Universal MARVEL Contest of Champions - (by Kabam)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    That's odd. It never takes me more than a second or two to find a match in CoC. Matches in CoC also seem to be far shorter even though you have more control. Maybe it has to do with your device/connection?
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    For me it's really buggy so far, I just lost a quest because I lost 2 of my guys because the battles froze, both just stopped doing anything at all and stood there looking at each other and it happened for two matches in a row my only choice was to quit the match and lose the hero.

    Also I'm currently playing on near 100mbps and the loading times at parts are atrocious as it will just stay on loading so long I get bored and close the game.
  3. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    Yeah I had the freeze issue a few times, fortunately never twice on one map though. I haven't had any loading time issues though on my IPad Air, so it might show a need for optimization on the devs part.
  4. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    So under Special Events in the Quest menu, I just found out that you can complete the Proving Grounds as many times as you want. Each attempt grants at least 1 catalyst (at least it does if you go the harder route, not sure about the easier path). This really opens up the potential of 2 star characters as I will now be able to triple their levels. Goes to show I really should have been reading those tip boxes in the main menu! I have to give the devs credit then, with a continuous stream of catalysts, I don't see a paywall anytime soon even if I never get a 3 star or above.
  5. G-Man11

    G-Man11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    I don't find its Freemium enough to bother me at all. I've only been playing this for less than one week and haven't paid a cent and look at all the characters I have. I got my 3 star characters by completing quests and getting tokens and buying premium crystals with them. I mostly got 2 star characters but got lucky and got Juggernaut (who is AWESOME!!!) and Star Lord who I don't know anything about (I think he's in the new movie?) but seems cool too.

    Plus the game gives you daily crystals that have characters in them for free - now I suspect that they will quickly become irrelevant once our teams get more 3+ star characters.

    I will always love Injustice, but it took ages to grind those first few gold cards! I always just bought the gold packs anyway since I thought getting a random character was more fun then paying triple the price to hand pick who I wanted.

    For me, the main area where Injustice is WAY better than MCoC is that you can play offline. I play every day on the subway, and this does not permit playing MCoC. Also, once all quests are completed - I'm already finished 50% of the first of 3 acts - tokens to buy crystals will become scarce. At that point the Freemium may really rear its ugly head, if we don't have a "BB6" to grind tokens. In this game the tokens aren't awarded more than once for each quest. That might be a problem..,
  6. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    For any of ya wondering about cloud/server saves:


    Thank you for contacting Kabam Player Experience! My name is ----------------. If I understand correctly, you have written in regarding recovering your profile and I am happy to address this for you!

    I'm afraid that we currently have no ability to recover profiles. Since there is currently no way to create a KabamID, there is no way to log back into that account. I would currently advise keeping your old account on the device until we are able to implement that feature. Otherwise, all of your game data may be lost!

    Thank you for playing Marvel Contest of Champions!"
  7. G-Man11

    G-Man11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    Well, the good news is it's a new game, so hopefully you didn't lose a lot of data?
  8. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    No im fine. Its just that there was a question earlier asking if you will be able to delete the soft launch version and install their country's version while maintaining their data
  9. G-Man11

    G-Man11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    Uh oh...do we expect that the soft launch version will be different from the actual release? I just assumed they would merge together.
  10. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    No I mean just playing the game period seems more tedious than Injustice.
  11. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Yeah they will merge it together, but for those who dont live in the soft launch country it might be an issue bc they wont be able to buy the iAPSs
  12. G-Man11

    G-Man11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    I'm more worried about tokens becoming scarce and then Kabam adding all these cool new characters that are currently missing like Magneto; meanwhile I've spent all my tokens on Gamora and Star Lord. I'm zooming through these quests and once I'm finished I think the tokens will be hard to find.
  13. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    After a week I deleted and decided to wait for final release for that reason. You should do the same.
  14. G-Man11

    G-Man11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    I can't do that now. I've already got a 3 star Juggernaut and Star Lord. I could stop playing and wait if I had the will power, which I probably don't:)
  15. I'm enjoying this game for now. But i'm afraid the combat system will be too repetitive at some point :/
  16. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    I saw this and had to respond. Andysmash, being the hardcore of the Marvel hardcore, should be trusted. I so wanted to download this through my other account and held off knowing I would hate myself later. Good advice as always ;)
  17. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    So I finally got around to deleting this. Feels like a great set of chores has been lifted off of my shoulders. The final straw was a couple of +75 ISO 8 and some other random garbage in my daily draw, plus three days in a row got the same 1 star duplicate. The game is certainly set up to release only certain prizes even though it touts a bunch of nice ones. Like I'd see that 3 star punisher with the crystals earned from online battles every time I'd spin yet it always gives gold and ISO. I was close to smashing my phone a couple of times that I had 10 crystal, opened them all and came away with barely enough ISO to level one low level character and like three tokens.pure poop, good bye and good riddance.
  18. G-Man11

    G-Man11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    I appreciate the advice and just want to make sure I understand. Firstly I do live in Canada and downloaded this through my regular and only account. My concern after zooming through about half of act 1 was that I was going to accumulate and use up all the easy to gain game tokens on the currently available roster of characters. What if better characters were made available for the full game release while I've spent all my tokens on 2 star characters? So I've stopped purchasing crystals, and am currently only farming MP and the catalyst quests to accumulate tokens and build up my current characters, who I am pretty happy with. I currently have a 3 star Juggernaut and Star Lord, 5 two star characters, and 4 one star characters. Now that I have explained my situation, I would appreciate if you would explain to me what is to be gained by deleting the game, waiting, and starting fresh with the full release? Thanks guys.
  19. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Not had a freeze since the update. Fingers crossed.
  20. kdrieu

    kdrieu Active Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    I'm pretty sure the game uses your game center ID login for your saved game. It's one of the more glitch-free saves i've seen for using betwen 2 devices. Unless they reset everyone when the game goes global you will probably just pick up where you left off when you reinstall the game.

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