MC5 - TA Squad

Discussion in 'MMO Codes and 'Add Me' Requests' started by oscar123967, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    #321 Mess, Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    Sounds like a good idea. I had a couple last night! It's good fun, but would be good to get some 6x6 going, and Alpha v Bravo :D

    Looks like you can jump into a MP game that a squad member is in aswell so that's cool!

    Also I have to agree with that about kd is not everything. Take last nights game - stonewall's kd will hav dropped because of being headshot red by pistols A LOT, but that doesn't show his true skill. Also I got 6 kils in that match (so far a PB) due to some luck and having the right site on!
  2. Checkerspell

    Checkerspell Member

    May 31, 2014
    Yes, you can write a message on the squad board. I don't know if every member can do this as I'm the squad leader.
  3. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #323 oscar123967, Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    Sweet that is awesome!!! Leaders it would be cool if you guys plan on setting up some squad battles. You guys can show other squads whats up :cool: Come up with some GMT times on the weekends:D

    Yeah that would be fun! We'll have to wait for custom matches updates for some AvB action. It'll just be a pain trying to get into the same lobby at the same time.

    And yeah I've been messing around with the join in progress option. Really cool. I wish I could always stay on my friends team though, but there really isn't any problem with some friendly competition.

    Yeah KDR is really just nothing, I really wish some games didnt have it. I respect hoe Halo handles it — kd is nothing at all, its all about team work & strategy. They don't even include your deaths on the scoreboard! And you can't even check you kd in-game.
  4. Triscuitable

    Triscuitable Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2011
    Games Journalist
    Seattle, WA
    Triscuitable on Gamecenter. I'll join whichever squad is open.
  5. terrence92

    terrence92 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2013
    I'll join wherever I can! Gamecenter is terr92 and I'm very active :D
  6. terrence92

    terrence92 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2013
    Got some sweet kills to!

    Attached Files:

  7. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    I can beat you're 10-1 and raise ya 15-1.
    I even got a few flags in the match.
    Funnily enough it was in the very next one to the one I played with ya but you'd gone so I had more opportunity to kill at will.:)
    Now that I'm in my groove, I've managed to raise from a 1.3 to a 1.9 average. Which is pretty tough with a lot of kills.
    It almost felt a bit too easy as I'm getting a pretty good average per match, I dunno how it happened but strategy rather than spray and pray seems to be paying off.

    On the squad matches, I think anybody has the option that when you're in the multi menu, you can just select squad match and it'll pair you up with whoever is playing whatever mode.
    We can also use the squad chat option to set/suggest times when people are online and others can just be there if they want. Or just use here.
    I'll be there all weekend anyway.

    And there is always the party play option so anybody on you're GC list can be paired up, particularly easy now that we are all on shared lists.
    It'd be an option for different team members to play with each other
  8. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Good games Ninjastar and Checkerspell :)

    @Rip73 challenge accepted sir!!
  9. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    @rip and oscar,

    I will do the reverse challenge, try to get 1 kill every 15 deaths ;)

    Also Oscar, are you fully maxed on assault? Does it make a difference?
  10. terrence92

    terrence92 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2013
    Agent hunk is the team leader from ta charlie? Thanks for the invite btw! So now all I do is wait for the invite in MC5 itself correct?

  11. brighteyes74

    brighteyes74 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    Harrow , England
    My gamecentre is cesctheman.
    Assign me to a group please
  12. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Please read the main post on the thread. the leader is snowclone, his name is next to the squad name :)
  13. bhavukjain1

    bhavukjain1 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    Game Center: bhavukjain1
  14. paulkolin86

    paulkolin86 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2012
    Is there still any free room ? It's completely different MC but yeah it forces You to plan and think... i got used to the new controls and engine of the game.

    Attached Files:

  15. TopherW

    TopherW Active Member

    Jun 15, 2012
    Alpha Squad mates

    Hi all,
    Really want to play the game but my new house just finished being built and we are moving in next week so probably over the next week or two I will be on but not as much as I would like. Bear with me I will help the squad just life getting in the way of gaming :).

  16. Sn0wCl0ne

    Sn0wCl0ne Member

    Jul 24, 2014
    Ok guys so if your assigned to TA Charlie just go in game search the squad TA Charlie click on it and then click on my name, Sn0wCl0ne and send a friend request to me in game. The reason for this is that my game is not recognizing my Game Center account so I can't send squad invites to Game Center friends, see you guys in game!
  17. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #337 Rip73, Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    If you're a recent install, gamecenter takes a bit of time to synch up.
    It took a day for all the people in my gc to show up and I only have the people in this thread in there so if you have a lot more people it will take longer.

    Keep using gamecenter if you can and sending out the requests to people as they are added to the team. They will eventually synch up.

    If you can't, than the in game option works pretty smoothly as well and you can ignore the above.

    @umfhockey. No problem Chris. Work away at you're own pace. As has been said it's only a case of having fun so there's no pressure at all to play all the time or any of that stuff.
    It's just nice to have a team of familiar people rather than randomers.

    Enjoy the move.
    Moving house is considered to be in the top five of life's most stressful events so you'll need a break after that as well:)
  18. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Yes it is ( I moved last year). I think the hassle around the move was the most stressful, trying to get the people out of the house!
    Also I guess it didn't help that I tripped down a step and twisted my ankle really badly (it swelled up like a balloon) on the move morning!!
  19. icomma

    icomma Member

    Jan 19, 2014
    Sign me up. GC is icomma
  20. 2133

    2133 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    I just got a MC5. I'm looking forward to join one of your squads! :D

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