playing to unlock the other stuff.
What's playing the game like AFTER the 15 years are up? Does it still have interest? Or is it just like, printscreen it and start again...?
I've build the kids combo on the same floor but it doesn't show up. Spend $1500 moving all the buildings to one floor but it doesn't work!
Menu--> Build ---> Remove and tap on the stairs. If there's a store or facility that's behind the stairs it would give you an option to choose which to remove.
After the 15 years it's still interesting because you still have to unlock some stores. You have to buy products for the quality to go up and attract the certain people to open up more options. Just go to the build the the facilities and remove you tap on the stairs and it gives you the option of deleting the stairs or shop