Mage Gauntlet - from Rocketcat Games

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Kepa, Jul 9, 2011.

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  1. gwet17

    gwet17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    And their games also look nice on the retina display! Everybody loves Rocketcat! :D
  2. Deity X

    Deity X Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2009
    No arguing that.
  3. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    #123 Kepa, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011

    There are glowing spell urns that you can smash. Doing so releases the spell energy, which is absorbed into you. During boss fights, some reinforcement enemies glow with the same color, and accomplish the same thing. Defeat them, they release spell energy, it races towards your character.

    When the spell energy hits your character, it gives you a spell at random. This is shown in the top right corner as little icons. Tapping that top right button opens up your menu, whose first window is an inventory of what spells you have on hand. You can hold four at a time; if you get spell energy with full spells, it will just instantly apply an overflow buff spell to you. Spells are divided between targeted spells and buff spells.

    Targeted spells bring up a paused view of the action, and you select where you want the spell to hit. How the aim works depends on the spell itself... fireballs tend to explode where you touch, lightning will hit the nearest target to where you tap and then up to 4 more targets, beams of light just shoot in a line from where you are, etc. When launched, spells have a critical chance to hit for double damage (really only handy for bosses for the most part) and hit for double the area (always handy). The MAGIC stat also gives bonuses to spell damage, with a maxed out character having 50% more damage.

    Buff spells provide a powerful buff for 8-12 seconds, with a couple outliers lasting for 20 seconds. These are pretty varied. There's Silence (constantly nullifies most enemy spellcasting), Haste (double energy regeneration, faster sword swinging, runspeed bonus), Shadow Summon (makes a shadow copy of yourself that attacks independently), Sword Fury (100% critical rate, plus each sword attack does a magical shockwave projectile), and 6 more. If they critical, they get double the duration (but not power). You can also get double the duration by stacking the same buff twice.

    Both spell types are one use consumables, due to the nature of using your gauntlet to cast all these. You get new spells from spell urns at a decent rate, but not enough to use them every fight. You have to decide what fights to blow a spell on, or to hoard them until you're at low health, or hoard them so you intentionally just get overflow buffs. You also have to deal with the random nature of the system; the spells are all designed to be quite powerful, but some are way better for certain enemies than others. For example, a Silence spell will cripple enemy mages, but will do nothing to a non-casting enemy warrior.

    The loot system lets you mess with the spell system. There are trinkets you can equip that make certain spells suddenly much more common than others. There are robes that let you specialize in certain spells, greatly increasing the critical chance of a single spell type. There's a sword that gives a 7% chance on kill of generating free spell energy, a sword that makes buff spells more common and enemy kills extend your buff timers, and more. On the flip side of that, there's also loot items that focus on the sword aspect of the game, either not affecting magic or even giving penalties to it.


    That was pretty long! I'm hoping people like the system, we were trying to do something different. If it's not a big hit, we can always go for a more traditional system in a sequel. Something like "get mana, pick spell from submenu, press spell button".
  4. Deity X

    Deity X Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2009
    Wow that sounds awesome. Problem is now I'm more exited. how about the sword combat system? and how does the current system vary from the one that got scraped?
  5. zombieaddict

    zombieaddict Active Member

    Aug 6, 2011
    New Zealand
    great pixel art
  6. zombieaddict

    zombieaddict Active Member

    Aug 6, 2011
    New Zealand
    oh one more thing. you guys should totally do an rpg in the style of phantasy star 4
  7. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    #127 Kepa, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
    Which parts of phantasy star 4 do you like the best? I've been doing rough prelim design work on a turn-based RPG. Not completely sure if we'll do it, though, but making a Final-Fantasy style RPG with a smart combat system and a plot designed for adults to play seems interesting to me.

    That'd be another long post, especially since the combat changed 4 or 5 times. I'll talk about the last three.

    Combat right now, final revision:
    • Sword swings take no energy, you can spam it, but they're just a little slow. Sword swings interrupt (non-midboss) enemy attacks, though some special attacks can't be interrupted (there's a visual cue for this).
    • You can jam the attack button faster to swing faster, at the cost of damage. Good for keeping swarms of enemies away, unless they do a special attack as above.
    • Holding the attack button down briefly lets you charge up a charging-attack, which also requires a full energy bar. This attack knocks down (non-midboss) enemies for about 3 seconds. If they've been knocked down before, they gain a chance to avoid knockdown.
    • You can do a short-distance quick dash maneuver by hitting the dash button above attack, at the cost of a third of your energy bar.
    • Both the charge and dash make you immune to enemy spells. As long as you're charging or dashing, spells miss, passing through you harmlessly.

