no, it just said free, I hit free, asked for my password, downloaded... =o/ But I'm never asked to hit 'purchase' I just need to click 'buy' then put my password in.. guess I should check my iTunes account and make sure it wasn't charged huh...
woot it's free! Downloading now. DL reg for my itouch 2 and on my computer getting the liscense for HD for when I get my itouch5.
totally agree... it's a nice game... but it would be AWESOME if it were free-moving instead of rail guided...
I play HD no problem on my 3rd gen touch looks really good and plays smooth I think 3GS wouldn't have a problem. I like the rails aspect lets me just concentrate on aiming with the tilt controls.
I'm glad this is free. But, I can't say I'm a fan of it so far. Graphically it plays great on my 3GS, and has a superb frame rate. But maybe I'm missing something.. whats the point of collecting money and hitting the targets if you can't spend the money on weapons or ammo? I can live with the game being on rails. But being stuck with the same three weapons and constantly out of ammo.. Sigh.
I'm just surprised at how well this runs on a second-generation device; it makes all those trashy amateurish Gamesalad-esque games that somehow require a 3rd or 4th-gen device to even be playable seem even more ridiculous. Improving your score and gaining achievements, mainly. Make sure you also manually reload your guns in order to get the timer-based "perfect reload" gimmick and double damage for the next clip; you'll also have to worry less about ammunition if you do this.
Pretty fun. I like how you can simply touch the screen to switch to a control pad style. I'm glad it's on rails, makes for a different game experience. I think for movement controls, I'd need physical controls along the lines of PSVita, but even then I'm strictly a PC FPS guy.