Actually, that's a question that we should pose to you guys here on the forums, since you're our best testers: When we designed the combine system, we didn't allow you to guarantee a result card, because we were afraid it would make it too simple to create a "mega" card once you got a card in the first place ... even if a card was rare, if you could get it once in a while, and then be guaranteed that if you combined it with another of the same type, it might be too powerful. But ... is that something we shouldn't really worry about? Would it be more fun, from a player's point of view, if when you combined 4 identical cards was guaranteed to generate that same base card, like would have worked for tabs?
For the Battle Master achievement -- thanks, and good! ... at least in that it tells me that we just have to move the logic around a bit, to make sure it checks for the achievement *after* marking that you have completed the level. For crashing ... I'm glad that helped, although obviously it's not a good long-term solution for us! Hopefully the memory fixes I'm working on today will help make that not necessary once we get the phone version patched!
About the card combining, I actually like the way it is right now. I wouldn't want to know what I'm going to get as that would take away the surprise you get. Sure it's a pain in the ass when it goes wrong, but that's part of the surprise when it goes right. Not sure if this is just me but that's what I think.
Just to confirm this -- in addition to any unclaimed chests sending their gems back to the "pool," any chests that exist when the level ends are automatically picked up, no matter where they are.
Dunno if this will help pinpoint the trouble... Tried last night on an iPod Touch 5Gen. Worked fine until loading either of the third levels available, causing the crash. Tried shutting down other programs, but unfortunately no difference. Didn't try restarting the device however. I think both the 4S and Touch have 512MB of RAM, so hopefully some memory efficiencies for 4S will help the Touch. Oddly, the iPad2 hasn't had a crash, and it has the same amount of RAM, but different code I suppose.
Finished - almost all levels done at normal, a few I had to do on easy. Some side levels not done at all yet. Have about 1650 deck size. I've done some levels from Ch 1 and 2 on master, but I never seem to get any cards dropped other than white. Maybe they are higher level whites -- certainly I have been getting more orange than green by combining 4 cards lately. But no green drops I'm aware of. I'm ArtNJ on Game Center if someone wants to add me so we can go head to head. Although I don't even have a defensive deck done yet I don't even really understand how defensive deck works. There are no "point" limits so its any 20 cards?
While random and surprises are good, merging all my level 3 catapult in hopes of a better level 3 catapult, and ended up with no level 3 catapult instead is beyond me. Truth be told that I intend to start all over again. Now that I am more knowledgeable with how merging and buying of cards work.
Does anyone know if there is a way to restore IAPs? I accidentally deleted my old save not realising that it was the one with the gems I bought on it.
I'm with oooooomonkey. I like how it is now otherwise it may be too easy to get cards you want. However, I am open to a rare card or something similar that you can combine with 4 cards of the same type to then make the same card. And if you can buy it with gems, have it be a high cost so you can't do it all the time. If there is the person that just wants to do it, then they can buy gems to do it. Win win.
I just got a new card I've not seen before, a tree thing, works like the redcoats. Now I've only got one achievement left to get, the finish a level with only one life left.
I am stuck without any level 3 catapult. I even bought 10k gems in hoping to get 1. No luck. Can anyone help me by telling me how I could get a lvl 3 catapult ?
Just keep combining other catapult cards (that you don't want) until you get one, I'm in a similar position
I keep getting catapults from buying the common defence pack of cards that cost 300 gems to buy in the shop.
I think the 4S and Touch have 512, actually, while even the older iPad has 1Gb, thus a difference there. Not positive, though -- that was glancing at Wikipedia earlier, without checking the reported numbers when it's connected to the development system. Regardless, yeah -- optimizations should help all the devices, just some more than others.
Just as a note -- as long as you're connected to the internet, any gems purchases made on your device should be available to all your saved games, including new ones you make later. They should also transfer over to any other devices running the same app -- so if you have two iPads, but log in to both with the same Apple ID, the gems should show up. If they don't appear immediately, try quitting out, then coming back in and going into the new save game again, and hopefully the gems will appear!
She's (I always imagine her as a girl tree) a nice card, although better against big monsters than small, because she has a slow-but-strong attack. Just don't let her get hit by fire; it's very sad when she encounters fire wisps. ;-)
Here is the level I made. Keep in mind that this is a very hard level. Much harder than any level currently in game. If you can't beat master in game, you might want to build up for this one Enjoy!
Haven't gotten to check yet -- our main server for source code decided to fail today, so we've ended up spending most of the day getting back back and working again, instead of any useful programming. Check again tomorrow and I should have new info!