Here's a few more MQ2 promo codes for you Thanksgiving travelers! 3RKAXJER4XLL KKEL9PRJKEHX 9ANF4FTYR9WH Happy Thanksgiving!
1.28 is out. This version includes the new Samurai character class. A Samurai has a special "Cleave" skill, that allows him to attack in all directions in a turn. It's super helpful when surrounded. Alot of other little fixes, for a full list, see the store page. Here are 7 promo codes. (7.99) Value. Enjoy! L7E77YNP4LHJ R9WHWYTPFLJL TLMMFT7YHRKF 6MEYMJPLHLRP 9TRN4EAAJ36J 646APX3AL3W9 TL6MNFFT4M3N
I thought I'd get this week started by giving away 5 promo codes for MQ2. We are preparing another big update for the game, and we are taking helpful suggestions if you have any. Game on J63F3JKXF3LP 4WTL39YATHWK WRNNFATWA9ER E76RYFXA3F3P E3L4LTTYXWLW
Here's 5 more promo codes for MQ2 4Y997Y7R6XMJ RTH4M6RNYN44 L3NNKFNJPRE9 H434JFX6934X N4KHHRXNX3AE We are starting to plan a 1.3 update. I'm taking any helpful feedback on the gameplay and experience. Please, this is your game too - Let me know what you would like to see in the next update! Also - I'm starting to put together an official strategy guide here: -Will
Hey all, I wanted to give you all the heads up, for a limited time MazeQuest 1 & 2 are FREE in the App Store. We are working on a major update, and in the meantime we would like to open the doors and let those people that were interested but didn't get a chance yet to play to check it out. MQ2 is also available on Steam - I dropped the price to 99 cents which is as little as I can charge (Steam does not allow free games) This games will not be free indefinitely, but if you get them now while they are, you will get future updates free as well. So take advantage! Also please rate and review! -Will LINK TO APP STORE LINK TO STEAM MazeQuest Facebook Page MazeQuest Instagram