I wish there was a better way to do squad matches. Ideally, it would be great to be able to put my name in and then get to play SP or other MP matches while it waits for a match. Sitting there waiting for the squad match to populate is annoying. Also, I wish they'd bring back random. BTW, finally for a few squad matches in last night. Played with Colin B. and Stonewall.
Request sent! Oscar another one for the list... For all the Delta members, I will add you as soon as I can - I don't think there is a way of finding someone in game not via a friends list, but someone did send me a message asking to join which is a bit weird!
Because Rip already asked me in-game. I've changed my GC name to .r00ts It was iLooNATiX before. Pls update the list Oscar
Hey guyz. Because I want to be in more active squad I will have to leave TA Charlie. Good luck there.
I've decided I would rather join one of your squads rather than run my own, let me know if any open spots Alpha, Bravo, Charlie or Delta. I would like to Squad battle pretty much 7 days a week in evenings EST after 8pm so whichever squad fits- i don't mind waiting for a spot.
Ah, I was wondering. Plus I'm easily confused as well. Turns out as you get older, the memory does indeed slip away. Thanks for the update. That's a hell of a score by the way. Looking at some people's stats on the team, it is quite astonishing at how quickly they became so good at it. I really must get the finger out as I'm languishing behind you guys. @mess, we'll miss ya, but thanks for stepping up. @Oscar. Did it just disconnect you from that match, need a restart or for a period of time? I'm curious about the anti hack detection and I've noticed myself that certain shotguns with the wrong class and rapid fire need a bit of tweaking. In saying that, thanks god for the detection methods. I remember in MC3 and MC4, numerous hacks were floating at this same stage from launch so they have really stepped up the game substantially this time around and I'm indeed very grateful for that.
There is space in Delta - and also a spot in alpha and charlie. Those two are fuller than Delta as we have only just started! @Rip, thanks! I have actually started to become reasonable at this game so I thought I would step up! I had about a 12-4 earlier and the. Was on course for better in the next game but I had to leave! @oscar, there's a bit of housework to do with all the requests and movements in the past couple of pages! Also there is a TA Squaddie at about 5th in the worldwide standings...
There are some screenshots on Twitter from some really good players regarding the disconnects. Seems like you will be disconnected and accused of doing suspicious things as soon as you are "too good to be true". Know what I mean? GL needs to tweak their automated hack scanning however-it-is-called thingy.
Thnx Snowclone, Sometimes I have better days in MC. Sometimes I play like a noob. You can guyz still invite me to the game anytime.
I wasn't able to connect at all last night, but I was able to this morning. And yeah its great to see that they actually have a system now, instead of relying on a group of people to take requests and ban.