Universal Man Buns: International Male Model (by Highcastle Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by bob82ca, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. bob82ca

    bob82ca Member

    Aug 19, 2016

    A game by Highcastle Studios​
    Coming early September to iOS.​

    The true story of late night parties, questionable health choices, and the pursuit of fame at any cost! This is the life of an International Male Model.

    Survive 5 days as a Male Model with the story told through his most important tool...his cellphone of course!

    - Your decisions shape your career.
    - Hit the gym to get that rock-hard physique.
    - Master social media and get as many likes as possible.
    - Hone your skill of the "perfect selfie".
    - Long hair, don't care.

    Man Buns is a comedy/strategy game of sorts that is inspired by my past career as a male fashion model. The game is loaded with personal stories, raunchy humor, and celebrity references. For the low admission of $1, you can live the beautiful life on your iPhone or iPad device. So get ready to grow your hair long, firm up, and perfect your best duck-face selfie!


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