Mass "What Should I Get?" Thread (2012 - 2017)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Zincous, Dec 25, 2011.


What device to get?

Poll closed May 30, 2013.
  1. iPod Touch

    2 vote(s)
  2. iPad

    7 vote(s)
  3. iPad Mini

    4 vote(s)
  1. ThisIsAUsername

    ThisIsAUsername Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Hi, I'm looking for some good strategy and/or sci-fi games.

    A couple weeks ago, Apple had some featured space games, and one of them looked pretty interesting. I can't find it, but I think it was a space RPG/adventure game. I'm pretty sure one of the top reviews was a guy saying he stopped playing Ascendancy.

    Just a list of the games Apple featured would be fine, too.

  2. F3rnu5

    F3rnu5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    Just bought an iPhone 6. Recommend me some awesome games?
  3. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    #5423 Duivs, Mar 31, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
    So I've now got an iPad air, so I'm fairly use I should be able to run most games.

    I've already begun to get bored with my current stash of games, so I'm looking for a good RPG like 9th Dawn, a 'build something and then test it/kill stuff with it/battle stuff' game (I don't know what genre to out it in, so...yeah something like battleship craft or Robocraft on PC. I can't find anything like them!), and a game like Cardinal Quest 2.

    It would be amazing if someone could point me in the right direction. Just to narrow it down it would be preferred if they didn't require an internet connection.
    Thanks :D

    Edit: found a game almost exactly like Battleship Craft (which got removed from the App Store). It's called warship craft and is great fun if you like building and destroying ships and stuff.
  4. akrose858

    akrose858 Member

    Jan 21, 2014
    I think you should check out Galaxy on Fire 2, it is a space trading/flight sim type game and it has the best graphics out there i think. Maybe check out sid miers Starships if tou are looking for a turn based strategy game. I havent bought it yet but the reviews look promising. I love these kinds of games too so if you get one that is good that i didnt mention let me know what it is!

  5. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    X-com enemy within or Hunters 1 or 2 would satisfy those requirements
  6. rod-

    rod- Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2012

    There's a subgenre of the MMO/CityBuilder/Strategy area that i've long been a fan of. Example games are Rise of Rome and Chronicles of Merlin (both defunct on iOS at this point). The only currently-available examples that i'm aware of are Roman Empires and Gaul Wars.

    There is a very subtle but important distinction in my eyes between this set of clones (and i don't know what the original game is) and Travian clones - You build heroes, not armies, and the combat is actually (eventually) tactical rather than just brute-numbers based.

    The current games that i'm aware of are just strictly worse than the older defunct games - the current ones have less polish, no innovative systems, not much in terms of user interaction/experience.

    Anyway, if anyone could help me out in finding more games like the older ones, or even tell me what the 'original' is, it's been something I search for regularly. These games typically give me a reason to wake up at 5am, which makes my day and life more productive in the long run. If i could have responses PM'd to me, I'd appreciate it - doubt i'll remember to check this thread regularly.
  7. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Any recommendations for as shmup with RPG elements?
  8. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    #5428 Jibba, Apr 21, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
    Double post.
  9. GreenAlex96

    GreenAlex96 Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2014
    Just ordered an iPad Air a bit ago, what are some good iPad only games/games way better on the bigger device? FTL is already on the list and I'm really looking forward to playing junk jack on it.

    Don't have any specific game types in mind, I'll take any ideas.
  10. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite looks amazing on iPad Air.
    It's pretty pricey, but I assure you it's worth it.

    Implosion also looks very nice.
  11. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    Are there any Zelda-like dungeon crawlers with loot/leveling system, similar to Wayward Souls except does NOT have permadeath? Not really into the ones with really pixelated graphics (similar to GBA sprites). I really really really tried to like Wayward Souls, even re-installed it like 3 times to give it a chance, but simply can't due to the annoying permadeath system, seriously can't find anything likable about having to restart from scratch every time you die. If it didn't have permadeath then it'd probably be one of my favourite games.
  12. Jakeopp

    Jakeopp Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    #5432 Jakeopp, May 14, 2015
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
    I'm looking for a shooter with a good online mode. Preferably one that doesn't' feel extremely freemium. I've played Britz Brigade, NOVA 3, and Shadowgun: DeadZone
  13. triggywiggy

    triggywiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    Freelance writer, Student, Casually employed in re
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hey I'm back!

    So I've been out the game for a while. Started the upcoming games thread on here a long time back and used to do reviews for a few sites. Got ill, took a break got a diploma and now started uni. But I think it's time I returned back to the iOS world after an almost 3 year break.

    So here is the question. What apps and games have I missed out on the last 3 years? (I know there is gonna be a huge amount). I barely have checked the App Store of late and my current catalogue contains your game dev story and fruit ninja style games!

    I have a iPhone 6 (it's not broken despite dropping it for the world to see but that's another story) so any quality game is fine.

    Another question is: is there any good games for the Mac on the Mac App Store? I've had a look and really struggled to find any.

  14. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    Welcome back!! We're all still here hehe.
    Was just about to call for a search and rescue chopper for you but that can be cancelled now!

    Well that is quite some epic & all encompassing question you've asked there!!

    I'll start with the easy one. For Mac, don't buy games on the Apple Store, just install Steam! Loads more choice and better prices / specials.

    For iOS I'm not going to dump a massive list tho I guess others will fill in here!!

    I'll just mention my favourite few games of the last couple of years that you shouldn't be missing:

    80 Days
    Hearthstone (desktop also of course)
    Particle Mace
    Vietnam '65 (desktop also)
    Ultimate General: Gettysburg (desktop also, slight different version)
    FTL: Faster Than Light (iPad only sorry)
    BattleLore: Command (desktop also recently)
    Skulls of the Shogun (desktop also)
    Eclipse: Race for the Galaxy
    Papers Please (iPad and desktop)
    Pumped BMX 2
    868 Hack
    King of Dragon Pass
    Tilt to Live 2
    Motorsport Manager
    PAKO: Car Chase
    Pixel Boat Rush

    That will do for now ;)

    What genres you like best?
  15. Jakeopp

    Jakeopp Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2012
  16. triggywiggy

    triggywiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    Freelance writer, Student, Casually employed in re
    Perth, Western Australia
    Thanks Baracus. I will check those games out.

    On my console I am mostly in to action games, but when it comes to iOS I am not really bothered along as I am having a good time with the game
  17. triggywiggy

    triggywiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    Freelance writer, Student, Casually employed in re
    Perth, Western Australia
    Have you tried Deadlock multiplayer?
  18. Spock4Pres

    Spock4Pres Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2014
    What decent open world games are out there? I don't mean Minecraft or the like. I'm looking for games like Aralon or Ravensword. Are those the only two decent options?
  19. Kehshsidhdudh5

    Kehshsidhdudh5 Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    Heroes and castles 2 is awesome but I don't know if that counts as a open world game.
  20. thumbs07

    thumbs07 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2010
    Enjoyed 1000000 and you must build a boat. I'm keen to play something similar, maybe a clone. I found one, which is called Token Hero. Know of others?

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