Just a reminder to everyone to nominate for their favorite games of the year: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=112564
Final Fantasy III or Chrono Trigger? I've heard Chrono Trigger is a better game but a poorer port. And pretty much the other way round for FF3 but its on sale and still more expensive than Chrono Trigger. I've played neither and really can't decide
I would also like to know your opinions on this question. Actually, I picked up FFIII from the sale already, but want to know if I should get Chrono Trigger. I have never played it before, so there would be no nostalgia, but I do enjoy a good RPG. Or, should I get Chaos Rings Omega while it's on sale, or both? I really try to take advantage of all the sales haha
M.U.S.E and Terra Noctis - Both awesome and impressions -> Weekly Game Impressions! Also, check out Lost Winds, Dangerous, and Critter Chaos. I will have impressions for these soon! Maybe Mega Man X but I haven't gotten it yet. Oh yeah, GTA over Gangstar any day of the week! So, no need IMO.
FF: Tactics, FF3? (That is, taking into weight the price points for each game) Grabbing Bug Panic, and Dodonpachi Resurrection and Chaos Rings Omega(picked up the original Chaos Rings, so I feel obligated to pick up its sequel while it's on sale)
I would go with Chronotrigger if you are tired of FF3 turn based battles. Overall its a good to decent port and has awesome gameplay that certainly captivates you.
Should I get GTA III while it's 2.99 even though I can't play it on my 2nd gen? I am planning to upgrade whenever the 5th gen comes out.
Which will probably be in next Sep... I'd say wait, its going to go on sale again in the next 8 months for sure.
I want Pokemon red/green/whatever on my phone now. Tell me how. There's gotta be a way without jailbreaking...
Haven't posted here in awhile and just glanced at the homepage every week or so and I have some questions.... What are some decent games I missed that weren't covered on the front page? And what good sim games are there? Any good games like Sim City or Rollercoaster Tycoon? I noticed a Sim City on the appstore but it seemed pretty ancient and wasn't sure it was any good... Edit: And could someone tell me what Sword & Sworcery is besides saying "Pure Awesomeness" etc. Still haven't gotten it and it never seemed very appealing to me.
Sonic So I bought Sonic CD after seeing all of the great reviews and I loved it. I've already beaten it and have also beaten Sonic the Hedgehog 4. I want to play more Sonic, so which one out of these is the best: Sonic 1 Sonic 2 Sonic Spinball They are all on sale (I think) for a dollar. Thanks
Is Starfront Collision still worth it? HD for only $.99 sounds great, but it's not worth it to me......unless there are still people who play online. Question intended for backtothis: Is it as good, or better than Armada?
I think BacktoThis would agree that Starfront is waaaay better than Armada. Not sure about the online presence at this point though. Haven't had it on my phone in a long time.