Carnage is IAP only. Basically, there will be a new "monthly subscription" that gives 300 crystals on purchase, and a 20-bio selector each day, where Carnage will be exclusive to. The update highlights for me are Green Goblin's Ultimate costume and the rank 6 skills for Goblin and Vision. The buffs to Ronan seem significant too, so that's something to look forward to as well. I wish they just gave him his rank6 too, but i'll take GG for now.
On the bright side, if you saved rank up tickets, or at least the rank-6 ticket from the last event, you'll only need 1 month of the bio selector subscription to get Carnage to 6-stars. Other than that, i will stick to the Stark Stash monthly subscription. Im guessing the Carnage selector sub will be 2 to 4 times more expensive, so that's a no-go for me.
Ahahahaha! The number of users that go apeshit in the Future Fight mobirum forums for Carnage's paywall.
Is the game live now? Im still downloading the update. LOL. Twas at about 70% earlier when i left the ipad on my table, and when i got back it restarted back to zero. Sheesh.
So , GG does fire damage now.... I just added him as the last member to Rulk's team, lol. I wanted Malekith, but I'll actually work on GG now, and I think Jane might be in my Lincoln team soon.
That makes sense. Did GG really change to combat-type through the uniform? My MFF app's still downloading. Abnormally slow download.
the new timeline battle system is pretty close to battleworld with the addition that you can spend in game coin to match up with someone different.
Ultimate GG is pathetic. He is pretty fun to play as though. All the tankiness really dont matter since his really bad damage output cant create advantages through his tankiness. And yes i have him maxed out, and been playing as UGG since i got my hands on the update. I really dont like how punishing the new timeline battle is for those struggling with gold. I prefer the old system. Cant say much about the new characters. I wont buy IAP just to get new characters.
Well the way I look at it if I am not spending money on any other games I might as well spend some on a game I play a lot you know?
True, that's why i've invested in the monthly Stark Stash. But im not going to get another subscription purchase just because it's where i can get Carnage. Just personal preference and reasoning.