There appear to be some severe server issues. I get "connection failed" warnings all the time and it crashes constantly.
The server is definitely taking a beating. I hope that they are able to get it resolved quickly. It's a great game but if people can't try it out they are going to move on to other games and forget all about it. As for the stamina thing, I also really hated it at first. It's a real pain in the Adventure mode and it has no purpose being there at all. In the second level of the adventure you pay 2 stamina per battle and the battles can end very quickly. It was really bad. But my experience playing in the arena is that, because the matches take longer, I rarely run out of stamina. I actually appreciate the 'encouragement' to take a break if I've been playing too much in a stretch. But I realize not everyone will agree with that. And, so yes, it probably should go. The battle mechanic itself is fun but I'm concerned there isn't enough variety. Not enough combos and variations given the small number of cards in use by each figure and more so, given the small pool of cards each figure has to choose from. Loving it for now. Don't know if it will hold my attention for much longer if it doesn't increase the pool of cards that you can choose from.
I think they've solved most of their server issues today. The failed to connect errors that were rampant yesterday haven't occurred at all for me today
Hey guys, we had a huge surge of installs the last few days causing server hiccups, sorry about that. It's all fixed now, you can install the new update on the App store and it will run smoothly.
Just installed the update and can't play either mode it just continually loads forever. I'm using iOS 9.1 / iPhone 6S
Each hero can bring a deck of 10 cards to battle. You can bring 5 heroes to battle. That's essentially a pool of 50 (!!!) cards to pull from. Add to that the fact that each heroes deck can be customized, and you can choose which 5 to bring into battle. If you take time to study each heroes cards you start to realize that there's a TON of interaction and combos to be had between the heroes. It gets quite deep. Knowing the interactions, and even more so knowing which hero to pull from on any given turn takes some study and practice. To;dr - I don't agree with you
Great game! But every time it asks me if I want to enable recording, which is every time I do a bloody arena match, I want to chuck my phone through the head of whomever thought it'd be cute to nag us about it before every flippin' battle. And it tries to access my crap before it asks, so even though my phone is set to silent and I say no, I'm STILL not interested in you accessing my camera and mic, it proceeds to turn ON my speakers... Even though hard switch on phone is set to silent. Grrrrr...
It also crashes a lot during arena play. There's a lot this game does right, but it's majorly held back by a few very, very annoying issues. If your RNG for cars draw is bad on top of those issues, then the whole experience is pretty disheartening.
I don't think so right now. I have tried using the built in Link Account, which would logically allow you to do exactly that. But at the moment all it does is select which device you are using as your active device. It does not even transfer the data from your other device.
I'm curious what tip the team gave you. I also had an insanely hard time beating that level. Don't know how I did it but somehow I got passed it and then the remaining levels were back a simple one try victory. I realize the game is all about multi-player but I would love to see some more Adventure challenges. Especially ones that teach you about tougher combos and things that you really have to devise a strategy in order to beat.
To anyone arguing that the game is a pay to win game or that there is a huge advantage to dumping a lot of money to get better cards, I want to give some evidence that it's not true. I just had a match with Rickcross this morning. At the time he was ranked 2nd globally. I'm ranked about 160. I beat him with a team that had nothing other than a purchase of the starter pack and cards unlocked through playing. And I've only played for about one to two hours a day for the last 7 days. Here is a replay if anyone is interested: The owl really helps, especially when buffed with an extra 2 points of damage, by hitting every enemy unit each round. Definitely a favorite technique. Bug report: There are many times my owl just sits there after being spawned. He doesn't attack at the end of the turn for the entire game. And it's not due to status effects like silence. He just doesn't attack.
I thought if you win a match you get energy. It's pretty weak winning 6 games in a row then having to wait for the energy to recharge. If you win you should also win 1 lightening bolt.
Quick Review Mavenfall is really fun, but servers need to be improved. A few times I was about to win and suddenly I get disconnected for no reason and gives me a loss. And if you do get disconnected, there's no way to get back into that game. This is frustrating. I do love the gameplay in Mavenfall. It has a ton of strategy, it's fun and keeps me wanting more. The Mavens are cool and unique. The stamina system was inconvenient in the beginning with the campaign mode. But once the campaign is finished, the stamina system is not too bad in arena. The gem packs are kinda harsh. The majority of cards from gem packs are same as the ones in coin packs. And at about $5 per gem pack, there's no incentive to buy any. I do like how you have the option to craft the cards you want. The daily quests are good too. Hope I'll be able to play this one for a long time. Need more players and less bots. Mavenfall is my new favorite game.
Opponents cheating? Quite often, when I am about winning in Arena my opponent "disconnects"... The game tells me to wait and then... I lose the game. Is it some kind of trick? Or very bad server malfunctioning?
Yeah, I find the same thing. Usually when I'm close to a win, the opponent appears to be disconnected. Then if I do anything other than just wait....and wait....annnnnd wait, I get the defeated status. Makes no sense.
I really love the game itself but the constant crashes and disconnects are killing the game for me. Also, the bug with pets not attacking sucks. I really like the voodoo girl but I cant use her because the dolls never attack. Same with the guy who summons an owlbear. Never seen it attack. The daily quest that says "win X games in a row" is also impossible. It should read "play X games in a row without crashing". This is so dissapointing because the actual game is great. Im just hoping this is a result of them stressing to get the game released.