Got first prize in two star trickshot, stinks I already had a three star Hawkeye. Helped me level him up though. Also got two dupes from the two crystals. Not so lucky!
They came in the messages. The little envelope at bottom left. If you didn't get anything, you didn't rank high enough for a prize. Like, I only did the Second Skin event twice (wanted to focus on Hawkeye), so I got nothing from that.
Does anyone have any idea what the % chance of different star heroes are in the premium crystal? So far I've bought 10 and all were two stars.
In the game forum, people are saying 1 in 100 for a 3*, and 1 in 1000 for a 4*. That sounds about right. I've got two 3* heros and everything else has been 2*, 1*, and crappy duplicates.....or worse, tier 1 ISO.
That would explain my luck haha. Now 12 premium crystals in and nothing but 2 stars. On the bright side, I got the first prize in 3 star captain America event! Unless everyone starts playing way better, I should be able to get the 3 star iron man, and then I'll have three 3 stars. Then I'll at least be able to try the 4 star events. Btw what do you mean by 1 star? Premium crystals only have 2-4.
Is there anyway of seeing your position before the contest ends? I have no idea what sort of score I am supposed to be aiming for!
No there is no way to see your position before it ends. I would say to win the 3* go for around 500k points, and the 4* 1m at least.
How is that even possible! Wow you would need a lot of champions I guess. After you hit a certain point in the streak its pretty much impossible to win so you have to start at 1X again. I won Hackeye last time and only had 130k points, bad thing was I already had Hawkeye as my only three star. Competition definitley increased this time I had 211k points
I'm enjoying this. Presentation,'s Marvel so I can't say no. However, do you hit a wall where having IAP are then a complete necessity? How does this fair to Injustice in terms of progression and collecting new suped up characters? I'm wondering about longevity here. I don't mind grinding it out as it's (so far) been good fun.
I hit a wall where I can't go any further in the single player without ranking up my heroes significantly or purchasing new ones in hope for more 3* ones. So I'm grinding easier missions to 100% them while doing PVP (which hasn't yielded very good results for me based on the time I put into it - I played tons for the Captain America and got the bottom rank, which gave me a duplicate hero). Also grinding the daily events over and over to get the resources to level characters... but that's slow and random. So. Wall? Since I've not been very lucky on pulling good heroes, I'm at a wall until I can rank up who I have so I can be good enough to compete in PVP to hopefully get a reward that will let me move forward in PVE. Now I just need to decide if that's worth it. (spoiler - probably not)
As far as the Captain America 3* event, I had 14 2* heroes, so I fought with 4 teams about 5 to 6 times a day. I could usually get my streak to 12-15 before it reset. I ended the event with 650k points in 317 place. I now have 15 2*, so for the iron man event I'll be using 5 teams at a time. Is this the best way to get points? No. That would be having maxed out 2* teams, so you would never lose your streak. I don't have any max 2*, so I just do as many fights as possible. As far as a pay wall, I don't think there can be one the way the IAPS work. The only way to get more characters is to use premium crystals, and IAPS only let you buy more of them, they don't garuntee you a certain character. So while they increase your odds, you still have to get lucky. So either there's no paywall, or this is the worst IAP system I've ever seen. My opinion is there's not a paywall.
Yeah I had three teams of 2* and my max streak I could get to was about 9 since only two of my teams have decent levels. They recharge every two hours so you really had to stay committed to the game to play that many times a day. Congrats 317 is incredible!
Your teams levels don't matter, enemies scale to your teams power level. If a 1,000 power team would fight a 2,000 power team, a 500 power team on the same streak should fight a 1,000 power team. But if you have maxed 2*, the enemies can't be stronger than your guys. Is that what you meant?