Mega Jump - by Get Set Games - FREE (v2.0.9 - Gamecenter, New Levels)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, May 6, 2010.

  1. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    We've added the option to not display the message again, so you can permanently disable it if you like.

    Tyrone and Dizzy are completely new characters (with a few similarities to Buster and Redford because we wanted to add more "monster" characters to balance out the animal characters we'd been adding), and they definitely have their own personalities in the game. Dizzy has little wings and Tyrone has long body and tiny feet, so he's pretty funny to watch.

    Mega Jump is permanently free!
  2. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    so idk why nobody's said anything about the update...
    the game crashes alot on my ipod. it has crashed when showing my score at times and it crashes every time i play my own music in the backround and trying to play stage one.
    The dragon character is awesome but looks pixelated with the ballon powerup. thanks for listening though the dragons awesome!
    Is the feature mp thing goin on now?
    I really like the boots but what is the coin combo?
    I understand that this is like a children's game and everything, but saying tantalizingly tasty pwerups is kinda overdoing it
    good update as always, and now i'm really excited to see whats next since all the powerups are upgraded.
  3. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    After this update, all my crashes are actually gone now. Consider restarting your device?

    And yes, with all the items being power-ups now, I wonder what's in store in the future.
  4. MissLashes

    MissLashes Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2010
    I think mega jump has had so many improvements and features added, so I like to see the developers move on to another project.
  5. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    There are a few things we still have planned for Mega Jump, but you'll probably be happy to know that we are working on other projects as well. We'll have more details about what we're working on in the New Year.
  6. bubafive

    bubafive Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Perfect game, i love it! Beter than other games of this type
  7. Kartel

    Kartel Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    Let me get this straight.

    Once you buy the game, there's a standard game you can play, and additional inapp purchases for extra levels, characters, powerups, etc. How do you get these extras, in game points or real world cash?
  8. eugekava

    eugekava Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    You don't need to spend a cent if you don't want to. Everything can be achieved by playing and collecting coins or downloading the supported apps.
  9. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    Like the previous poster mentioned, you don't have to spend a single cent to access everything in the game. And the time you have to spend to get those features is quite reasonable, too. This isn't one of those games where it's like "You don't give us money, so we're gonna force you to play our game for 50 hours before we give you this power-up".
  10. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    its the new year! whats coming???
  11. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    9 Million Players and Update 12 on the way!

    I'm glad you asked Osujxu :) We've got some big new features coming down the line!

    First up will be Update 12, which will feature a big graphical overhaul to the user interface which will make everything much more slick, consistent, fun and easy to use.

    We've also made some huge improvements under the hood so Mega Jump will play even more smoothly, load faster, and use less memory than before, which is good news for everyone, but especially for players with older devices.

    We're also adding a new character and a special new feature that we'll reveal when the update is released!

    We have some very big plans for future Updates to Mega Jump, as well as brand new projects, but we'll keep those ideas under wraps for now :D

    I'd also like to say thanks again to all the Mega Jump players - there are now 9 Million of you! You all rock!

  12. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    Great update, but has it ever crossed your mind that with over 10 million players, some sort of multiplayer would be awesome?

    Also where are the new levels. I'm getting tired of playing level 1 over and over again. Didn't you said that you guys were making new levels a long time ago?
  13. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    Glad you like the new update! And yes, multiplayer has crossed our minds, so let's just say it's one of many things we could be looking into...

    As for the levels, do you mean levels or stages? I assume you've progressed passed Stage 1 (Sunshine Glade), and reached other stages?

    New backgrounds/themes are definitely on our list, so look out for more on that in future.

    Back to multiplayer, since there seems to be some interest, what do you guys think? If Mega Jump had multiplayer, how would you like it to play? VS.? Co-Op? Mario-Kart style? Smash Bro's style? Racing? And what kind of powerups would you want to see that might be specific to multiplayer?
  14. Nejibana

    Nejibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    Is there a way to get achievements back? I got a new gamecenter account you see...
  15. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    Wow, I just realized this game is within top 50 grossing. Good work!
  16. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    for multiplayer, how about a ghost racing multiplayer, where you try complete a stage as fast as you can? It would be gamecenter obviously, and you just face your friends ghosts.

    I'm interested in what exactly you mean by mario kart style and smash bros style. how would mega jump work like that?

    also, i'm really really wanting a boss battle of some sort. it could be like a witch, or any other flying bad guy, that flies around you in different directions, and you would have to avoid the attacks while trying to damage them and completing the stage at the same time.

    p.s. Before the update you could get around the anti-cheat function where all the anvils come up by using the magnet or powershield and tilting sideways. Whenever i got either of those, i would always try to trigger the anti cheat fuction, because you would get alot of points. However it seems like the anti-cheat function is now truely anti-cheat, because my strategy doesn't work anymore. :mad: Can you bring this back? I think it would be a goood idea, because i don't think that many people know about it and i really liked using it!
  17. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    Do you mean transferring your achievements over to Game Center, or that achievements that you are getting aren't showing up in Game Center?

    Thanks! 2011 is starting off very nicely for Mega Jump, and the support from Mega Jump players is allowing us to get started on new projects, so look out for a lot of exciting things from Get Set this year!

    This kind of thing is very likely for multiplayer, with friends being able to challenge each other for the best times, and it's a great way to play against other people without having to play at the same time too.

    Well in Mario Kart you're trying to win the race, but you can do it by setting up traps or getting powerups to slow down other players or speed yourself up, so it's not just a straight-up race, since you're "battling" other players. Smash Brother's style might be a more full on brawl :p, so it might be a case of knocking other players out of the game or grabbing the most coins rather than trying to get to the finish first.

    More challenging enemies is a great idea, and something that would give more advanced players a way to really stretch their skills.

    Heh, well we realised that people were "cheating" to get around the "anti-cheat", so we decided to make it a bit more foolproof. We did this to make things a bit more fair for other players who are trying to use skill rather than just tilting the phone sideways - although it does sound like you were using it in a creative way, I'll give you that! :p
  18. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    hhahaha great. are there still new updates on the way, or are we gona be getting mega jump 2?
  19. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    Mega Jump Updates, Mega Run and More

    We've got lots more updates for Mega Jump planned - in fact, some of the biggest yet!

    In the meantime, we've also just announced Mega Run, which we're hoping to release in the next few months, so check for more news on that!


    Mega Run will be retina compatible at launch, so it will look great on iPhone4, iPad and iPad 2.​
  20. Nejibana

    Nejibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    #740 Nejibana, Mar 22, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
    Any chance for the openfeint icon on the megajump icon removed?

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