*Crickets Chirping* Its quiet here... 0.o Well I for one, am über excited for this and any more news as well! Hope everything's going great!! Also, an idea for after release if you want to make more money Instabuy, release downloadable texture packs for the iPhone version, each costing 99 ¢. :3
Yeah its been a ghost town lately. Have found a great mine crft clone to tide me over til dis comes out. Wonder about the beta.
My bad if this question's already been answered but, is the game going to support iOS 4.1? Most games these days seem to hate the idea of supporting an older OS.
I don't think they've covered that much. I do know they mentioned a really long time ago that they're supporting older devices. That may have changed though. Haha, wow. A CM employee/dev complimenting models. That's a damn valuable compliment if I ever seen one! Love your work JohnCM, and keep up the great work Instabuy! We all await patiently.
(minebuilder) haz craftin and a zombish mob. textures are not as good as the mc app though. Best out there i've found yet.
If you look at their website, you can see a few of the models they've made. Besides that, you'll have to search and dig through all these wonderful pages, I know there are some, I've seen them, they're just hidden!! :3
It isn't too late, everyone get into the PC/Mac/Linux beta. Also its been pretty quiet so I'll just leave this here, New Image (Also its the PC, would have embedded but its the resolution is too high)