Universal Max Payne Mobile (by Rockstar Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
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    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Actually, just tapping on the death screen should bring up your last save.

    As to performance, keep in mind that ports are almost always more resource intensive than games designed for a particular platform. That's why you have games like Skyrim perform better on the XBox 360 than on the PS3, even though specs-wise the PS3 is way more powerful (not to start a fanboy debate or anything ;)). Same goes for console games that get PC releases after the fact -- the requirements are always much higher than those of the original game.
  2. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    ^Totally agree

    Its like when people moan when they cant play an arcade game in MAME on their PC and moan about how powerful their PC is compared to a 1 mhz arcade machine !
  3. jeffyg3

    jeffyg3 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2010
    #363 jeffyg3, Apr 18, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2012
    That's not true at all with the PS3 being way more powerful. There's a reason a game made for the PS3 doesn't look WAY better than a game made for 360 vice versa, they're pretty similar, there's some PS3 games with a little better graphics, but really not by much. The PS3 has a better CPU design, but the 360 has a better and more advanced graphics chip and MUCH better memory management. Each system has their ups and downs hawdwarewise that makes each one almost fairly similar as a powerhouse. PS3 is not way more powerful. Also with a better graphics chip and better memory management, it's not hard to see why there's a lot of examples where games made for both systems, the Xbox 360 version runs and/or looks a little better than the PS3 version.

    Max Payne was simply built for different hardware as another poster pointed out. And on the iPad, iPhone graphics chip it's more taxing to do good dynamic shadows as in many PC games as well as other things, so developers who designed games for PCs have to compensate the differing hardware. Maybe in the future we'll get a perfect PC port of Max Payne, but not now
  4. callmericardo

    callmericardo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2011
    If you're not happy with the controls, graphics, performance or save system you can ask Apple for a refund. You're obviously not happy with your purchase :(
  5. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Did I mentioned anything about a fanboy debate? ;).
  6. BruteOutlawz

    BruteOutlawz Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2010
    Ive got a 64gb 4g touch and it lags on mc3, 9mm, ib2 and shadowgun, you just dont see it because thats what your used to.
  7. Karma32

    Karma32 Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
    I went to e3 once and the devs of the ghostbusters game was telling us the frustrations with working with the ps3 system. Was kinda cool to listen to. All I remember was them saying something about harder to utilize the cpu and gpu together or something w/ ps3. Seemed like they preferred makes games on 360.

    Ok so back to topic how does MP play on the original ipad? I might buy it but I just got GTA III and it doesn't work
  8. Psykikgmr

    Psykikgmr Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    Probably won't run as well because of low memory but iPad 1 is supported. Also Grand Theft Auto 3 supports iPad 1, try resetting your device first.
  9. callmericardo

    callmericardo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2011
    I had GTA III on iPad 1. It does work but the graphics are very, very poor. To the point where the game just wasn't enjoyable.
  10. GasparZizou

    GasparZizou Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2010
    MKT student, intern in an advertising agency.
    #370 GasparZizou, Apr 19, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
    mine does not lag on 9mm, MC3, IB2, nor shadowgun, and i KNOW what lag is, i dont get lag from those games with my multitask bar clear, i get more lag in the controls of max payne.

    theres an update forth coming i know that, there are TOO many players unhappy with the controls, plus you did not read my previous comments, i like the game, it just has TOO many flaws, and your comment smells like you are offended by my opinions.
  11. callmericardo

    callmericardo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2011
    Offended, no.
  12. Agas

    Agas Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
    Congratulations !!!


