Mega Jump - by Get Set Games - FREE (v2.0.9 - Gamecenter, New Levels)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, May 6, 2010.

  1. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    Yea... I notice that the later levels have less coins in them and stuff, but the earlier levels have less my question is which level should I play on to maximize the amount of megapoints i get?
  2. Nejibana

    Nejibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    anyone got pics of the characters in action?
  3. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I've been starting on stage 2 and going as far as possible. I got the Lucky Blast powerup but it doesn't seem to have increased my coin count by too much.
  4. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    I think i'm just going to stick with often do the unlocked powerups appear?
  5. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    As often as the regular powerups I think, I got about 5 Lucky Blasts in one stage the first time I played after unlocking it. I'm gonna stick with powerups though since they enhance the gameplay rather than being cosmetic.
  6. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    yea but you can get four new characters in exchange for one powerup...a worthful tradeoff
  7. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Just encountered a bug. I jumped past a blue boost pickup and it left the screen, so I thought I'd take my chances and fall down to see if it was still there. It was, and I picked it up, but simultaneously fell to my death while the boost sound effect played.

    I'm guessing it was placed right on the point of no return, so it probably doesn't happen often.
  8. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    That happens to me all the time. I'm fairly sure it's a bug.
  9. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    Hmm, thanks for pointing that out. We'll take a look :)
  10. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks again to everyone for answering the questions I posed about your likes/dislikes and things you'd like to see done better. It really helps us get a better idea of how people are playing the game and how to improve it for our next updates.

    Here are four more! :)

    • What characters would you like to see next?
    • What kind of powerups do you think would be fun to add to the game?
    • What features or coin types, coin or block patterns would you like to see?
    • What other features could we add or improve on? (New themes/stages, character abilities, or ideas along those lines)?
  11. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    As I pleaded before, I'd love it if the different characters each had unique powers (but in a way that at least attempts to keep them pretty balanced with one another)!
  12. Alex Graal

    Alex Graal Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    JW is this a Doodle Jump style game?
  13. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    #493 nickfury, Aug 9, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2010
    We are big fans of Doodle Jump - it's the kind of game that suits the iPhone perfectly, and we had some ideas that we wanted to try with the genre. AppSlappy called MegaJump "Sonic to Doodle Jump's Mario".

    Technically, Doodle Jump was released after the less well known PapiJump, by the Japanese company Sunsoft, which came out way back in September 2008 (Doodle Jump was released about 5 months later in March 2009).

    As with most video games, genres evolve by adding new ideas into the mix, as Doodle Jump did with Papijump. We think Mega Jump has brought something new and different to the genre, enough to stand on its own, and we want to continue evolving the game.
  14. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    First off i would like to say that i feel you need to change the ballon and umbrella powerups. The balloon powerup causes you to get hit when you run into a spike block with it. This basically makes the powerup useless. As for the umbrella powerup the duration of its effect should be longer, since you float downward so slowly you get about 5 jumps in and then it's gone. And also do you get a super jump after getting 100 coins? And finally how about a revised character unlock strategy. I notice that you guys go by every 1500 for characters and powerups. How about lowering this to 1000? For example, make all characters 1000 mp to unlock and the power shield is 1000 mp, the lucky blast is 2000 mp, the anti grav boots is 3000, and the super magnet is 4000. This would make it alot easier to get the high end powerups, while still maintaing the challenge to unlock it. It would make it less of a grind...

    1. I would like to see a shark or a dinosaur or a dragon. Preferably something that actually flies so that the character would make sense.
    2. How about a powerup that uses a touch mechanic to use? idk yet what it would do. And also how about a laser eye thing that can automaticcally destroy bad things such as monsters and spike blocks. You also should probably add a bad powerup so how about a powerup that causes the screen to dim so that it's harder to see.
    3. For features I would like to see and endless mode. I know that you can make the case for the fact that the game itself is already an endless mode, but this endless mode would have a city backround and not really change you a way to just start playing without having to decide which stage to play on. For coin types how about blue coins that move up and down?
    4. Yes yes, new themes, stages, and CHARACTER ABILITIES.

    hope thiis helps! and congrats on reaching number 2 in the top free rankings! i'm sure you would have reached one if it weren't for civilization revolution.
  15. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    #495 TiltMyTouch, Aug 9, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2010
    What characters would you like to see next?

