That's exactly what I was talking about. I don't play my games while holding my iPad up in front of my face. Who does this anyway??? Your arms will fell asleep after awhile.
Hi Nekku, I understand your point, but we think that is more fun to play like this. More realistic, better aiming. And you can save your $$$ for not going to GYM I understand that this aiming is not for everyone. Some will love, some will hate You can shoot really fast and very accurate Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Cheers Tomek Tomek Sarnowski co-founder InstaWeather, InstaPlace, InstaFood, Major G.U.N
Great game and style. This kills my arms, and definately not fun to play after a chest and back workout
Haha, hilarious Well, more realistic like...shown in the trailer? Okay seriously, I just don't want to change my iPad playstyle (which I find rly comfortable, btw) for a game. If you don't want to input a slide to aim option then okay, I'll accept that. I know using the gyro sensor is very accurate but as I said, I never used that option in Modern Combat and I won't use it in this game. Sadly I'll have to delete this then. Maybe you will change your mind some day but till then I whish you my best luck cause it has great potential and I love cel-shading in general. Cheers!
Thanks Nekku! Tomek Sarnowski co-founder InstaWeather, InstaPlace, InstaFood, Major G.U.N
I understand gyro is accurate but why would u guys take the choice out if the players hands as to which play style they prefer. Isnt more options better so to not exclude players ( like me) that do not prefer gyro? Jeez devs. Cmon. Great game otherwise. Dropped the ball on that though big time.
Wow, couple of u guys took the words rite out of my mouth. Fun game ruined by lack of swipe controls. I refuse to aim by moving my device. Haven't even tried it on iPad and nor will I be. Shameful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ps- No gyro sensitivity adjustment or calibration, mite I also add?
Why is everyone quoting this 86% when it's an obviously biased number. People prefer free games, not freemium.
I thought people make games to generate profit At least 50-60% of people i know wont play iPhone games if they use the gyro and in a shooter this is absolutely a ridiculous ultimatum USE OUR AIMING METHOD OR HIT THE ROAD Update the game with ALTERNATE control options or kiss a large number of downloads goodbye Seems downright stupid to develop a game and then stubbornly not choose to include another control method you spent all this time creating a great game at least give the players a choice in how to play
I agree, guess this will be deleted, Gun Strike 2 came out and I loved the first one, so I guess I will be supporting those Devs. I am not keen on "take it or leave it" attitude, guess I'll be leaving it.
I"m inclined to agree with MrGreed on this. By sticking to a "one control scheme or the highway" position you are running the high risk of letting money fly out the window. Gaining exposure on the AppStore is hard enough, but to also not at least consider the alternative when enough complaints come in (and they most likely will) is to some what shoot yourself in the foot coming out of the gate. There are times to stick to ones design guns when the implementation actually is imperative to the games design and gameplay, but here it seems to be just the developers preference of design choice. I don't see how the gameplay would be hurt by the inclusion of alternate controls methods nor do I see it to somehow compromise the game balance. Folks like options... Folks like options...
Hit app icon.... Crash. Clear cache, hit app icon... Crash. Reboot iPad Air, hit app icon... Crash. Come to forums, read about tilt control mechanics, delete game.
May as well give it up, dev already said he's leaving the controls as they are and not adding any other options. About all you can hope for at this point is that they at least add calibration so you can put the screen at different angles. Having to hold the phone perfectly vertical just to get the crosshairs centered is BS. I don't play a game that forces me to hold my phone/iPad straight up in front of my face at some stupid uncomfortable angle. Deleted the app and won't bother again with it unless they update with calibration, which I doubt will happen since the dev says they're happy with it the way it is now. If it were me I'd be doing whatever I could to give players (potential paying customers) what they want, but maybe these devs don't like making money...