Universal MARVEL Contest of Champions - (by Kabam)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. tahzblade

    tahzblade Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    #341 tahzblade, Feb 8, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015

    I'm sure if someone spends $200 on this game and doesn't get the character he or she wants, he or she will feel ripped off. Anyways we both have our own views and each has its positives and negatives so we'll leave it their, besides- this is getting off topic.

    Edit: I should of used a word different then justifying but it's too late now :p
  2. demod1

    demod1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    Nah... You just sounded pompous. What you call fact and data, I call your opinion. And apparently as great at you are at stating your version of fact, data and reality... Very few people here agree with you. A descent developer worth supporting is just as happy pleasing the consumer as it is lining their pockets. There are plenty of fair iap systems out there. This isn't one of them. And regardless if 90% of the developers out there are also making money scamming gamers, it doesn't make it right.
    Telling people if they don't like it, don't play doesn't work either. Maybe if you don't like it "don't pay". That is the only thing that will affect a developer like this. But here in the Touch Arcade communities forums... This is the place to voice concerns, grievances or praise if warranted.
  3. tahzblade

    tahzblade Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2012
  4. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Paying real money for a chance at something good isn't a rip off. The lottery isn't a rip off. Vegas isn't a rip off. This game is not a rip off. Paying money for a chance at a beneficial payout, especially when the odds are not clearly stated or in your favor, is a bad investment - not a rip off.

    If you feel ripped off by this game, the only person to blame is yourself for choosing to spend money on a bad investment.
  5. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    This is why I walked away from the game.

    I'm willing to pay real money for these games and I want to support the developers.

    Contest of Champions has some nice elements, and the fighting system is better than Injustice. There's no contest there. (rimshot!)

    However, it's not player friendly at all. I deleted this game and walked away. Asking people to pay real money and then stacking the odds against them of actually getting what they want. Bad for the consumer.

    Putting up a multiplayer component that only gives out decent rewards for people who can continually play throughout and never take a break. Punishing model.

    However, just because it is a bad investment for the end-user doesn't mean it isn't a bad model. These schemes burn out people instead of going for the long term relationship. Look how many people STILL play Injustice. The Marvel IP has legs so it will attract eyes, but I think this game will always be chasing Injustice's numbers even though the Marvel IP has a stronger draw than DC these days.

    They could have made a better game than Injustice that was just as player friendly with some real longevity.

    But as I said earlier, with Kabam's current profits, they have no incentive to listen to players so I expect nothing will change.

    Sadly, I see the current punishing IAP/F2P models as a bubble. It will pop eventually, and the fallout will be bad. The gaming industry keeps going through these cycles. This is the latest bandwagon and everytime the current bandwagon crashes the game industry goes through a massive upheaval.
  6. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    I did too.

    Correct! And I would argue that it might be a great model. The concept of gambling has been around for as long as we've had currency and it keeps going. A new sucker is born every day, right? The day you get burned and delete the app another person gets a brand new phone and can't wait to get a nice, new, free game to play on it. We might have reached a saturation point with the amount of gaming devices out there that this bubble might not ever really "burst" in the traditional sense. As long as there are new players being acquired the model will have legs, and the iPhone market is only growing. There's a reason Candy Crush, Game of War, etc. make millions yearly. Get new players, make more money, burn out those players, get new players. It works, it makes profit, and every day a thousand people turn 13 and get their first iPhone.
  7. tahzblade

    tahzblade Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2012
  8. demod1

    demod1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    I invest in stocksÂ… I only play video games.
  9. demod1

    demod1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    To be completely fair, KaBam has recently done quite a bit to make this game more interesting and even a bit more fair. There is still a lottery system, but there are so many more opportunities and so many different ways to get bonuses and characters now. You still can't select which bonuses or characters you get, but there are way more opportunities to get the ones you want now. There are also clans which add a new dynamic to the game. You can help other team mates who need energy or to get back in the versus game once they've been used up in battle already. The team members who help another team member out, are rewarded with loyalty points. These can be used to purchase crystals that give you unique bonuses and unique characters.
    I also like the previous update which brought giving your characters new powers if you land a duplicate character. This makes even the characters that I did not invest so much time in much more cool to use. Also much more powerful which takes me further in the tournaments. There are also new skins to be won. Such as unstoppable Colossus and superior Ironman. It still feels very grindy, but much more exciting when there is more to do, more different ways to be rewarded, and a greater variety of rewards.
    So where it may have seemed that the developers were not listening to our complaints, and now seems rather obvious that they were. They're just not letting go of the lottery system. But they are making it much more interesting for those who have stuck around.
  10. tahzblade

