GameClub Mage Gauntlet (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Lttlefoot

    Lttlefoot New Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    You approach the room directly from its right. You walk through a wall while standing in some dirt
  2. Scartissue

    Scartissue New Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    I was wondering what drops primal mask hat? Primal slimes is what I think but they haven't dropped it in over 400 kills. Any enlightenment would be appreciated. Great game btw.
  3. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    You can go into iTunes File Sharing and transfer it over that way. Just move the save.dat to your computer, then to whatever device you want.

    We held off on iCloud because it's kind of terrifying to do it after a game's release. Watching other games, it seems like too many people's saves just get eaten. Next game will have it, but I'm not sure about this one.

    Primal Mask should be a primal slime drop, though have you tried killing enemies in the Master Mode version of the level? Much higher drop rate in that mode.

    Sorry I haven't been checking the thread as much, working on a few different games right now.
  4. Bertman

    Bertman Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Sorry I haven't been checking the thread as much, working on a few different games right now.[/QUOTE]

    Oooo a few! Love this game can't wait for more...
  5. jar0d

    jar0d Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    I saved the save.dat from the iPhone to my desktop and saved it back to my iPad. Didn't work out. What am I doing wrong?!?
  6. Lappstrong

    Lappstrong Active Member

    Jan 26, 2012

    What released tonight? Is there new dlc?
  7. Scartissue

    Scartissue New Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Yes I do it in master mode. Gold level temple of blorpx. It is the guys who split into 2 enemies after a few hits right?
  8. Scartissue

    Scartissue New Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Nevermind. Got it from nightmare mob. Ty kepa :)
  9. KoRssO

    KoRssO New Member

    Oct 15, 2010
    Well, just defeated Hurgoth in MM with Sprite pet, Giantslayer, Archmage Mantle and Demon's Ring. Awesome ending.

    Can't wait for the sequel!!
  10. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    I was reminded of Mage Gauntlet today when listening to a nice interview with the creator of Mage Gauntlet, courtesy of Slide To Play. In addition to just generating lots of interest in the company, and in the interviewee (he quoted many great inspirations for their games, and had a perspective on MMOs that I share), it also made me consider purchasing the game.

    One of the most interesting points he mentioned was that Mage Gauntlet was built to make combat more interesting that just taking a stationary position, mashing the attack button, and chugging health potions. Do you fellas find this to hold true? I have a strong penchant for combat systems that require and reward player skill and twitch-related abilities (reflexes, precision). Always figured Mage Gauntlet's combat to be much like most KRPGs, but if it has greater emphasis on skill and twitch combat, I'm definitively purchasing it, and will be (even more) excited for their upcoming free RPG :)

    On another note (since I've the feeling I'll soon push that purchase button ;) ): Rocketcat devs, I noticed you added iTunes access to save files for cross-device continuity. Any chances of true iCloud support (in my case, more for permanent cloud saves of files than for playing across different devices), both for this and the upcoming RPG?
  11. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Buy it. It's the best iOS game of all time in my opinion. Stop considering, start mashing buy button.
  12. Margeta

    Margeta Member

    Mar 28, 2012
    Hello everyone !

    I'm here to support this amazing game, that I bought and almost finished a few weeks ago (missing 4-5 hats ^^). Cheers to the developpers, who apparently post regularly here !

    I'm also here cause I had an issue with my iPhone yesterday, and lost my game save in the process :/ (since the app got uninstalled/reinstalled from the iPhone). I know I could have done a backup save of the game through itunes before, just in case, but since I didn't plan on reseting my iphone, well... I didn't !

    So here's my question : is there any way to get my save back, or is it possible to download someone else's save and put it into my game through iTunes ?

    Thanks in advance !
  13. TinkyWinky

    TinkyWinky Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    BBC Studio
    Really great game.I have some questions:what are faceless tanks and where are they located?I don't understand how to get Quintuple Zap achievement(what are midbosses?).
  14. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Hey, sorry I haven't checked out this thread for awhile. Been really busy, and haven't seen it in the sidebar to remind me.

    They're in the bunker level before the tower. They're the pods/aquariums in the places you fight the faceless enemies. Midbosses are the bigger monsters that can't be stunned merely by using the charge-attack.

    There's no way to get your save back if you didn't back it up, but you could get a save from someone else, sure. We didn't put in any protections on that, just because we didn't mind if someone shared their save.

    Once you get past the early game, combat becomes mostly about movement and quick dodging. That and there are no health potions or mashing cooldowns, so it's not like KRPG combat.

    iCloud support is surprisingly tricky. Not the basics of getting it implemented, but all the fringe case stuff that would have to be dealt with. It's especially bad for a game you've already launched, so I don't think Mage Gauntlet will ever get true iCloud support. Will definitely look into it again for the upcoming RPG, if not iCloud then seeing if we can backup important things on our own servers.
  15. TinkyWinky

    TinkyWinky Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    BBC Studio
    #1515 TinkyWinky, Apr 20, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2012
    Kepa thanks for help.I just defeated Master Mode and this is superb game.I can't find Crystal Staff,can you tell me where it is?Also druid lighting shamans are those guys in Undergarden,right?Also what is your advice,which place has the most midbosses?
  16. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Crystal Staff is in one of the Master Mode ruins levels, behind a door that is opened in a secret spot in the level.

    Most midbosses: Off the top of my head, I want to probably one of the final Tower levels in Master Mode. The big purple drudges are midbosses, and I think one of the tower levels has a bunch of them early on. I also remember a room, maybe even in the same level, that had a ton of those blue Goat Slimes, which also count.
  17. TinkyWinky

    TinkyWinky Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    BBC Studio
    Kepa thank you so much.Can you please help me get Crossed the streams achievement.I keep hitting those guys in Undergarden with spells(from description of achievement I don't understand do you mean to kill them with Chain Lighting or a blast of lighting spell so I hit with both but still I don't get it)
  18. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Try hitting both types, the cast+pouncers and pure pouncers? Try hitting them when they themselves have casted or just hasted? I can't quite remember the details, heh. Maybe someone else can reply and confirm it.
  19. TinkyWinky

    TinkyWinky Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    BBC Studio
    Kepa thanks for all replies.I managed to kill those midbosses,got Crystall Staff and still trying to kill those guys at Undergarten but with no sucess.I tried doing it for last 15 min and it is making me crazy but hopefully I will get it.
  20. TinkyWinky

    TinkyWinky Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    BBC Studio
    I just got Crossed the streams achievement.Seems you have to kill the magican drudge that doesn't jump at you and only casts spells.Now I have 85 of 86 achievements and only need to get few more hats to get that hat achievement.

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