Universal Make Piece - Online Coop Block Placing Puzzle

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Stencilsmith_Dev, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Stencilsmith_Dev

    Stencilsmith_Dev Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 6, 2016
    Hey everyone! Nick Sepi here, developer of Stencilsmith, I am in the very early stages of development on my next game which I'm excited to say is (I think) an original game. It's called Make Piece and it's an online cooperative block placement puzzle game. That sounds like a mouthful because it is.

    Goal: You and a partner must work together asymmetrically to fill an 8x8 grid with blocks. Here's the catch, one player makes pieces which must be made from 3-6 "piecelets" while the other player must use those pieces to fill their board. It sounds easy but I can assure you it ain't!

    Here's the prototype which is currently capable of matching two players at random and putting them in a match together. While matchmaking, each player must create a piece made of 5 "piecelets". Once a partner is found the game randomly determines who is the "Maker" and who is the "Piecer" and it is the "Maker's" piece that becomes the first piece in the match. Once the match starts players must do their best to help each other out to complete the objective of filling the "Piecer's" 8x8 grid.

    Here is a video of the gameplay. I realize that each screen is identical in reality but just wanted to show that two separate devices are actually utilized to play.

    Make Piece's theme is peace/piece. When it's completed, Make Piece will give each player tools to promote peaceful & toxic relationships. As the game progresses, it is up to the player to decide if they want to work to with their partner to piece together a harmonious alliance or make selfish choices that only benefit themselves.

    These are just the barebones mechanics the game will have. Stay tuned for more info, features & mechanics. There's currently no release date as I'm still gauging interest in this type of game before continuing development. Would love to know what you think. I'll update this thread regularly as I continue to work on this one.


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