    tahzblade Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    In that case I think I'll re-download the game.
  11. hitmantb

    hitmantb Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    #351 hitmantb, Mar 4, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2015

    Top grossing chart:

    Marvel COC at #19 and far and away Kabam's most successful title in recent years. Injustice at #78. WWE not top 100. People have voted with their wallets.

    No amount of whining on Touch Arcade will change the fact that Kabam has a far more successful business model. Coupled with stronger IP, it is no contest. In fact Marvel COC pretty much killed Injustice as most players will choose one game over the other, and they are all leaving Injustice.

    This is NO different from Puzzles and Dragons, second most successful mobile game ever, 1.5 billion dollars last year. Buy a lottery ticket and roll for your hero, same as Brave Frontier, Monster Strike etc. Kabam did not invent this, Japanese did. I don't understand where are the complaints coming from. These games all give you a ton of free pulls and gifts to keep you coming back for more. I think you should check out the Puzzles and Dragons, Monster Strike threads on this forum and see if players complain about the lottery system. Part of the addiction of these games is because team growth is not linear. I played Puzzles and Dragons for a full year without IAP and when you get a rare character, it is a great feeling.


    Is the combat system a little better now? I really really hope someone will make a real Street Fighter or King of Fighters with freemium model and non-stop updates. Both Marvel COC and Injustice have really shallow combat system and I didn't really get into it before. May give it another look but if I remember correctly every character has the same combos and very similar specials. It got boring very quickly.
  12. Grimstone82

    Grimstone82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2011
    Northbrook, IL
    The combat system is pretty shallow but it's better than Injustice, IMO. Also, it's pretty well optimized for touch based gameplay, and I actually like it better than having a virtual controller on the screen.
  13. desngbc

    desngbc New Member

    Apr 21, 2015
    Hi CrazyJava, I just got my 3-star Colossus. May I know whats your current attributes for your Colossus? I'd like to know if it's worth while spending my ISOs to upgrade / rank up. Thanks!
  14. nwong

    nwong Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2015
    Best mutant to have is either wolverine or deadpool.They have great healing powers. Especially if you can rank them up they will be extremely handy in the later levels!
  15. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Any active alliances? Way better than the crap/buggy MKX app. :/ Going back to this instead.
  16. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    I've been a long time Injustice player and recently MKX. The one thing that's been keeping me from playing this game is all of the negative feedback regarding how impossible it is to collect decent cards (even when paying with REAL money). Did the recent update address this issue? Thanks!
  17. Mekklesack

    Mekklesack Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    I nearly gave up on Contest of Champions especially after watching a preview for Future Fight and its cash mall! Yikes. But I find myself getting excited over tap-mashing the screen for fights in Contest of Champions which is still the most polished and prettiest fighter on iOS (lighting effects make a big difference), and most importantly "it has a well catered community!" I'm warming up to the idea of putting down serious cash to buy more units. Shoot! It's just worth it! Other games can still take a lesson from this one, Kabam is very responsive to its community unlike a very nihilistic, rigged and detached "Moby Dick" approach to consumers, Kabam simply just responds to all their individual players, very, "very" much like "Valve" and Team Fortress 2. Kabam has the right idea and approach to free to play, and because of their conscienceness toward players they have the brightest looking future in this red ocean.
  18. Mekklesack

    Mekklesack Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Contest of Champions, keeping players happy, (or they'll find a way #).
  19. CrazedJava

    CrazedJava Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Until they address the inability to be able to obtain your favorite characters by some other means than luck or doing multiplayer 24/7 I will continue to stay away.
  20. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Got a 4 star Hulk :D Just need friends and an Alliance

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