It also happened to me. After about 10/11 matches vs Hard AI, I stopped getting any gold today. I don't believe it's connected to your first MP game tho, there might be a hidden daily cap (either win / gold amount limit). Some people on reddit are saying that it's a bug, let's just hope it is.
Can't seem to complete these Archetype deck quests. I must be missing something. Is it for only certain game modes? Edit: It's a bug. From the community manager on reddit:
Oh my phone just so very nearly ended up embedded in the wall. Playing the campaign and finally (finally) managed to beat the final Liliana Vess mission against the 4 demons (seems to be a lot of luck involved in the draw for that one) only to be greeted with " you appear to be offline, campaign progress will not be saved", I wasn't offline, in fact I was on wifi, just a glitch but goddamn it I nearly lost my ****. Ah well, I'm sure it'll only take me another 20 restarts to beat it again! #
That one becomes an easy battle if you send one of the big creatures to the graveyard of the first demon and then summon it for yourself with rise from the grave. One I had the flying guy that opponents could sacrifice a creature to tap, it was a breeze.
Yeah I'd thought the same myself but never got the hand to do it. Only time I've managed to beat it was when I managed to get a foothold with 2 x Soulless Ones and built them to be huge. It's not like it's unenjoyable though so I'll just do it again. Cheers for the advice though, I'll be sure to ask your advice when I get stuck again (oh and deck building, I'll definitely need help with that!).
Yeah, getting the right hand can be a pain. I think I restarted that one about three or four times until I had something workable.
I spotted the AI casting the blue 2 mana 2/2 creature with kicker2 bounce tapped (harbinger of the tides), casting it kicked for 2 mana -_- not played it since.
Having problem with the daily good cap. Hit the gold cap more than 2 days already and still not reset yet. For some reasons Wotc has to piss off their fan base at every new game launched.. Back to hearthstone for now I guessed.
Is there any chance of WotC bringing back Sealed Deck format? That is, by far, my favorite format to play. Gimme a random deck and some packs, and let me earn some gold
WotC - use a 'Finalize' button to complete your move in a particular phase, not a short fuze timer. There will be many times we'll simply want to place a card, then simply hit a 'Finalize' button, as opposed to a timer we will half the time be forced to sit around and wait for. That right there is one thing that breaks the possible fluidity of our digital card game.
Regardless of all the complaining, I did my bit to show appreciation to WoTC and stainless for bringing this out to iPhone and having the intent to have 1 app only from here on, by purchasing the 1250 coins. Think about it, as it is, it's freaking magic on my phone, least I could do is give $10 for their dev time. And it plays while offline too, what I've wanted for a while from hearthstone. There is obviously many short comings. I mean one I hate is how many taps does it take to scroll through my hand of 7 cards if I want to see them all up close? "Tap, tap tap, tap, (now next card), tap, tap tap, tap, (now next card), tap, tap tap, tap, and so on. Pretty ridiculous. Sure I could go on with complaints, but here's hoping WoTC and stainless get a good enough return on this to keep making it better. I'd love it if they could release some old sets just for nostalgia. Potentially there's also sooo many play modes that could add in, not to mention, wth, why no draft in this version when there was previously!? Anyway, it's freakin magic on our phones here people.
Exactly. I know people say that you cant compare this game to HS, but lets face it. If you play digital card games on a mobile device, you've played HS. Its set the standard and its hard to not compare. I don't want Magic to change it phases or try to be exactly like HS because its not. But, there have to be ways to speed it up or change some of the structure to make it work better on mobile. I can typically play 3 games in HS for 1 game in MD. To hardcore magic players this isn't a big deal, but to those who play strategy card games on the phone in today's market, its important. I only say all this because I want the game to be successful. I want it to stick around instead of being the magic game of 2015, then onto the next. If they make a solid magic game and keep adding expansions its digital universe can thrive just as much (if not more) than the physical. Given the card base they already have from so many years, they could easily come out with regular expansions every few months and leave every other digital card game in the dust. But with the current interface, clunky controls, and (yes) slow gameplay its hard to pick this over the refined game of HS.
Hm... I didn't complain and it isn't too slow for me. Playing Magic for decades now, so maybe I am used to wait for opponents actions. That's how Magic works. Hearthstone is cool but it's a massively simplified TCG. It simply can't hold up to the strategic depth that Magic is known for. This depth comes at a price, of course.
Look, MD is awesome!!! I agree, they need to touch-up the controls, let you zoom into your hand a little better to more easily pick a card. But saying it's slow not true. If you want a "quick" game play a round of HS (however, how may people are playing 10 HS matches, really?) but if you have more time and want more strategy play MD. Everybody wants everything with every game. Why in the world would they water-down Magic so it can play faster b/c another game is "faster"? The battlefield & card backs could look better but that is very minor. Also, there is way more single player gameplay with MD. I know most don't care about that, but there is no reason to require online for solo play like HS. The game just came out. They will make updates & adjustments, especially if they are going to run MD for a while & not make new games every year. Everybody needs to stop demanding everything out of all games. Nothing compares to Magic & nothing compares to HS. All HS has really done is blow us away with great production values. You can play either game any time, anywhere (MD offline too, unlike HS). Pick the game you want to play at a given time & play it. Stop wanting games to change so you can rave about 10 min rounds.