    Osujxu said it before I could: A dragon. That would be great.

    What kind of powerups do you think would be fun to add to the game?

    Maybe a slow-mo powerup?

    What features or coin types, coin or block patterns would you like to see?

    No idea :\

    What other features could we add or improve on? (New themes/stages, character abilities, or ideas along those lines)?

    As I've said earlier, character abilities would be great. And I like how the stages are designed so your character jumps from Earth into the sky, to the moon, into space, and so on. For new stages, I was wondering it could be a different planet, and each planet would have a theme. (One planet might be hellishly hot with lava, another one could be ice and snow) This way, both new stages AND themes could kind of be incorporated together.

    Also, I think the power-ups currently could be improved, too. Maybe you could add "level-ups" to these power-ups, and perhaps the original Level 1 Blue Fireball that you unlock in Stage 3 takes you up for 5 seconds. Once you get a Level 1 and you earn another 500 MP, you can spend it to get a Level 2 Blue Fireball that takes you up 7 seconds. And so on. Maybe we could even see a Blue Fireball that lasts well over 10 seconds! :eek: And same applies with the MP-only unlockable powerups.
  16. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I think a dragon is a little similar to the default characters. I'd like something along the lines of chicken, frog, tiger, turtle etc.

    Osujxu mentioned the balloon and umbrella powerups, I'd like to give my thoughts on those two but this isn't just for the sake of argument. The balloon seems fine to me, on occasion I'll hit a block and lose it, but other times it'll last the entire duration with no problem. It's a bit of a gamble but it doesn't really annoy me in any way.

    The umbrella however, does. I really don't like it, in fact, I prefer the ball & chain. When I'm on a roll and ascending at a fairly speedy pace, the last thing I want is the umbrella putting me into what is basically slow motion. The default fall speed is easy enough to control anyway, so slowing me down even more just feels restricting... I'm trying to go fast here. The ball & chain does the opposite, I understand it's supposed to be a negative effect, but for me it just means I hit the coins faster, therefore I ascend faster. I find myself aiming for it and avoiding the umbrella.

    One thing I would like is to be able to play without the "Stage Clear" message appearing. Initally I thought they would only pop up the first time I cleared one, to inform me that I'd unlocked a new one. On subsequent plays I'd rather just keep my flow rather than be interrupted by pauses.
  17. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Just thought of another coin type I'd quite like, multiplier coins with a difference. Ever play that StarFox level where you have to fly through all of the rings to activate the teleport? Similar to that. Colour the coins blue (or green, or whatever), they're only worth 1 just like regular coins, but have sections of the level where there are 5 or so blue coins laid out, and if you manage to grab every single one you get a temporary multiplier bonus where every coin you pick up for 10 seconds is increased x5 or something. If you miss even one coin from that section you don't get a reward.

    The reward doesn't specifically have to be a multiplier, but I like the idea of having coins to aim for in order to activate something.
  18. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    #498 nickfury, Aug 10, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
    We're updating this for the next update to make it a bit more fair.

    The Umbrella is more of a safety net, to get you out of trouble if you find yourself falling in a tough spot. A good way to use it is to move sideways to catch coins, rather than waiting to fall slowly downwards towards a coin.

    Yes, this is how the game works currently. When you pick up 100 coins, you get a coin-boost.

    We're looking into balancing the pricing a bit in the next update.

    Aha, but if he flies, how would he fall? ;) Seriously though, a dragon would be pretty cool.

    Is this a dig at the bug we used to have in the game? ;)

    Great ideas :)

    Interesting take on powerups, for sure.

    That's a really interesting wrinkle in the gameplay, and I haven't heard of anyone doing that before, but it makes sense for power-players I guess :) Very cool.

    That's an interesting idea. There's a technical reason why we have a stage clear message at the moment, but I understand what you mean about flow.
  19. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    We've got some ideas for this kind of thing - it would be a good reward, and neat gameplay for experienced players.
  20. CzarCastic

    CzarCastic Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see a wolverine! It's a distinct animal with claws and stripes, and would look cool as a character in the game.

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