Universal MARVEL Contest of Champions - (by Kabam)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Daily crystal?? 7x3 star heroes??
  2. Yanj

    Yanj New Member

    Jan 20, 2015

    I don't know if the lottery system for the crystals is completely fixed. I say this because I'm at lv 10 and when I first started playing I won 2 lv 3 characters. I Was really happy about that#
  3. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    #303 worldcitizen1919, Jan 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2015
    I've just come back after the update. Hopeless. I've still got no 3 or 4 star champions!!!!!

    That's why I've gone to Injustice & WWE.

    With Injustice just by grinding I can get a good character worth double the price. I've got about 6 gold champions in Injustice & about 4 in WWE and that's only after playing a bit over a week.

    This game is FIXED and whether you pay or grind you still depend on Lady Luck which stinks.

    The Devs ought to have a good look at Injustice and why it is number one and not this. I will never snk any more money in this because it's all a lottery. With Injustice you can grind or buy the best champions which makes it a very fair system. But here if you pay you still can't be guaranteed a certain level like with Injustice.

    With Injustice you can choose which hero you want and buy or grind for it, the prices are are all transparent not hidden behind a fixed dice. In this game you could spend $200 and not get a 3 or 4 star from the spin. Where's the fairness in that?

    I'd love to play this but it's all built on fixed randmness which they FIX.
  4. Based Xatu

    Based Xatu Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2013
    The new upgrade system is actually really good. It's a rip off of injustice's system, but it works. The only thing is, as you pointed out, the randomness of heroes would mess up all hope of getting multiple copies of a 3 or 4 star to up their passive ability.
  5. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    #305 worldcitizen1919, Jan 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2015
    Just received two red crystals in my mail but they turned out to be both 2 star Punishers. They need to give you a purchase option which at the very least guarantees a 3 star champion. I've got about 15x 2 star champions. Won hundreds of versus crystals but never spun a champion yet. Always gold or chips.

    I've bought the $12.99 pack & the $6.49 pack and along with the currency won on quests I've opened about eleven 2-4 champion crystals but always got 2 star never even one 3 star.

    I put in a complaint and they replied that it was just the luck of the draw. That's what's wrong with the game. People like me just can't get lucky and that's because the system is so unfair. For $ you should be guaranteed a 3 star.

    It stinks.
  6. Based Xatu

    Based Xatu Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2013
    If you buy the larger packs, sometimes they come with crystals gauranting a 3 star. They'll probably make it permanent.
  7. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    The update added some nice touches. Sorry to hear about all the bad luck you've had WC. I'd be pretty upset too. I have somehow gotten lucky enough to have 4 3* and a bunch of 2* with only 3 1* characters. It's all luck but it's like playing Vegas odds. At some point, the slot machine is gonna hit. It takes a hell of a lot of grinding, and that's where people are either on board or going to Injustice or WWE. I bet another update will make the playing field much more fair. They're just trying to cash in while the app is still newer.
  8. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    #308 worldcitizen1919, Jan 26, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015

    I'll just wait for another update. But I'm really enjoying Injustice so much I bought the PS4 version yesterday and it's awesome. I could have spent $50 on crystals but giving my $ to WB I at least get a good quality something in return not just a lotto and more 2 star champions. If they bring in 3 star purchase options I'd be interested but not a lotto and not exorbitant prices. For $6.49 you should get a minimum 3 star but 2 star are still included so it's a waste of money.
  9. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    So all the complaints about this game, and not getting anything worthwhile for your money? They... they made a game that you can't pay to win. They did the thing that people want. You CAN'T just buy all the best stuff.
    Reinstalled to see how the new update worked. They gave me 2 free 2-star Punishers. Same old game though...
  10. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I started playing this game two days ago but after reading almost every page of this thread I'm little concerned about its lasting appeal. I mean, if the chances for getting 3 or 4 star champions are so low (1:100 and 1:1000 according to what I read), it's gonna be pretty frustrating very soon, isn't it? I got 2-star Iron Fist 3 times in a row, am I the unluckiest in the world or what? I don't even know Iron Fist. I was looking forward to play as almost any character from Avengers mostly, but I'm afraid I'm gonna spend weeks with this game and don't get what I want anyway. Are at least all the characters available in lower classes? I mean, I've got Spider Man with 1 and 2 stars. So I assume they are, right? Anyway, in Injustice and Immortals there are at least these bronze/silver/golden packs guarantee you'll get something for your money. The purchase model in this game seems strange. But I might be wrong, I'm playing just for 2 days (and yes, I don't have anything valuable yet), I'm gonna give it at least a week to see how things are, I'm just afraid it's not gonna be very satisfying considering what I read here. And it's a shame, I love the chosen style and visuals much more than DC games mentioned earlier.
  11. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Grinder to win another useless Arena crystal and won 5,000 gold. How many matches have I fought to get those 2,000 battle points only to get gold useless gold. Deleting this.
  12. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Thing to keep in mind is, a single 3-star hero is worthless with two more 3-star heroes to form a team to compete in the 3-star PVP with. So, you know... Getting a 3-star hero will NOT save the day or win the game for you. Keep that in mind. That's what I posted about above, saying you literally can't pay to win.

