Motivated myself to quit smoking starting yesterday, and I am going crazy right now... Any suggestions on taking the edge off? AAARGH!!!
I know what you must be feeling like right now. I've been smoking for 3+ years now @ 2 packs a day. Couldnt go more than 3-4 hours without smoking. Tried all what I could with zero success. Then I found about eCigs. 3 days and 0 (real) cigs so far. It's definitely worth a shot.
I would so jump on that right now, but figure this is best, right? You would think that after all this time, cig manufacturer's could come up with a safer way that was as detrimental to your health, they would make a killing (as opposed to making killings the way they do today). Thanks for replying, gotta keep myself busy!
You could also try holding a fake cigarette and smoking it while believing you are truly smoking it. The whole mind over matter belief is only as legit so long as you want it. If you want to quit smoking then its entirely possible that smoking a fake cigarette will feel like your smoking the real thing.
LOL, what if, to trick my mind, I go ahead and light it up and maybe pretend like I'm inhaling. Better yet, I can breath in but not inhale... Kidding! That's actually a great tip, I might try it with a straw or something. I'd probably be tempted to actually light the damn thing if it were in my hands! Thanks.
Also taking up another habit instead of smoking would also work, like chewing sunflower seeds, or harming small children.
Ah well it may not be the same for everyone. Any particular reason why it failed, so long as you don't mind my asking.
I tried quitting several times. One time I even got as far as like... no smoke for 5 months. Then I quit again recently. Lasted 12 hours before I was crawling on the ground like a dying sea urchin.
I found the easiest way to 'quit' (short of buying an e-cig) is to start smoking a completely different brand from what you're used to. I smoked Marlboro Smooths/full Menthols for a couple of years, and ended up switching over to this absolutely abysmal brand called Skydancers when I was trying to cut back. Got me down to about five a day. Otherwise, e-cigs are easily the best option. Past the initial $40-50 investment they're far cheaper too.
ecigs work very well I didn't even plan to give up smoking when I bought one the plan was more for getting me through work where I couldn't smoke more than anything else. It worked so well on me that I haven't smoked since the day I bought it and I still have an unopened packet of cigs in a drawer I've never touched or even been tempted to touch. To be honest I think if If I tried to smoke a normal cig now I'd probably feel ill while there is no doubt I'm still addicted to nicotine I do feel much better these days without the tar and other chemicals. I think they are in my opinion a much safer way of getting your nicotine hit and probably the best invention for a long time I recommend them.
I can recommend the Alan Carr Easyway book or the lighter game version from ubisoft, which is out for iOS. It might seem stupid (at least that is what I thought when a friend recommended this way) but I quit after reading that book. At that time I smoked 20-30 cigs a day. Haven't smoked since, and that was 7-8 months ago. You are supposed to smoke while reading the book, which is a huge plus as a smoker. Good luck.