Mega Jump - by Get Set Games - FREE (v2.0.9 - Gamecenter, New Levels)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, May 6, 2010.

  1. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    I think you should do reskins but give them special features like the awesome rocket in the Doodle Jump space theme.
  2. your personal robot

    your personal robot Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    This game doesn't need any skins... what for?
    Who reached stage two? The backgrounds are changing.
    But you have to play for that :)
  3. RobSegal

    RobSegal Active Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Software Developer
    Indeed the backgrounds change and what happens to the background once you reach the edge of the universe? Well... that is for you all to find out.
  4. pavtreeboy

    pavtreeboy New Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    A cool theme would be Cheese World!
  5. derekvanvliet

    derekvanvliet Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2009
    Toronto, Canada
  6. jak56

    jak56 Well-Known Member

    yep, itouch 2g
  7. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    Gameplay vs. theming

    Interesting to see such different viewpoints here. It seems to come down to skinning the existing gameplay (in other words, aiming for a more "pure" game experience, but giving it a different look), vs. expanding the existing gameplay.

    I guess my follow up question would be, how would this apply to power ups? What kind of new abilities or power ups would you guys like to see, and how important is it to preserve current gameplay, if it's enjoyable, vs. expanding on it in future updates?
  8. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Also to be clear, I'm not above having the differences fairly subtle (slight tweaks in gravity or even the rate certain items are generated) as far as either new characters or new areas.
  9. derekvanvliet

    derekvanvliet Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2009
    Toronto, Canada
    I like the idea of playing with gravity. Are you thinking heavier gravity or lighter gravity? Or... wacky gravity that changes randomly? That could get pretty crazy.
  10. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Both, neither, or either, as each area/world could play with this variable.

    I could even see two ways to go with the concept of shifting gravity. There could be a fairly random deal (which, I agree, could be fun but NASTY) or you might consider doing something where it alters in a very predictable cycle (like the tide).
  11. xFinch713x

    xFinch713x Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2009
    Picked it up after I saw all the reviews describing it as amazing ;)
  12. Rivozzz

    Rivozzz Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    the game is woow wooow woooow...but i hope it acquire some kind of a save option...or at least when im in middle of game and press home buttom..and return back to game...there is an option of resume

    i just bought this game and ninja jump game....both are great..but both lacking the save or resume when you exit....

    will they be implemented in next updates?
  13. mattcoombe

    mattcoombe Active Member

    Apr 8, 2010
    Game Developer
    Wow! Amazing comments so far! Thanks dudes :)

    If you're loving Mega Jump please help us out by posting a review on iTunes!!!

    Some new screenshots:





  14. CzarCastic

    CzarCastic Well-Known Member

    How about some iPhone sized wallpapers? (Preferably with cool action shots of the main character without "Mega Jump" plastered all over it. ;) )

    In regard to the game, I bought it this morning. It is fun. It looks nice. But, it's really, really frustrating. I feel like the difficulty ramps up way too fast. I realize that the coin placement is random, and there's probably some sort of complicated formula that determines the density of the coins, however, my games typically last about 15 seconds. I feel like I've had tons of practice with these types of games with all of the Doodle Jump clones and games like Bird Strike out there. But, for some reason, I can't really progress at all in this game. My high score is barely over 25,000. It just seems like I hit a point where I only have one or two coins that could possibly save me from falling and that it's really early in my game that it happens.

    I assume that the game automatically calibrates the accelerometer at some point, correct? Can you tell me what point that is? I don't always start a game and keep my phone in perfect playing position. I may be swinging it around or putting it into and out of my pocket. It's possible that my poor performance could be due to bad calibration. Maybe adding a self-calibration option would be good.

    In regard to the actual gameplay, the power ups are cool. The animation is fun. I'd like to see more variety in the power ups. I realize I haven't hit them all yet, so there may be others out there that I don't know about.

