Universal MARVEL Contest of Champions - (by Kabam)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Still playing this. Wish things were much cheaper and although I like the gameplay a lot still hate the graphics. Gameplay is ok though and enjoyable. Still think it needs more work. But I like it. It's an ok game.
  2. islesfan

    islesfan Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
    Honestly this is what drove me back to Injustice. I prefer Marvel, but I've put some time into Injustice and I have a good roster. I also have the game for PC and XBOX so I like the carryover. If I had infinite time, I'd keep playing this one too, but with my limited free time, I'll be sticking with Injustice.
  3. Based Xatu

    Based Xatu Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2013
    I like this game a lot, but I cannot continue playing knowing Gambit is not in the current roster :(
  4. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    No you cannot gain stars for your heroes. You can rank them up though, which will increase their level cap and stats, and unlock a new super. Your "x" stars character will remain a "x" stars character after a rank up.
  5. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    #185 Mess, Dec 14, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    Anyone know what Battle Chips do??

    Edit - looks like you can by a versus chip with them. But 2000 seems like a lot for a chip which untouched can get from one battle...
  6. tahzblade

    tahzblade Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2012
    Thanks for clarifing, I thought so because when I maxed my Black Panther I had no options to increase tier. I only had the option to rank up but ranking up doesn't give you a star.

    Again, thank you!
  7. TheMerc

    TheMerc Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    After playing this for a couple of days, I have to say that, even though the gameplay is fun enough and the visuals are actually quite good (the cartoonish designs work more often than not, and the game looks beautiful on my iPod Touch 5G, which I wasn't expecting at all), the F2P mechanics - save for the energy system, which is actually rather unobstrusive - are terrible: not only are the crystals way too expensive, but the shenanigans that go on when you try to open one of them are rather insulting.

    Case in point: whenever you win a battle in Versus Mode, you receive a special type of crystal that you can open to win a few items you can't win with other crystals, namely another type of currency and a 3 Star Punisher. I can't count the number of times I opened those crystals and could tell that the roulette was going to stop right when a Punisher icon was appear next (it's quite easily spotted if you notice the stars) only for it to change to a Gold icon or something before stopping completely. I'm not gullible, I know the results of these roulettes are prearranged, but I can't help feel like I'm being suckered when the game is literally pulling a fast one on me right before my eyes ("whoops, he's actually going to get a Punisher, let's switch it up real quick before he notices it!")!

    I'm not at all against "luck of the draw" mechanics - Injustice's card packs are actually a lot of fun, because often you don't know what character(s) you're going to get - but the way Contest of Champions implements them more often than not leaves a bad taste in my mouth whenever I have to deal with them.
  8. Caminagetcha

    Caminagetcha Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    I really like this game and prefer it to injustice don't. If they change a bit the rates you get champions and open other versus modes it would be golden :p
  9. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    It's a Freemium phone/tablet game. No matter what the game displays cosmetically, the rules are always the same - you've got around a 1% chance of getting an "Ultra Rare" Top Prize. Just 'quick speed' through the roulette so you won't get frustrated with its fake display of 50% Punishers. :D


    I just wish they didn't have multiple ways (color / icon / name) of referring to each class, it makes it a pain to keep them all straight. I THINK it works like this:

    RED ===> BLUE ===> YELLOW ===> GREEN ===> PURPLE ===> CYAN (LIGHT BLUE) ===> RED
    Fist ===> Circuit ===> Helix ===> Potion ===> Moon ===> Planet ===> Fist
    Skill ===> Tech ===> Mutant ===> Science ===> Mystic ===> Cosmic ===> Skill

    Red (Fist / Skill) | STRONG vs Blue / WEAK vs Cyan
    Black Panther

    Blue (Circuit / Tech) | STRONG vs Yellow / WEAK vs Red
    Iron Man
    Star Lord

    Yellow (Helix / Mutant) | STRONG vs Green / WEAK vs Blue

    Green (Potion / Science) | STRONG vs Purple / WEAK vs Yellow
    Captain America

    Purple (Moon / Mystic) | STRONG vs Cyan / WEAK vs Green

    Cyan (Planet / Cosmic) | STRONG vs Red / WEAK vs Purple

    Hopefully they have PvP designed that 1* characters won't encounter 4* characters. Type advantage is already close to an auto-win as it is.
  10. ypai1217

    ypai1217 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2013
    I keep on getting stuck at the loading screen very frequently.. I just restart the app and play some more and it gets stuck in the loading screen again. Kinda frustrating.
  11. demod1

    demod1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    Having the same problem also. A lot! This happened three times at the start of an online vs match. When I rebooted I lost the opportunity to have that character fight at all which completely ticked me off. Then using my daily gem, I landed on Hawkeye, a character which I do not have. But the game froze up. When I shut it down and restarted I lost the Crystal and the character! Total BS!!! I really like this game but the freeze ups and freemium garbage are driving me nuts. Gonna move over to injustice as well I guess : /
  12. DeMoNiCxTuToR

    DeMoNiCxTuToR Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2013
    I used to play this game quite a lot during it's initial soft launch and noticed the more you play the worse the game gets. Once your roster starts filling up and you're getting nothing but duplicates , you'll know what I mean.

