Have you guys seen RAGE by id? It looks awesome, won best overall game at E3 by IGN. It looks kinda Borderland-ish with elements of Fallout 3 and a bit of Bioshock in it.
Seriously, within the first few seconds of the preview, immediately the words 'Fallout' and 'Borderlands' sprang to my mind. To be honest though, I'm starting to get tired of the whole wasteland/post-apocalyptic setting now. It was nice with Fallout 3 and the more wacky, humourous take with Borderlands, but any more than that and it starts to get boring, IMO.
It's been in production waaay before Borderlands or Fallout 3 were released. Sure, the concept's nothing new, but it uses id's new Tech 5 engine, which has a ridiculous amount of improvements, most notably MegaTextures that support sizes up to 128000x128000 pixels. If they get it right, it'll look and play fantastically. I missed out on Fallout 3 though (I had to decide between get the new games everyone's talking about or get the old games everyone was talking about), so I might be more excited about it.
Eh, I'm not really interested in graphics, since, as I said before, I'm getting tired of the concept. That's not to say I'm disinterested entirely, but I'll probably only look into it if it ends up getting oustanding reviews.
I'm overwhelmed right now. My parents hate the fact that I spend time and money on video games as it is, and now that situations gonna take a turn for the worst. The list of games I must play. Not wish, hope. Must. Halo: Reach CoD: Black Ops Crysis 2 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Gears of War 3 Dead Rising 2 Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Then, as honorable mentions, there's... Dead Space 2 Medal of Honor Fallout: New Vegas Rage Singularity Crackdown 2 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (XBLA) Hydro Thunder Hurricane (XBLA) I haven't even mention the 3DS yet.
It's actually closer to El Shaddai. That's the game where you play as an angel that helps God reach fallen angels that are just out of his grasp. http://kotaku.com/5567278/the-heavenly-beauty-of-el-shaddai
These are the things I'm going for. Golden Sun Dark Dawn. The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword. Nintendo 3DS and the games. Golden Eye Remake. New Twisted Metal Final Fantasy 14 Final Fantasy 13 Versus Starcraft 2
Hmm... I might spend $6 on PSN later for a PS1 Classic, so I'm trying to decide which to buy: Legacy of kain: Soul Reaver (I want to beat this one before playing the second one which my friend has) Silent Hill (currently playing this one, but I'm only as far as the elementary school.) Cool Boarders 2 (I played that game A LOT as a kid, and unfortunately we can't find the PS1 disc) Medal of Honor/MoH Underground (Played a lot of the first one on the PS1 and still have the disc. I never got around to playing Underground) I'm also willing to go a few bucks over and get Final Fantasy VII, since I've gotten basically nowhere in that game.
So Risk just came out on XBLA, anyone gonna try it out? I'm thinking it'll be a much needed change of pace after all the FPS.
A.) Don't have an Xbox B.) I play on Conquer Club which is basically Risk on the PC with a ton of different maps. Otherwise, I'd be all for it. How much is it, just out of curiousity?
Let's see if I can convert Microsoft's abstract points system to actual dollars... let's see, carry the one... solve for x... square the hypotenuse... $10, and it's gotten good ratings so far.
Crap. I only have I think 640 points left. I guess it's either wait for a sale or skip it. I guess I'll just stick to Conquer Club for now.
I was referring to when I got my Xbox back. I kinda wanted to play it on my Xbox. That, and the fact that I'll be playing Xbox at friends' houses until I get mine back.
My question still stands. I want another good PS1 game to play on my PSP, but I want to get the best one I can.
Played the demo, it seems pretty fun, not loads different from regular risk really, kinda like one of the spin-off Risks (like 2210 AD or Godstorm, except the theme is Factions) Will probably end up caving and buying it, got a shiny new points card on the way.