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  13. JamesDean69

    JamesDean69 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    No sh-t sherlock. Im aware of that my phone can play 3D games but im sorry being born in the 70's i will never stop being wowed by how far technology has come. I wasnt born w a cell phone in my hand and the internet in my house. so my point of view might be a little different than yours. Every year games get better and better on the iphone and sorry if i still think its pretty f'ing cool to be playing max Payne on my cell phone.

    and Yes @Tognesimo i am not saying the iphone is a "simple" phone so please dont get excited. Its an amazing device. i guess i just rather spend more time enjoying these games than nitpicking every pixel and texture.
  14. JamesDean69

    JamesDean69 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    No offense intended. and no one is crying. lol but i must disagree w u about the touch controls. There are certain games that touch controls can be "perfect" for. Fruit Ninja etc. But when u are comparing touch controls to analog sticks for a game like this. Just in my opinion, and its just my opinion that the analog sticks will be prefered most of the time.
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Great post !

    Many older gamers love being able to play some old classics which we remember playing on our original consoles etc. Just like in 15 years time kids of today will love it that in years to come they'll be able to play Halo or something on some small device like an iphone. I'm sure their kids will moan 'dad why are you playing that crappy Halo game....' when their kids have some stunning 3d type of game.

    The great thing about iOS is the mix of gaming you can have, can play some of the latest games or some great retro classics. Games are so cheap you tend to buy a lot of different games to play. Like you say just enjoy it rather then being some anorak nitpicking about the odd pixel etc
  16. GasparZizou

    GasparZizou Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2010
    MKT student, intern in an advertising agency.
    #376 GasparZizou, Apr 20, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2012
    so u never played games like nova or mc? Those controls are WAY betterthan console joysticks

    and regarding your previous post, i dont see the reason to get amazed by the fact taht MP is out 4 the iphone when there are games that are technical achievements for the device, i was excites tho, but not amazed.
  17. eev

    eev Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    #377 eev, Apr 20, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2012
    game is laggy on some levels and they could remake some stuff which does not work that great with touch controls and make better ui elements like weapon switching. but still it's ok port and it's nice to have such great game on iphone. and everyone who is complaining about graphics etc and says that gameloft and ea shooters are better because of that is talking nonsense and also f responsible for overall meh quality of game industry. just my opinion but it's so truth lol.
  18. heringer

    heringer Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2011
    Heh, it's cute when people go the pretentious "I'm an old gamer" route.

    I'm nearing my 30 anniversary and I sure didn't grow up with a cellphone in my hand. If you will have your judgement clouded by this silly awe in front of technology, then you certainly should admit your incapability to judge a game from an objective point of view. In that case, leave the discussion of merits for us that are capable to do so.

    It's funny, when Max Payne Mobile released I saw a discussion on another forum, one guy made a joke asking "I bought the game, but how can I move Max and shoot? Where are the buttons?" and someone jokingly replied "you can't, all you do is look at the game and marvel how far we've come with technology. It's way more fun than playing anyway".

    So appropriate.
  19. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
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    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    That guys sound like a jackass ;).

    For the record, these two experiences are not mutually exclusive. You can both be amazed at how far handheld gaming has come and be critical of a particular game's flaws. For example, I am amazed that there is a handheld device that can produce graphics as beautiful as those on display in Uncharted: Golden Abyss. I can also say with confidence that Uncharted: Golden Abyss is one of the worst games I've ever played. One thought does not cancel the other.

    With Max Payne, I see no reason why you can't admire the achievement of getting a PC game to run (and play) on a touchscreen device and, at the same time, suggest ways to improve the experience.
  20. heringer

    heringer Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2011
    Jackass in what sense? As in stupid person? If that's the case, I don't think so, though it's nice to see we are resorting to name calling now. I'll refrain from doing so, though.

    If you mean I'm being rude or coming off as pretentious, then I could agree. Only because other people are coming off the same way, though it's funny you only point that out in people you disagree with.

    As for the rest of your post, it certainly doesn't apply to the gentleman I'm discussing with. Not when he literally says "in my opinion anyone complaining about this game is ridiculous. THIS IS ON A TELEPHONE.".

    But yeah, I'm the jackass when I appropriately answear someone who calls me ridiculous and imply that I'm probably a kid who grew up with a phone in his hand, so I couldn't understand.

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