GameClub Mage Gauntlet (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. terelin

    terelin Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2010

    Sorry if this has already been covered in the thread...

    I (finally) beat story mode and am working through master mode (at the estate filled with golems now).

    Is there any additional story for master mode? Do I have to do anything special to see it?

    Thanks for any help..
  2. Coulbe

    Coulbe Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Yeah mate. In almost every level there is at least one secret room. They are a bit hard to find, but once you find one, you'll have a way to find them all. ;)
  3. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    In Master Mode, most levels don't have secrets. The ones that do are pretty well hidden. If you find one secret, though, there are notes to point you in the direction of all other secrets from there. It's done in the form of a scavenger hunt.

    The easiest secret to find is probably in Master Mode Orc 2, off the top of my head. Or maybe Orc 1, I forget...

    Messing with iCloud stuff in the update right now. Otherwise it's pretty much done. I'm not sure how long iCloud things will take, however.
  4. Coulbe

    Coulbe Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    #1304 Coulbe, Nov 29, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2011
    Oops. By level I meant Area! My bad. -_- And yeah, it's Orc 2. I only remember that because I spent the last 4 hours farming the ninja orcs for their hat in that stage.

    Then again, I always thought they were levels, with 3 chapters in each one.
  5. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    #1305 SirDarkened, Nov 30, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2011
    Here they are. Sorry about the wait. Which ever places you chose let me know and I will send you map locations.

    Put an urn or heart right between those two lights.
    Heart urn right below the spell urn.*
    Two spell urns above and below the heart urn. (Maybe 1 spell urn?*)
    Heart urn all the way in the right corner.
    Heart urn in the middle on the red carpet.*
    Heart urn right in front of where I am standing/2 spells urns above and below the heart urn.*

    If you do all of that the level will be easy for anyone attempting it and should make it beatable by all. Do what you wish obviously but I noted the ones I recommend with a *.
  6. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    Man. Anyone have any tips/advice for MM Bunker secret area? Other than 'Be better at the game', I mean.
    Having the hardest time getting past the big red dudes. I've used Battlemage/Giantkiller and Archmage/Inferno Blade mostly.

    Thanks in advance for any info.
  7. nfong

    nfong Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    I hid behind walls and killed them with crits from the Crystal Staff. The AI pathing is in such a way that the demons won't walk towards you, but instead stay on the opposite side of the wall.
    You have to bait them towards the wall first, though.
  8. tx8305

    tx8305 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2011
    Sorry if this is covered but I'm curious about a couple things.

    1.) How much gameplay can someone expect out of this game?

    2.) Is this sort of like a rogue like with permadeath or more a level progression type game? Is there a leveling component with new gear you can get or is it more a see how far you can get before you die style game?
  9. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    1) You can expect to get probably 15 good hours out of this game covering two modes, story mode and master mode. They are not just different in terms of difficulty, the story and level layout is different.

    2) This is a level-progression style game. Your character levels up with increasing luck, magic, and vigor powers. Items such as weapons, hats, pets, armour and trinkets are found, instead of unlocked through leveling.
  10. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Sorry but any word on the ETA of the universal update?
  11. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    I don't really want to do ETAs anymore. Though, we're done with everything but a way to transfer saves from iphone to iPad, screen flipping (which should be easy just haven't gotten to it), and an indicator as to whether you've cleared a level of monsters/notes.

    SirDarkened: I added a few health urns to that level and I think a single spell urn. That will hopefully do it without trivializing the level. I think Pinnacle3 in Master Mode also got a health urn and spell urn.

    Additionally, in the update you now get a random attack spell when you die. This means every master mode level has another spell urn (if you're not 3 starring it or if you have the Phoenix Feather or Zealot Ring). This also gives you a bunch more spells in Story Mode if you were having problems with it.

    That and the adjustments to buffs and weapons and things should hopefully be fine for difficulty.
  12. terelin

    terelin Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2010

    Just wanted to say again that this game really is an incredible amount of fun and I am really having a blast with it. The sounds and "feel" of the game (slashing enemies, breaking scenery) are really perfect.