    And yes, so many times the Roulette 'Looks' like its gonna land on something decent but ends up being garbage. You can go to the official Kabam Forums and see just how bad people complain about the game.
  13. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    #193 chief78, Dec 14, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    I gotta say, this game just almost got deleted off my phone....and still considering it. I had the first chapter 100% on every act except the last, and went back in.....reset! I still have the heros I've won, but an online only game that f's up a save....on their servers!? WTF

    And the lag out is ridiculous. Basically, after every couple of battles, force close the app and re-open. It's a memory leak, and this same thing happened a lot in another marvel game that is online. We're just gonna have to wait until they smooth things out.....

    EDIT: alright, I'll have to eat some of my words. After beating a quest, it automatically starts the next one. The UI is a little weird I the quest menu but I figured out how to go back to the 1st quest to get 100%. But lagout, and then coming back to ur hero with a bunch of health missimg is BS. That needs to be fixed fast, or they're gonna lose a lot of gamers.
  14. Lordrdx666

    Lordrdx666 New Member

    Dec 14, 2014
    Guys how to get 100% in pathways quest which is quest number 5 in act 1 ?

    I'm stuck at 95% still haven't figured it out how to perfectly complete this damn quest perfectly
  15. Lemmonz

    Lemmonz Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2014
    This game won't let me buy two star characters!!!! All I want is Iron Man but Kabam just wants to torture me!!!!!
  16. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    I used to be able to try and get a one star Iron Man in one crystal for 50 credits. Now that one star hero crystal isn't even an option anymore! Now it's 2-4 star hero crystal for 100 credits. By the time I save enough, it'll probably cost 300 for one crystal! What the heck is going on?! Where did those one star hero crystals go?
  17. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Feel the same way to the T.
  18. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    #198 Ayjona, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2014
    Game Impressions

    I'm probably the odd one out here, but I have little or no problem with the freemium implementation.

    But the fighting mechanics start to bore me after a while. They are just not advanced enough to cross the treshold that I require to enjoy the fighting for long.

    (I've been around since soft launch and have played long enough to fill my roster with only 2- and 3-star fighters. If the game does a complete 360° at a later point and for some reason - magic, perhaps - becomes a sophisticated, intricate fighting experience, please tell me so! So far nothing indicates it might.

    There doesn't sem to be such a thing as a balanced challenge in CoC, due to the upgrade and collection system. Either your superheroes have the stats for the challenge ahead, making most fights trivial and the outcomes given, or you are underpowered and go down from a few hits. And, since everything scales, mid-game fights are just as easy as the early ones, if your stats match. On rare occasions, you are just weak enough to have to apply considerable skill to win, but this is rare, and even then the end result still feels shallow.)

    A durned shame this is, because as a fan of fighting games and a hobby fighter in real life, I'd have loved an "infinite fighting experience", where there is always a reason to return to fight some more. In SFIV, KoF and Kinetic Damage, I miss the progressive hooks and sense of development, and play only to improve my skills. In CoC and Injustice, I get the former, but don't enjoy the actual fighting mechanics, and the mechanics are shallow enough that improving only means reacting slightly faster the next time.

    (The closest thing to fulfill both the desire for progression and for sophisticated fighting mechanics I've found on the platform is actually Shadow Fight 2. In spite of a grubbily money-grabbing freemium scheme, the actual fighting mechanics are very solid, animations are superb, and skill wins out. Also, it is probably the most realistic fighter on the platform, with less focus on huge combos and magic attacks, and more on strategy and precision.

    Some advice for those of you looking to replace CoC with Shadow Fight 2: while it might occasionally seem impossible to progress without spending real money, all of these overpowered enemies or critical points can actually be overcome with raw skill, or with some grinding and weapon upgrading followed by a generous application of skill.

    Late game, these challenges become so seemingly insurmountable that the payoff might not actually be worth the effort, but the first three chapters (Lynx, Hermit and Butcher) can be overcome with skill alone with none too much work, and is well worth time and effort. This becomes especially apparent when the game only grows more fun as the challenge and results demands on skill increase. With the sole exception of some end-chapter bosses, and with proper application of weapon and armour upgrades, the player always fights on similar or identical terms as the opponents, making skill is the deciding factor.)
  19. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    I have found iron man really easy to defeat in my match ups so far.

    My best character so far is Spider-Man, and the one I want is the Winter Soilder (being the best one I have come up against so far)
  20. Lordrdx666

    Lordrdx666 New Member

    Dec 14, 2014

    The game is good; haven't as of yet hit a paywall.. Playing semi regularly since one day... Act 1 of chapter is nearly completed..

    Still unable to complete the pathways quest at 100%

    I Tried every route -

    Stuck on that quest at 95%

    Is the deadpool tier 3 in-app purchase useful ?

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