iPad Man at Arms TD: Pocket Edition (By Inert Soap)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by drdeniz79, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. tricket

    tricket Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Thanks, amusing Grace! We've been working on adding both new cards (like snowballs you can throw at enemies, similar to the fire), and also more things that can change for existing (and new) cards -- like you can get modifications now to increase the number of items you can "throw", or to increase the duration of things like stunning or fire. Hopefully it'll keep things interesting and make new combos for everyone!
  2. XenoCrusade

    XenoCrusade Member

    Jul 1, 2014
    I should have subscribed to this thread the moment I signed up in TouchArcade. Practically the one reason I registered, and still decided not to land my first post here.

    Good to know that the thread and the game is still on-going, though. Game's too good to be forgotten like that. I was a little worried about the lack of activity back then, around the time Tricket posted the layout of the new map.

    I certainly missed a lot, but is it too late to sign up for Beta-Testing, at this point? ;~;
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    It is a good game and definitely worthy of more attention.
  4. tricket

    tricket Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Nope, not too late -- I've just been on vacation the last few days, so I haven't been checking boards. Anyone interested, feel free to either e-mail me your e-mail address at [email protected], or if you'd prefer send me a PM here. I'll use that to get you connected to the Apple beta test system.
  5. shaymon

    shaymon Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    I am late to the party as usual. I know it was a month ago but that guy on reddit is a douche nugget. Look at his post history and you can tell his main goal in life is to piss on people. I despise people like him as they are a cancer.

    Man at Arms is one of my favorite ios games. Not just tower defense but all. And the time you spend with the community is icing on the cake. You are always a cool cat in my book. I am looking forward to the xpac. And hope to see something new down the line.

  6. tricket

    tricket Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Thanks, Shay -- reading your post today just made my day. :) I have to admit that I haven't gone back to my Reddit page since then, just because it was all such a downer. I figure once we get this expansion finally out the door, I can go back and not worry about it as much. Anyway, knowing folks like you are out there *really* makes doing this worthwhile.

    Meanwhile, expansion stuff finally getting closer! We have about 25 totally new cards now (most are available for free, and will show up with a snowflake icon; about 1/4 of those require purchasing the expansion pack). We've been testing about half a dozen new levels with new monsters, abilities, and towers. It's still rough, but it's getting there!
  7. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    I will be re downloading this when that update shows up!
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Tricket keep on chugging, being an iOS game dev is tough but you've already got a great game made. And look .. 79 pages on TA! Seriously, if you pass 30 pages, that means your game has struck up some attention / conversation.

    As you keep working on this, I hope you work on some sequels in the future. It's a great concept that's too good to pass up just because of some losers complaining online.
  9. shaymon

    shaymon Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    Looking forward to it Tom!
  10. tricket

    tricket Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Thanks, everyone. :) And you're right -- part of creating *anything* is withstanding folks throwing eggs, and I need to remember that.

    One way or another, we'll keep making new wacky stuff as long as we can! :)
  11. jojosjeep

    jojosjeep New Member

    Apr 20, 2015

    Are there any updates on the Ice Age expansion?

    Thank you.
  12. tricket

    tricket Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Almost done, at least for the 1.0 version! We have the initial new monsters, buildings, and spells (both for the paid part of the expansion, and the free stuff), along with about a dozen levels. We'd really like to have more total levels and variations than we do right now, but what we'll probably do is finally get this version out the door soon, and then do a quick minor update after that to add a handful more levels and fix whatever we've broken in the big change. :)
  13. Jake7905

    Jake7905 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    I know I've got my money ready for the expansion. I actually just replayed this game again recently, and it reaffirmed my belief that this is a Top 5 TD game. Great replay value, great production value, and the card collecting twist keeps me coming back. Though I must admit that I find the iPad version superior, and that's the version I play. Then again, most games work better on my iPad.
  14. tricket

    tricket Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Thanks! Yeah, we like it, and we also have to admit that we prefer the iPad version. We did our best to compromise the gameplay for the iPhone screen, but that's still what it is: a compromise, rather than the best play it could be.

    We've submitted a new build to the App Store today. We've already found some goofy things we left in (like a mammoth card that just says "Shaggy!" for the description .. whoops!), but those can get fixed in a small update release. This will have all the new paid content, and a bunch of free stuff, as well -- new towers and summonable units and all that. We've been having a blast testing it, so hopefully you'll enjoy it as well!
  15. Jake7905

    Jake7905 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    Whoa!, that was much faster then I anticipated, which is not a complaint. I remember reading that the expansion will only cost $2, if I remember correctly, is that still the case? And more importantly, how many new levels did you guys add in the paid expansion? You're running out of room on the map as it is already! Again, not a complaint.
  16. jojosjeep

    jojosjeep New Member

    Apr 20, 2015

    That is awesome. I'll look for it tonight when I get home. I think you should leave the Shaggy card though!
  17. tricket

    tricket Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    The timing was just coincidence -- we've had the expansion up around 90% complete for a while, and realized we just needed to get it out so people could start playing it, and fix the little bugs that come up later, rather than waiting forever. :) And yes, the paid portion costs $1.99 -- it's basically like one additional new chapter for the game.

    The new paid part actually gets its own new map screen, to make more room. The original map is roughly broken up into three sections (desert, forest, spooky), each with about 10-12 levels. The new map (all ice) got 12 for this chapter, which means they're much more spread out for now. We have other levels that are partially complete but not quite ready for prime time, which we'll add in over time.
  18. tricket

    tricket Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    :) That's the problem of having placeholder text showing up for so long ... we get completely used to it until someone points it out!
  19. Mercy_94

    Mercy_94 New Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    Ice Age done

    really great extension, just finished it.
    The last level is almost breaking down my old iPad ... gets slow because there is so much enemies to defeat.
    Love it and look forward to more of the maps. Also people should be doing more maps themselves and upload ...

    Great job
  20. DezTheSpic

    DezTheSpic Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2014
    When will update be out for Pocket Edition in UK?

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