    Combat before that:
    • Sword swings still took no energy, but were really slow. Like almost a second per swing. No quick-swing ability.
    • To make enemies interesting with the ability to swing infinitely, we had to go back and add special abilities to almost every enemy. These abilities are designed around letting them get past your slashing-wall-of-death.
    • No dash. Charge attack triggered by hitting attack twice quickly. Charge attack didn't ignore enemy spells, and was your only way to move quickly. Charge attack's knockdown had no diminishing returns, you could knock something down over and over as long as you ran from it to regain energy. However, the knockdown itself lasted around 2 seconds.
    • A lives system. As long as you have an extra life, you can get back up where you fell. You'll be invulnrable for a few seconds and knock everything around you down. However, there are in-game rewards for getting through levels without using a single extra life, and Master Mode switches extra lives off completely.

    Combat before THAT:
    • Sword swings took a third of a bar of energy, making large swarms of enemies troublesome. Swing speed a little faster than the revision that took out swing energy costs, but only a little. You could hold the attack button down to attack over and over, until you ran out of energy. Then you'd just attack slower.
    • Charge attack the same.

    Not changed: Your character does a lot of damage, but has very little health. Health pickups are spread around the map, you don't regenerate. You actually have to dodge or overwhelm enemies to succeed; you can't just stand around and trade hits in the later game.

    Each revision took a lot of time, because many things had to be changed in how the monsters behaved for each one. The earliest revision of the game, oddly: It was originally like a twin-stick shooter. Except you couldn't stop running, ever, you could only change run direction, and you could play with one hand.
  8. zombieaddict

    zombieaddict Active Member

    Aug 6, 2011
    New Zealand
    hmm phantasy star 4.

    i guess mainly the battle system. i havent played many decent turn based rpgs that have that "straight on view" where you can see your characters from over the shoulder and see them performing all their attacks. though another notable thing about the battle system is the combo attacks you can do.

    other than that it would be cool to see a space type rpg. (theses are few and far between)

    but yeah. keep up the good work!
  9. You could add the whip/hook in an update!
    Game looks great.
  10. Deity X

    Deity X Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2009
    Wow thanks for the responses. Its cool to see what kind of systems are in play now. I also really enjoyed seeing how the combat got to the current (and what I would consider the best) system. Can't wait on the game.
  11. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    Is there an "ultimate item"? Like a sword that does far more damage than the rest or has more range etc?
  12. crex

    crex Doctor of Game of the Week-ology

    Oct 18, 2010
    Everywhere and Nowhere
    hehe. I'd love to see this in the game. Maybe as a prize after you beat the campaign.
  13. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    This work on a 2nd gen?

    Also, can someone explain the game to me?

    And if you must know why I don't just look at the videos and read the thread instead, I'm currently at a place where the internet is painfully slow...
  14. crex

    crex Doctor of Game of the Week-ology

    Oct 18, 2010
    Everywhere and Nowhere

    It's an RPG made by Rocketcat Games

  15. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    I was hoping for a more detailed answer? :p

    Not too detailed, but basically what you do in this game and basics like that.
  16. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Not really. We generally tried to keep loot pretty balanced, so it's still feasible that you'd want to sometimes switch to a sword you got earlier for a specific level. However, the loot you get in Master Mode, especially the swords, tend to be rather powerful.

    It's a classical-styled action-RPG. You explore and fight your way through a level-based (like Hook Champ) story, involving finding lost mages that are supposed to prevent an archdemon from escaping his banishment. Sword combat is very swift and powerful, and magic spells are even more devastating, but what spells you get at any given time are random and one-use each.

    We have a "limited grinding" design policy. There are no collect 10 firewood or kill 20 boar quests. There are experience levels, but they provide slight bonuses rather than requiring you to grind to level 100 to kill the end boss. Really, the game design for Mage Gauntlet is based mostly around how terrible we think the Korean RPG's on the app store are, in terms of both their combat and general bland abusiveness when it comes to grinding.
  17. Deity X

    Deity X Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2009
    Any news on the progress of the game?
  18. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    We're in the boring, bugfixing, "checking databases for errors so there's no unintentional god-sword" portion of the game. It's getting there, just nothing exciting to talk about.
  19. DusT_HounD

    DusT_HounD Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2010
    thank you guys so much for limiting the grind! TBH, i really hate those meaningless quests that are basically just 'filler' to pad out the time spent 'playing', and you're right- the KRPGs are notorious for that. I don't even regard grinding for crap as legitimate gameplay, especially if you can't beat certain bosses without grinding.

    Also, sorry if this got covered earlier: can you elaborate on the 'one sandwich you can wear as a hat'? Is there going to be a range of similar stuff, like baguettes, croissants etc., that could either be consumed for recovery etc, or worn to impart bonuses?
  20. Haldear

    Haldear Active Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    I love Rocketcat because they seem to one of the few developers on the app store that understand me as a gamer.

    I grew up playing long story/character driven RPG's, but now have no time to play as I am married.

    I want all the best bits of what I remember crammed down into bite sized chunks I can play when I have a few minutes spare.

    This game looks like it will be amazing. I loved super quick hook for the small and addictive levels. (and the cool graphics, which are so much better than poorly animated 3d).

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