    The difficulty frustrates me at times since I am a bit of a noob but I found that with a bit of preserverence (esp with the current update making hearts and urns more common) even levels that felt impossible at first can be beaten before long.

    Thanks again, Rocketcat :)

    Also, for those stuck on story mode, I think master mode is defintely worth it and is lots of fun, so its definitely worth reaching.
  13. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    I'd rather have more people beat it anyway. This is a single player game. No one to really "show off" to.
  14. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Submitted the big universal update. Here's a very detailed changelog:

    - Universal, screen scaled and button placement altered for iPad users.
    - Screen flip in options menu.
    - Options menu made scrollable so we can add more stuff later.
    - File Sharing in itunes for save transfers, you can move save.dat between devices and your computer.
    - Syncing also transfers saves, using whatever save file has the most experience associated with it.
    - Map screen now also tells you if you've cleared the level of enemies.
    - Map screen now also tells you how many readable items you've found.
    - Better Icon.
    - Small bugs (including achievement fixes), some typos fixed.
    - Many item descriptions changed to be more specific.
    - Lots of balance changes, generally to improve the pace and decrease the difficulty of Story Mode (I never intended it to be that difficult) and to make equipment choices more interesting.

    - The longest levels in story mode were shortened by about 20%
    - Doors that prevented you from backtracking were removed in most levels, but not all.
    - Some urns added to the long levels, including some urns added to later master mode levels.
    - You get a spell each time you die now, in both modes.
    - Lucky, Shield, and Silence removed from the spell drop rotation. You can still get shield by breaking urns when full.
    - Time Circle now also has the effects of Silence.
    - Haste urns last about 50% longer.
    - Sword Fury shots fly further and do 50% more damage.
    - Shield now gives you a period of invulnerability when it's broken, similar to if you took damage.
    - The summon spells now all attack around 20% faster than before.
    - Ring of the Zealot changed to be a Phoenix Feather alternate. Resurrects you at half health with a Sword Fury spell.
    - Gambler's Cut and Hungry Blade now have a higher chance to work, and the cap on spells for Gambler's Cut has been increased to 3 per level.
    - Rabbit's Foot changed so it now increases the chance of hatboxes dropping by 5 times.
    - Corruption changed so it now has a 12% chance to poison a single enemy, with effects similar to a short-duration Acid Cloud.
    - Punishment now has a 20% chance to knock enemies down if you hit them as they charge up a special attack, even large enemies.
    - End of Hope is now capable of doing melee critical hits. Effects changed to +10% chance to do double damage if enemy is attempting an attack and a more noticeable "flinch" effect.
    - King's Wager now only does 80% of the damage of a normal sword, but has a 20% chance on swing to shoot Sword Fury-like shockwaves in 8 directions around you.

    - Didn't change the title to "Mage Gauntlet" yet, it kind of slipped and we were worried that it was borderline too long anyway without the extra space.
    - Didn't do iCloud support for now, but we did the other methods of save transfer.
    - Maybe missed some other things.
  15. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    Sick, will be refreshing the appstore everyday again. ;)

    What do you mean by we didn't change the title to Mage Gauntlet? I personally don't care as long as you don't make it MG.
  16. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Kepa, will this update tell us if we've collected ALL readable items in a level or not? I must be missing like, ONE or something, and have no idea what level it's in.
  17. 0-FeliX-0

    0-FeliX-0 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    You know how apps have the little name under them on the screen? Well, at the moment, it says "MageGauntlet" (minus the "'s) instead of "Mage Gauntlet". It might have taken up too much space and done "Mag...ntlet" or something like.

    Sorry if you already knew this and I was just stating the obvious. :/
  18. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Yeah. It'll say 0/1 or 0/0 or 2/3 or whatever. Readable Items You've Found #/Readable Items in the Level
  19. Tacticalwarriorfan1

    Tacticalwarriorfan1 New Member

    Dec 7, 2011
    #1319 Tacticalwarriorfan1, Dec 7, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2011
    Mamba black snake
  20. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    That's a weird method of advertisement. "if you guys like this action-adventure/action-rpg game, you'll love this completely and utterly unrelated turn-based tactical strategy game"

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