    You get a bunch of 2-star heroes, enough to form multiple teams to compete in the 2-star PVP. This will earn you rewards that can be used to move up into the 3-star PVP, plus help you in the PVE. Etc. That's the system.
  13. xiel

    xiel Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2012
    #313 xiel, Jan 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
    I am warning newbies away from this game. This game has a very huge paywall. If you never play the arena and only the quests, you will need a full team of 3 stars to finish the game. 3 Stars are ridiculously hard to get because you can only get at most 1/5 and sometimes even 1/10 premium crystal pulls.

    If you get the $100 crystal(30+ crystal totals), there is a HUGE chance you won't even get any 4 Star heroes.

    And there is the Arena, it is ridiculously top heavy because only top 150 get 4* crystals every week, top 10k gets 3* every week.

    For 4 star event, this is how you get to top 150:

    1. Have a minimum of 12 3/4 stars (Which means spend upwards $200 to even compete!).

    2. Grind quests to level your 12 3/4 stars (Need at least above 600 rating meaning you have to grind for at least 3 weeks! And by the time you grinded your levels, you are already so far behind that the new difficulty might need at least 18 3/4 stars!)

    3. Play 24/7 (Seriously do not even skip a game or you will fall behind! You need to play every 2 hours for 24 hours, that means you have to play a total of 192 battles per day!)

    4. Only then you get a CHANCE! I repeat A CHANCE! to get to top 150, because some people in Kabam forums already quit the game because they spent more than $200 and got like 3m score(Which takes 24/7 for 7 days straight required playtime) and got NOTHING but a 3 star(which is easier to get because of the 2 star arena gives 3 stars to top 10k)!

    5. You can pay to win top 150, just spend around $30 per week while still playing 18 hours per day.

    6. Every week you will need an additional 3 star team just to compete, from last week the score added additional of 1.2m needed to get a 4 star. (1.2m in 3*, I can get it in 3 days with 4 teams of 3 stars 24/7 playing, that is how ridiculous the game is getting). This week will probably need an additional of 1m to get to top 150.

    The game is ridiculously top heavy that every week the top gets further and further away from the rest of the people. Newbies have no chance in this game.

    I know this because while I never spent a cent on this game, I was ranked 123 in this weeks arena. TWO people played one account and went 24/7 arena(Never skipped a game!)

    For 2 stars the minimum amount needed was around 600k points, which means 9, 2 stars 12 hours/day playing.
  14. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    This game should be banned. I've spent about $15 and from months of gameplay still have no 3 star champions. My last 2 arena crystals which I had to fight 30 battles for I got 5,000 gold and 3,000 gold just now.

    I'm sticking to Injustice. At least Injustice is just and fair unlike this trash.
  15. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    While the details in your "warning" seem on point, that's not a paywall, it's a monetization scheme. Nothing but your own glass half empty outlook is stopping you from playing as much your energy allows or enjoying the game as much as anyone else.

    The gameplay doesn't much change between the time you open up your first tier 3 special moves and, well, ever. A ton of games are like this. The difference between free/moderate spenders in these games and the whales that keep the servers running and coders and artists sitting at their desks making new content is largely in their heads. The whales spend because they think anyone cares about the big ePeen they are trying to wave in others' faces, but smart players don't care; it's not as if the actual game they're playing is different than the one the non-whales are playing.

