Man love all the new cards. Was finally able to login to gc and got all the cards i wanted. And that's about where the fun stopped. 30 to 45 second load times between screens. Now if you have no sorcery cards or lands or creatures it just skips your main phase turn which completely breaks the game since you can't cast instant cards on your main phase or use abilities. If you try to use a clue the game crashes. A lot of the cards don't even work properly especially anything to do with going into your graveyard to pay for effects. And my battery is dead within about an hour of playing it. I think I'm finally giving up on this one :/ I gotta feeling if mtg next is any good this will probably just get scrapped anyway since for the most part this might be beyond fixing. Here's to hoping
What device are you playing on? And IOS version? I get plenty of crashes on 6+ Crashes starting a match in solo against AI. I've read the possible fix is to delete your old decks and build new (hardly a fix). But I can't even get into my card library to do that without a crash. I can however play the campaign. That's about all. Just shocking they can release the game like this
iPhone 6 iOS 9.2. Yeah I don't have any of those issues. I can't access my cards (the new ones) unless I'm on line. It is a very strange way to implement iCloud. As far as the gc goes it really depends on how hard the bug is for you. Mine randomly works and randomly doesn't work. Hopefully we'll see an update soon. Even if they fix all of the stuff I might stop playing it just because the battery drain is so insane. And I thought deathwatch and radiation island were bad.....this is like twice as bad as far as your battery dying. Just a bummer because I love the game so much.
It just says I need to log into GC because I had previously played with GC. Well, the GC app NEVER works and the GC tab under Settings ALWAYS freezes settings. If I reboot in Airplane mode I can view the GC settings tab, which says I'm logged in, so I try to log out. It will start spinning its wheel and hang there. Of course, I'm in Airplane mode, so I have to turn that off again, at which point the Settings app freezes. So basically GC thinks I'm logged in but none of my GC-dependent apps see me as logged in and I'm unable to do anything about it.
New expansion coming July 20th and should fix the priority issues and clue token problem if anyone still cares lol
I hope so, but have to state the obvious, their support of this game is beyond atrocious. The only updates they ever release are for new expansions, and maybe if you're lucky, they'll address a couple of critical bugs introduced with their last release 6 months before.
You're so right. Let's see what bugs happen this time . It's pretty pathetic but I love the game so much I keep crawling back to this app:/
So far the bugs prevented me from giving this game a go on mobile. How is the latest update? Has lots of bug fixes listed at least.
I haven't had a great deal of time with it yet so I don't know about bugs so far as broken cards go, but bugs in terms of crashes seems fairly well sorted now. Haven't had a hiccup yet, whereas the last expansion release was attrocious. Apparently the gamebreaking auto skip phase is gone now too.
Ok, so interestingly, the game just got an update that unlocked all cards in the game for free. However this game still burns a hole in your phone and isn’t X optimised. still, all considered. If you love magic, here’s an option.