Mega Jump - by Get Set Games - FREE (v2.0.9 - Gamecenter, New Levels)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, May 6, 2010.

  1. articulate

    articulate Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    don't get what all the fuss is about. it was only 99c to begin with. and it's a great game! making it free now does make me feel like an idiot for buying it a week before BUT i enjoyed it so much during that time. so i don't see the problem here.

    as with the dlc, i'm not going to buy extra skins though. if it were something like hookchamp where the dlc characters actually had a use, then sure. ;)
  2. Rblacula

    Rblacula Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2010
    Well I buy all dlc just to support the devs and for quicker updates;)
  3. eugekava

    eugekava Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    The dev said that collected coins could be used for something. I recon it could be new skins for different characters, or hats, glasses, etc. It may also be used for single use powerups like 1up, boost, etc. What else do you guys think the coins could be used for?
  4. articulate

    articulate Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    That's really just your deduction and isn't really reality. Doodle Jump's devs base their updates on 5 star reviews.

    I had no qualms buying Minigore and Hookchamp dlcs simply because those improved on the game. But I'm sure you'll understand if I don't buy something that doesn't do anything.
  5. Matt33

    Matt33 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    Yeah, this is what I meant by total coins- is there a way to know how many you've collected since the update?
  6. klicktock

    klicktock Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2009
    Director of KlickTock
    Ballarat, Vic, Australia
    Comments in this thread honestly make me a bit queasy. If this is the attitude of the majority Touch Arcaders, then there's not much point making a game that appeals to the Touch Arcaders.

    Hopefully it's just the vocal few.

    This game was great value at $1 and at FREE it's awesome value. Then there's $3 worth of silly skins for those who feel like supporting the developer who - frankly - deserves to make a lot after making this wonderful game.

    Please support quality games (like Hook Champ and Mega Jump) with your purchases.

    Then they MAY make another game in the future.
  7. Piasintein

    Piasintein Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2010
    I was wrong. With 3G on, Mega Jump has choppy framerate. With 3g off, Mega Jump is very fluid.
  8. Nejibana

    Nejibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009

    I agree.
  9. QBC

    QBC Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2010
    I personally love the game. I don't get all the hate this is getting. I hope in future updates there are more game modes.
  10. CzarCastic

    CzarCastic Well-Known Member

    It's not a hate for the game. It's a hate for the business model. Any game that starts out as a premium game, then goes to free (within weeks of release) with "new" premium DLC is going to come under fire, and rightly so. It's a shady business practice that has back-fired for many previous releases (see Chalkboard Stunts and Astro Ranch for recent examples). You'd think that developers would learn.

    Hopefully the devs here make up for it with some quality enhancements to the game to keep it fresh and hopefully erase this from our short-term memories.
  11. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    Mega Jump isn't a "freemium" game (not that there's anything wrong with that particular type of game). We had an opportunity to promote Mega Jump via the Openfeint Free Game of the Day, and we thought that would be a great way to reach more people. There will always be great new, free features for Mega Jump in coming updates, alongside the optional (emphasis on optional!) extras. All things considered, we figure that's pretty good value for a dollar :)

    We do need to make a living though, and keep in mind that while the game is free we're making nothing from sales, so we're relying on goodwill and the hunch that the people will love Mega Jump (and people seem to, which is great!).

    We've got our fingers crossed that the latest update will hit this week, depending on the Apple review process, and it only gets better from here!
  12. mattcoombe

    mattcoombe Active Member

    Apr 8, 2010
    Game Developer
    #232 mattcoombe, May 25, 2010
    Last edited: May 25, 2010
    As promised, Update 3 was submitted to Apple on the weekend and is now in review! That's 3 gameplay updates in less than a month and more in development!

    Here's what you can expect in the upcoming free upgrades to Mega Jump:

    - New coin type 1: Trickster Coin! You’ll have to be quick to catch this sly little coin!
    - New coin type 2: Moving coins! Keep your eyes on these guys as they sway side to side!
    - Stars now give you a boost if you have the Balloon powerup!
    - Tap on the character when you have the Balloon powerup for a surprise!
    - New VIP Area to the Extras menu. There, you’ll be able to find 5 free wallpapers featuring characters from Mega Jump. You’ll be able to easily save them to your device’s Photos, where you can set them as your wallpaper. Expect plenty more wallpapers to come in the future.
    - Took out all of the graphics, polished them up, put them back in! Seriously, graphical tweaks make the whole game look even more crisp now!
    - Minor bug fixes!

    And for DLC:
    - New Optional Paid character - Rocky the Racoon!

    Images from the new update

    Keep collecting those coins...

    Mega Jump is now back to full price on the App Store. Weekend promo sale is over!
  13. akheron

    akheron Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2010
    Sounds great! Thanks!
  14. sam the lion

    sam the lion Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2009

    I got this for free, but hey, should have I paid a dollar for it, it was certainly worth, without the DLCs. I really can't see how somebody could feel cheated by spending ONE DOLLAR on this. DLCs are just skins - I really see them as an optional way to support the devs, if you want.

    I bought many games that have then been in some of the calendars, most of the times they were good and cheap games, so I feel nothing to complain about. Considering all the good free games coming out every day, it's like if I'm getting three or four games I like for each dollar I spend. And unless there's someone that buys everything when it comes out, it's about the same thing for anyone else here. So I really can't see how someone can still complain.
  15. Nejibana

    Nejibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    I wanna see Rocky in action
  16. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    If I recall correctly this came out at the same time as Ninjatown: Trees of Doom because I remember trying to decide between the two. I ended up going for Ninjatown then just noticed this for free the other day so I got it.

    Well the game is fun I have to agree on the wording for the additional characters. The description says you can unlock them in the extras section however, it completely neglects to tell you that you need to pay a fee to unlock them. It should be worded in a way where people know you can buy additional characters. Unlock would imply that you can earn them within the game.

    It is great that you added new characters to kind of let users mix things up but if you are expecting people to pay $1 you need to give the different characters different features that would set them appart from one another, maybe they each could have a special move that could be used a certain number of times or something that might need to be recharged. I'm just giving some examples because I don't think charging $1 per character is realistic. Even if you included a couple characters for $1.

    I know many other games do this too but at least they generally offer unique features or more than 1 character in a $1 download.

    Anyway good luck with the game from a fellow Canadian. I would have gladly paid the $1 to buy the game but I forgot about it until it went free and I saw it in the App Store under free apps. I may buy one of the characters just to give you the $1 I should have paid originally but I don't plan on buying any other characters unless you do what I mentioned above. Paying $1 for a different skin on my character is not going to happen.
  17. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    I don't have a problem paying for the characters I want. However I agree that special abilities would be nice.

    Also, have you considered allowing people to buy the new characters with in game coins. If you set the price high enough, you are still going to get a lot of people willing to just pay real money for them.
  18. sammysin

    sammysin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    Government Official.
    Swansea, UK
    The new update sounds excellent. I commend you on how you handled the criticism.
  19. WCFields

    WCFields Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    steel worker
    I think I might take a chance on this game.
  20. K76

    K76 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 12, 2010
    Cowtown, Texas
    Do it, you'll love it! :D

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