    I play M:COC for S&Gs, not because I am under any illusion I'll be top ranked any day now. It's fun to spend a few minutes out of my day pummeling Marvel characters with some of my favorite Marvel characters.

    Play these games because you find them enjoyable time killers, play them for the sense of gradual improvement, but don't delude yourself you can possibly make it to the top in a clearly whale-oriented game design without being a whale yourself. That's how these monetization schemes operate: you find people with a bunch of money and a need to feel superior to people they're "competing" with. A game like this is extra silly because skill is such a small part of it compared to time played and money spent.

    I lead a non-spending troop in Battle Camp and we've been playing competitively for more than a year. There is a green ceiling we will never get past but no one cares. We are still coming in the top 300 and often the top 200 among all troops in the world, and we do that without spending on the events in a game where the troops at the bottom of the next prize class's tiers are spending about $500 collectively every single week. Won't even hazard an accurate guess for what the ones in the top 10 are spending every week beyond that it has to be in the thousands per troop. If these people can't think of anything better to do with their money, that's not my problem, and it doesn't harm my enjoyment or gameplay. I'll hang out with the real skilled and hard working players instead of the moneybags who just buy 500X the energy the rest of us have and tell themselves they beat me LOL. I'm not even aiming for that in M:COC, just wanting to beat the crap out of some superheroes, and it does a fine job of that for no required cost :D
  16. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Agree that Injustice's monetization is much more egalitarian, but I prefer M:COC because A) a little more depth to the combat and B) Marvel > DC to me :p
  17. Based Xatu

    Based Xatu Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2013
    So because you didn't get anything it's unfair? It runs on a lottery system, and you're being upset because you bought tickets and still didn't get anything. This game does not force you to spend money, if you can have patience you can get anything. I spent $7 on here and never got a good hero from it, but then I save up the chips they give me from missions and I got a 3* Black bolt on my 3rd try. Just yesterday I received a 3 star colossus from the daily.
  18. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Yeah. I've spent nothing and play maybe 2-3 times a week, and I have four 3-star heroes. Can't be mad at luck. I've said it multiple times on this thread - you can't pay to win this game. You can pay to have more chances to be lucky, but you are not paying to win.
  19. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I don't know about the luck and lottery system, but simple adjustment to the algorithm would make a great change. If there's 1:100 chance to get 3-star champion, why not to make it 1:50 or 1:25, everybody's happy, right? But I'm definitely not complaining, I'm playing for a couple of days now, I'm level 20 and have 5 2-star champions (and 5 1-star I'm just keeping intact yet) and today I got 3-star Spider-man, so it's a start. I'm hoping for more, but we'll see. The energy system is a bit restrictive compared to Injustice (if you've already got more champion's cards to play with), but it's managable I guess. I'd appreciate the single IAP to remove the energy, but it's probably not coming anytime soon if ever, so I'll deal with it. Anyway, this game is amazing, I love the overall style. In the latest tournament I tried so hard, I had one 2-star team so I tried to get back every two hours to gain some points but imagine my surprise when the results came, my rank was somewhere around 160K and the lowest price ended on 70K.. Well, it was my first tournament. I guess I'm able to build 2 teams now (if I can combine 2 2-star champions with my new 3-star Spidey, I didn't have a chance to try yet), so it should double my chances in the next one. Fingers crossed;)
  20. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    You apparently forgot the sarcasm tag ;)

    There is never a point, at least not one that can keep a lottery system profitable to the publisher, where any random distribution will make the vocal crowd anything other than miserable and complaining.

    The problem is they're always fighting all manner of irrational thought

    A) even if the drop rate was 1 in 10, if irrational group one doesn't get what they wanted by pull #13 the system is obviously rigged because they have no real world understanding of probability and statistics

    B) even though drop rates are generally fixed in these games except when the have, admittedly misleading but factual, claims about 2X drop rate for coveted item X, irrational group two constantly finds "proof" they manipulate drop rates to make money through sample sizes that are too small to yield statistical significance (not that they ever subject their claims to basic statistical tests anyhow).

    Unless these sorts get exactly what they wanted by spending "enough", the system is horrible, just horrible :p

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