Then there's those 'free' games with irl cash currency and hundreds of 99$ bundles that receives way less reactions AND they make way more profit. It is precisely why great games like Implosion constitutes of less than 1% of Apps on the App Store. (statistic not proven) On a side note, the free update, 'Red Chapter' donates portions of the purchases to charity if my memory serves me right. Really?
Ironically, that's not even the funniest part. Console games have had DLC forever. People seem perfectly happy to pay anywhere between 30 and 100 quid for some extra guns, cars or maps, even, shock horror, extra post launch content on a console but the whole concept of charging for extra content, levels or even multiplayer on a mobile game sends some members of the audience into a hulk rage as though the developer suddenly transformed into the devil himself and required ones first born in order for them to get the extra content that they in all likelihood have invested both time and money in to developing in order to add to an already excellent game experience. I mean how self entitled can a developer be to think that they deserve a fair reward for their work. They must be crazy. Note. There has been no indication that any extra content will be charged for or any update will involve the addition of iap and even if it turns out to be so, so what?, the game is a standout, end of story, if they learn that they need to make more revenue in order to add new content, so what, be glad of the new content. Or just don't get it, whatever, the choice will be yours. I personally would be perfectly happy to pay for new levels, characters or multiplayer but I know perfectly well I'm in the minority there. I actually find it extraordinarily disrespectful to the developer and self entitled by the player to expect all future content updates for nothing (fixes and other technical stuff notwithstanding) and the complete opposite of what happens on other gaming platforms so when you get something decent that gets added content at a later date, don't go crying to the App Store review process to demonstrate how cheap and self entitled you are, just buy it and be happy you've gotten more from an already top notch excellent experience that this particular game is. Oh and on that, time to move on back to the game. Thanks to all those posting tips, I've gotten stuck in a few places that have been mentioned on here and got sorted by reading here so keep the tips coming as my skill level on this particular type of game would be very low but I can't seem to stop coming back to it which in my case is a really good sign of an excellent game. So keep them tips coming in (but spoiler tags for ending please, I'm probably a bit away from there yet).
I actually have not played this game because I don't have a device to handle it but I wanted to chime in on the discussion about entitled mobile gamers. I think a lot of the skewed reaction has to do with a couple things; first that a lot of gamers on mobile are younger anymore and have no concept of work, money or reality for that matter, or at least not enough. Secondly, they have gotten used to mobile games, no matter the quality, which they only gauge by also skewed parameters, being free. They want everything free, and have also grown up into a gaming scene where they probably download more games that are free that they get their parents or whoever I pay for the shiny iaps and pixel crack and p2w stuff, but expect (usually sub consciously) the game and content itself to be free or cheap as piss. This is all speculation, though I would likeo to say "educated" speculation based on experience from gaming for twenty years and being engrossed in it as a huge part of my own life. I remember playing wow and when mine raft came out kids trying to sell their accounts for mine raft accounts because it was free and wow expansions weren't. That observed behavior has only expanded and ballooned in prevalence since. But as time goes on, especially the American gaming customers will change, and are currently in the middle of a shift now. The kids with no cash now will be adults with jobs, and just like I think exports will gain more relevance here in the US like it has in the rest of the world, as will the whole f2p and premium games on whatever platform balance out. Just my 2 cents. Hopefully I'll get some cash together and upgrade so I can play games like this one here soon.
I believe premium games are like the complete experience, the last version of good quality. The freemium games are like the demos, the incomplete games that lack depth and gameplay. It's up to developers and to the players as customers to decide what to support. There are some few titles of the freemium ones which are AAA titles like Hearthstone for example BUT these games require internet connection AND either you have to play lots of games (like grinding) to earn good cards or buy them with real money. So, in the end the player is forced to play their "tricks" (unless I am wrong). I have been growing up with NES and I miss the GOOD games that makes the difference. That's why I rated Implosion 5 out of 5 stars because it shows exactly this difference, without a single IAP. And as they indeed said in the forum that the new updates will be free, then I congratulate them again. I hope it will be profitable for them so that we can expect a sequel.
Absolutely 100% agree. They have something quite special in this game for the platform and we definitely need non iap, or at the very least premium entry priced games, to demonstrate a level of success. They don't need to be top grossing, they just need to be profitable. There is a lot of people out there that want this to be a success, not just because they have demonstrated a commitment to premium but partly because of it, but it's really an excellent game that really demonstrates that mobile can be competitive with console. It's never going to be the same as console but it sure as hell is one great experience that you don't need to be stuck at home in front of you're TV to play yet still replicates that experience. That's quite an achievement. That deserves reward. That can only help define and grow the platform.