    A couple of suggestions. 1.) Self-calibration option. 2.) From the Game Over screen, you need to add an option to return to the Menu. Right now, the only option is Play. But, I don't always want to go right back to playing. I like to hop into OpenFient and check achievements or leaderboards every once in awhile. At this point, the only way to do so is to start a new game and then go into the menu. It's a couple of extra clicks. When my games only last 30 seconds, those extra clicks can add up. :eek: 3.) The draw distance of coins I've passed seems really short. What I mean is that there are times where I've skipped some coins because I blasted past them too fast, but then I start to fall, however, all of the coins that I passed are gone. I feel like I could have used those coins to possibly saved myself from falling. I suppose it's all part of my frustration with how bad I am. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game, but I'm a competitve person and can't stand doing so badly. I'd rather take my ball and go home instead of doing badly. :rolleyes: And, that's not what you want.
  15. pcgeek73

    pcgeek73 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2010
    missed this one gonna pick it up now. Looks awesome!!!
  16. Eraser74

    Eraser74 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    I agree this game is really hard, at least at first. I haven´t been able to get very far either. The coins will get very rare early on and you have to precisely hit the next ones or it´s Game Over.

    Maybe a lot of practise will remedy least I hope it does.

    But nevertheless it is a very fun game.

    And yes a few more options than "Play" would be nice after a game over.
  17. mattcoombe

    mattcoombe Active Member

    Apr 8, 2010
    Game Developer
    @CzarCastic: Great idea for the wallpapers, I'll post something for you real soon. 1) There is no calibration going on in Mega Jump so every game you play should be exactly the same no matter what. 2) As for adding OpenFeint to the Game Over screen, we're looking in to that. 3) If you play the classic Doodle Jump you'll see their platforms are deleted as soon as they go off screen, we actually allow the coins to exist for a distance below the bottom of the screen so it's actually easier in that regard. You gotta keep heading up up up :) If too many people are finding it too difficult we'll most certainly look into balancing that.

    @Eraser74: It's definitely a challenging game but you'll find it's rewarding if you persevere a little longer - The coins do get sparse periodically which will leave you jumping frantically from one coin to the next, but if you can make it through those short sections you'll be rewarded with coin fields and power ups afterwards to keep your jumpy goodness going :)

    Like any game, a little practice goes a long way and you'll find yourself reaching new stages in no time!

    *How are other Mega Jump players finding the challenge level? I'd be interested in hearing about it.
  18. sammysin

    sammysin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    Government Official.
    Swansea, UK
    I'm absolutely terrible at this game, only got 41000 points so far after about 10 tries. Still love it though.
  19. CzarCastic

    CzarCastic Well-Known Member

    Cool! I really like the ad banner you have on the first post. The main character looks cool. (Does he have a name? If not, it's cool idea for a contest. Name the Mega Jump dude.)

    Do you have a suggestion for me if I don't feel like my phone is calibrated properly? I don't feel like vertical in the game is vertical on my phone.

    Maybe just a button that takes you back to the menu?

    Have you played Bird Strike? You're able to go from bottom to top and then back again and the items stay on the map the whole time. I think something like this could benefit Mega Jump because it feels more difficult. That way, you may get lucky and fall onto a power up.
  20. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    That's odd. The iPhone shouldn't really need calibration. If you are consistently having a problem, you may be able to get a replacement phone from Apple, from what I've heard from others with very noticeable calibration problems.

    Sure, that's pretty much what makes Bird Strike the game that it is - they built a major part of the gameplay around coming back down :)

    Mega Jump on the other hand has a very different destination - up! And the higher you go, the more you'll discover. The fear of falling is part of what makes Mega Jump exciting! We try and give a bit of a safety net by keeping some of the coins that you've already passed, but we don't want to make it too easy!

    Thanks again for all the thoughtful comments - we're listening, and we have all kinds of fun ideas for updates as well as ways to balance the difficulty.

    Keep the ideas coming - what else do you think we should add to Mega Jump next?

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