GameClub Mage Gauntlet (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. vernalequinox

    vernalequinox Active Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    So for Pinnacle 2 and 3. I think the best things to equip are King's Wager, Shady Duds and Demon's ring. For pet I used Death Duck. I guess if you can 3 star Pinnacle 3, 2 is pretty much the same.

    With the above wardrobe I get either Shadow Bomb or Fireball pretty much 90% of the time. Use them on pesky enemies that can divide into more enemies like those slimy yellow or silver enemies that explode when killed only to create two more slimy stuffs. I usually also spam my spells on those giant blue enemies that cast really strong ice spells that explodes when they hit the ground.

    Other than that, I pretty much exploit the Death Duck ability to charge at lower energy level. I think it gives me an edge in dodging enemy spells with that advantage. Also be patient! Don't try to rush through a level or kill an enemy quickly because we are trying to conserve our health to obtain that elusive 3-star. Good LUCK!
  2. Penkanuin

    Penkanuin Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    Quick question:

    Can you get all the hats of a series (by area) from the nightmare enemies? Or are there specific hats assigned? I was surprised when I got the rook hat from a nightmare bishop, but I'm also trying to get the steel bishop hat and wondered if I could only get them from regular/nightmare bishops or if I could get it from a nightmare knight as well.
  3. the9quad

    the9quad Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2011
    #1243 the9quad, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
    Is this update the universal update? Bought it day one, seeing as how it was said it would be universal in the 1st patch, been waiting to play it.

    and I quote:

    "But first, next mini-update will add:
    - Universal support
    - Looking into iCloud stuff (no promises yet)
    - Story mode level pacing tweaks. Either shortening some levels or adding more spell urns.
    - More based on feedback!"


    First update it'll be universal, I didn't have an iPad until recently."

    I mean you obviously made it a selling point, by putting it out as the 1st feature you would add, evening adding it to the top of the list of what you promised would be in it, so here's hoping it will be universal in this patch.
  4. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    It will be.
  5. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    They're assigned hats specifically. Generally each nightmare enemy is assigned half the hat drops for that chapter.

    Yeah, it's in this coming update. I'm not buying the bolded stuff, though. Four reasons:

    1. "First" in that quote used in the adverb/"before that" sense.
    2. "next mini-update"
    3. That initial patch took us like a day to make, if that.
    4. I keep copies of the ad text I write for each game on release day. Here's what was up there day one:

    First update plans! Follow us on Twitter @rocketcatgames to send us suggestions!
    - New Mode: Drudge Arena
    - Scoreboard for the above mode
    - New unlockable pet
    - More, based on your feedback![/B]

    Simply yelling at us to hurry up would probably be more effective than saying I lied to you.
  6. Coulbe

    Coulbe Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    *yells "Hurry Up" at Kepa* :p

    Thanks so much for the advice guys, although I have a few concerns. I tried demon's ring a couple of times, but to be honest, I only really got fireball or shadow bomb maybe once or twice in quite a few playthroughs. So I think I'll stick with phoenix feather, if only because I don't think the amount of spell and urns I find is equal to the six plus the extra fireball that you cast when you die, which seems to crit pretty often.

    Also, seeing how the IAP armour isn't really the best for me, and even though armour in general aren't the best, which should I go with Archmage and hope for some good urns with black cat equipped? Or should I use Battlemage with murder dog/death duck and not worry about trying to get the most out of my magic?

    Finally, I wanted to ask this the first time around, but I forgot. The main enemies which seem to screw my chances over are at the very start of pinnacle 2. The explody red drudges that don't even die when they detonate. If you charge them, they chain detonate, if you let them touch the floor, they detonate, and the first room you go into that has the door close behind you has about 10 of them in there. Now if I'm lucky, I get through there with about one and a half hearts remaining, which really hurts my chances for 3-starring when I'm getting close to using phoenix feather before I'm even a quarter of the way through.
  7. the9quad

    the9quad Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2011
    #1247 the9quad, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011

    First off I didn't know you had an update already, so I only bolded it, because the last page you mentioned an upcoming update (IE I assumed it was your first update),but I didn't see universal mentioned. I bolded it to bring attention to the fact that it was promised on the first page. So maybe chill and realize I like your games, but I didnt know you had already had an update I thought you were just now putting out the first one, so I wasn't accusing you of anything. Geez.

    Simply saying its coming is probably better than belittling someone who buys your games on a forum.
  8. Penkanuin

    Penkanuin Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    An easy way to rid yourself of those drudges in the room is to run around and dash in a circle. Their explosions hurt each other. It takes some time for them to pick each other off but it keeps you safe. Also, the way I've best found to kill them is to lure them to jump at you - dash away - then dash back immediately after the explosion. That gets you one hit in and they only need two to die.
  9. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    It's coming out in this next update. It's actually in now, we just have to fix menus one by one and test to make sure the button placement is decent for the iPad.

    The bolding made it look like you were saying we lied due to not including universal in that patch we did on NZ release day. I'm sorry for belittling you unjustly. One of the few things that irritate me is jumping on technicalities.
  10. Coulbe

    Coulbe Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Ok. Time to spend tonight at a mate's party sitting in the corner and obsessively playing Mage Gauntlet. What's that pretty girl? You wanna watch me play my iPhone?
  11. the9quad

    the9quad Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2011
    No problem, I even thought it kinda sounded that way, which is why i added here's hoping it's out in the upcoming patch to the end. "Internet" it sure is hard to not come across like a jerk huh? Sorry for the misunderstanding, I realize i could have posted that better.
  12. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    Alright I am going to give a good rundown of hints for pinnacle 2 and 3.

    Use anything that will increase dashing. Spell damage is unimportant.

    You must be level 75.

    For the red drudges all you do is stand still and spam the attack button, simple, eh?

    For the blue slimes you charge them so they fall down and him em while there down for an easy kill.

    For multiple demons you must use a spell or you have little chance of not losing lives.

    For a demon + weak monsters try to avoid using a spell.

    Basically it's abou strategy/efficiency of killing enemies/time taken to kill enemies

    Faster they are dead less chance of being hit at all.
  13. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Looking at changes made so far, balancing them.

    For Master Mode, how often would you say a spell urn appears compared to enemy groups? I counted a spell urn every 3.5 enemy groups, on average. That's now what the current amount is in story mode on the update build in testing, give or take.
  14. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    I thoroughly enjoyed this post.
  15. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Yes, 3.5-ish sounds right.
  16. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    Any tips for finding the secret in MM Tetra's Estate/Castle? A previous secret refers to a garden where you can go south to the hidden area but I can't seem to find it. I'm assuming the secret is found on the Bronze level--maybe that's the problem.

    Thanks in advance for any info.
  17. Penkanuin

    Penkanuin Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    I wish I remembered immediately how to get there (I was going to say to check the completed map there) but I checked and don't really remember. It is in the Bronze stage though. If it's the stage I think it is, you have to get through the whole stage then go back to a closed gate. I'm sure someone else will be able to tell you more precisely though, I just wanted to help as quickly as I could.
  18. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Hey Guise, the secret in Tetramont's Estate is indeed found in the bronze level, and it's an easy one to find. Go through the entire level, and then at the very last hallway, instead of going through the blue arrow to the next part on the castle, simply go south in the hallway through a false wall. Voila :)
  19. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    Thanks, Penkanuin and Quazonk! I was thinking the secret was found at the beginning of the level.
  20. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    This looks like a pretty good game, should I get it? But I do'nt exactly know what's in the game, I mean like leveling up, different powers, ect can some1 give me a brief analysation please?

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