Finish 14 levels on normal. The ending said maybe can find some truth when play on hard. Julius now Lv 11. Boss vs Boss mode is fun that let you bet money. Now play on hard mode. I will use other three characters to beat the game too. Death look like an enemy in The Lord of the Rings. The final boss Mr. Bison has the skills as Mr. Bison in Street Fighters.
Yeah, Death's description in the black book is a nod to Lord of the Rings. The Ringwraiths were once "great kings of men".
Just to clarify, I'm not directly accusing you guys of pushing IAP. I was only saying it is suspect if a board can't be passed and there are IAP for continues. Like I said I've noticed difficulty shifts between the levels in both this and Toon Shooter, so I figured it could be this issue as easily as a push for IAP. And yes, the grabbing technique by the Bearwolf is cheap, and the running part with the boulder is just straight up annoying. That could use a tweak as well.
I use Julius and Alyssa finish story on normal. I can say that Alyssa is more useful in boss battle. She has a magic called Nova that can both heal and attack especially useful when there is no chicken leg to recover HP. Also, I get a claw for her that has poison ability. Julius has a sword called Slithevlade that has a black hole ability. But what is the use of this energy? For increasing critical hit? In hard mode, some boss is not easy to beat. The game is very sharp on retina iPhone but not sharp on retina iPad. Maybe the native resolution is 1024 x 768 on iPad, so I play on iPhone instead. This is definitely a good action game, everyone please recommend more people to try it.
Prob the best beatemup on ios, I just loved this game. So silly and fun w great fluid controls and hackemup action. I highly recommend their other game toon shooters as well, but this game just blew me away. Finally a good beatemup on ios, I liked it better than omg pirates for sure.
That is a bold statement. OMG is also much older than this. If Mika put out a new OMG (which I wish more than anything) it would dominate the genre for iOS, hands down. Not taking anything from Maximus, since I like the game, but Mika puts out some of the finest that iOS has to offer.
Just finished hard mode with Alyssa, super fun! I personally feel that so far everything has been perfectly balanced in terms of difficulty. I wouldn't change a thing!
Just started playing, and got through stage 6 or 7 with Tyris Fl- I mean Alyssa. A little on the easy side so far, but it's been pretty fun, and I know Toon Shooters really ramped up the difficulty and replayability later, so I'm not worried at all. I'm looking forward to having a great time with the rest of this game. More than anything else, I love how this could honestly just be a Golden Axe sequel. I mean, we have Tyris and Gilius, we have the Fiend's Path, and even enemies like Longhorn and the high-jumping Skeleton are back in their original form. I really do wish there was a gold shop though, to buy everything from weapons, pets, continues, etc. I'm sure this game is supposed to be a bit of a cash grab, after how free-friendly Toon Shooters was, but still...
ahaha wow, this is hilarious I was expecting Bison to have Psycho Crusher, sure. I wasn't expecting Head Stomp, Scissor Kick, and Psycho Field too. So hey, what's everyone's biggest win in Boss v Boss? I just got $7000+ from betting Bruticus x2 over Straxarr/Owl Update: Just got the 7x from Bruticus > Mr. Bison twice tonight. Never need gold again. I'm on Black Sea on Gamer now, and I'm dreading these last few stages. It's not that they've been too difficult, but everything has so much HP they all take forever to kill. I actually haven't died much in the past few stages, not even against the dreaded Death or Bearwolf. The hardest Gamer enemy for me so far was actually the Gillius (aka Longmoan) that walks around under the Lord of the Owls. He has a ton of HP, and he always seems to sneak in a hit or two while I'm avoiding bombs.
Just got the Maximus sword in the graveyard (Gamer)! Looks just like the one in the name of the game at the title screen. ^.^ EDIT: A second just dropped off Gunter.
What are the best weapons out there? Am I going to find anything better than: Spoiler Weapons: Maximus Dragonblaze Harbinger Sawblade Armor: Flash Armor Tuxedo Ring: Polar Circle Vile Heart Pets: Scratch Blossom Also, god damn Black Castle is ridiculous.
There's the light saber, sword of oracles, and razor for weapons. And the stitched skin is the best armor at 1,4,0,0 IMO. Haven't seen scratch on pets before, so I'll look for him, and the wormuloid is a pretty good pet, as is the burger. I think that's all, but there might be a few weapon I'm missing. Edit: ok I got scratch from scar, and he is definitely one of the best pets.
Something Broken, or Just Bad Luck? Hi, I've been playing for a while, and I am level 6 after completing 7 stages with one character, four stages with another character. I have no items (swords, objects, pets, shields). I haven't seen anything like that, which makes me wonder if I am playing the same game? I won a little gold playing the slot machine a few times. I have upgraded attack and defense and luck. Also: When I hit someone hard and they drop gems, I pick them up. Where are the gems? I can't find anywhere in inventory that indicates how many gems I've picked up. Strange? Am I incredibly cool for beating death with a wooden sword, or is it normal not to have any items or weapons? Also, people are talking about normal/gamer mode. Where is that set?
It's just bad luck. I found very few items on my first play through, while others say they got items on the first or second stage. Gems are just more gold afaik. Normal is what you start on, hard is unlocked after beating normal, gamer after beating hard.
Alright, I beat Gamer last night too with Alyssa. Honestly, the last boss is kind of depressingly easy compared to the rest of his stage on Gamer mode. Also, is anyone else intentionally not boosting speed at all, and equipping up items that slow you down? I love using my Dragonblaze, but I can only handle running so fast! Then it was just funny when Flash Armor was my first piece of armor...
I thought speed increased the speed of your attacks, not running speed. That's what the help screen says anyway...