GameClub Mage Gauntlet (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. 0-FeliX-0

    0-FeliX-0 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    Actually, it's an opinion. Anyways, it can be boring for some, but I enjoy it. And if all you're focusing on is RPG components, you're missing the graphics, the music, the humor, and so on. While I understand you don't really enjoy it, maybe you should rethink your rating a little bit. I find it weird how randomly ratings are thrown around by people nowadays. Because a lot of people just play through a game and either rate it 5 stars or 1 star. Or minus a full star because they didn't like some small feature or because they believed that it was missing something important. Anyway, congrats to the developers of this game. Haven't even made it to the second map (will get there soon), and it's a very fun game.
  2. touchchamp

    touchchamp Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I like this game. It's a bit tedious at times, but that's because I'm searching every wall for hidden rooms. I like that, because secret areas are old school. It's a long game as well. Great job.
  3. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Well you're half right, it's what you think. That's why we all have our opinions, and we're entitled to them. I, for example, would give it ten stars if I could. I love the game, probably the best 3 bucks I ever spent :) See? Just an opinion, no need for flaming.
  4. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    I just got my 306th star!!! One of the most rewarding feelings in my entire life as a gamer, and that speaks incredible volumes, as I've probably played thousands of games in my life, spanning all platforms.

    MM Tower Pinnacle 3 and MM Hurgoth were incredibly difficult to 3-star, but if anyone needs strategies/tips on how to beat (or 3-star) a level, I'll do what I can to help :)
  5. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    #1225 Guise, Nov 16, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2011
    Finally made it to Master Mode and have played the first 3 levels/areas (Whitebeard's Tower, Gardens, Ruin Crossing). I know that book secrets were mentioned for MM but I haven't found any secret areas in those levels.

    So I'm wondering if I'm missing something or if the secrets are in the later levels. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

    Disregard. I found the book in Orc Forest, which led me to the Gardens and Ruin Crossing secrets.
  6. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    Believe it or not Hurgoth MM took me 3 tries. I only restarted to get the spells I needed.

    Pinnacle 2 & 3 are rediculously hard. Pinnacle 1 took me 3 or 4 tries, pinnacle 2 took me around 40, and pinnacle 3 I made it a little more than halfway on my 5th try.

    I have 304 stars (only 1 starred pinnacle 3)
    I might not be able to beat it until after this update hits.
    I failed pinnacle 2 so much because I constantly get shield in the spell urns.

    Pinnacle 2 needs 2 heart potions, I know exact spots for em too and it wouldn't be half as bad.

    Pinnacle 3 is just an odd asortment of enemies. I'll beat it eventually.
    Only missing two boss hats!
  7. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Hats off to you (no pun intended) for beating MM Hurgoth so easily, probably took me 10+ tries. You MUST have shadow bombs galore to do it, I just don't see any other way. 3-starring tower pinnacle 3 is probably the single most difficult thing I've ever succeeded in doing in video games. You just have to have the right spells (shadow bombs, lightning, inferno and silence proved most useful to me), cast them very wisely and conservatively, always kill zombie-spawning ghosts quickly, and be very nimble with your dash/strike combos. It probably took me 30 attempts, and by the time I succeeded, I had most of my strategy for the level mapped out in memory.

    Btw sirdarkened, I'm really enjoying Battleheart! Thanks for selling me on it. I have a new obsession (aside from grinding for hats) until the MG sequel comes out. Cheers!
  8. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    No new graphics are being added, it's just being tuned for the iPad screen. The black bars on the sides are removed, so iPad users see a little further. The pixels just get doubled, but it's a pixel art game art style so...

    Rook hat drop rate should be fine now. It's currently the same as a boss hat drop rate. Unless that didn't make it in the last update, I can't remember. If it's not fine now, it'll be fixed next update since it's already tweaked on our end.

    Not sure yet. We have a lot of feature requests and tweaks to work on alongside the Universal update. I haven't been responding to forums/emails as much because I'm busy with tweaking the levels and testing the new stuff for balance.

    I'll let everyone know when it's submitted and as we complete major tasks, but until then I'm trying not to make guesses.

    Hel ya
    Now you got the big hat.
  9. Penkanuin

    Penkanuin Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    I just wanted to say that this game has been absolutely fantastic! It's kept me absorbed for the past few days and I've finally gotten all the stars. I was really happy (as I was so scared and saw there was no map online) when I managed to get three stars on pinnacle 3 on my first try. I've gotten all boss hats and I'm working on getting myself up to level 75 (ended at only 66) and getting all enemy hats.

    This game is definitely one of the absolute best out right now, even comparable to console games! Best money I've ever spent on an application.

    I just wanted to confirm...the last two secret achievements can't be acquired as of yet, right? And is the Seeker Guise from finding all the secrets (like the Spy Shroud)?
  10. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    To beat hurgoth you simply use glowing sword + old pendant.
    Make sure you get lucky, time circle, and silence.
    Peace of cake, didn't lose 1 heart when I did it.

    Getting boss hats is kind of tedious, oh well.
    Vanetaba and hurgoth left.

    Finally got 306 stars.
    Pinnacle 2 was much more difficult than pinnacle 3. Only challenge was the slime men, freggin spawn so many slimes and stuff. Quite obnxious. Had to play 10 times until I got strategy to beat it.

    Training on pinnacle 2 helped lots.
    Pinnacle 2 is sheer luck based upon what spells you get.
    In pinnacle 3 i had 3 spells by the end.
  11. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Really, you found 2 to be more difficult than 3? Wow, we must have very different approaches to playing, I don't remember pinnacle 2 challenging me nearly as much as 3. I think I 3-starred pinnacle 2 in my first few tries.

    As far as boss hats go, how does that work? Just beat them again and again until once in a blue moon they drop a hat chest? If that's the approach, it's sure not working too well for me! Does it matter if it's normal mode or MM??
  12. chickdigger802

    chickdigger802 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Atlanta GA
    screen flipping... when will that be implemented?
  13. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    Go to MM use pheonix feather, IAP sword, and yellow battlemage armor.

    Kill bosses over and over and over again.

    I got the Blorpx one on my first try.

    All other hats took between 5-40 tries. So far I had to kill Vanateba or however you spell it 6 times and no hat yet. Hurgoth is the longest battle and thus the hardest boss hat to acquire.

    MM increases drop rate.
  14. Coulbe

    Coulbe Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    #1234 Coulbe, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2011
    Heya, I pretty much signed up because I'm getting bored of getting my ass wiped with MM Pinnacle 2. :p

    Any tips? I have IAPs, and I'm wondering if I should attempt it with a mage build or a fighter build. Alternatively, I could just wait until the update comes through, because at that point, I'll be able to smash the last three levels.

    I've 3-starred everything UP to there, and I went back and got all the boss hats when I wanted to vent my fury of getting 3 luckys in a row, or a lucky-shield, or basically shield anything, or lucky-non attack magic combos. Just wondering what I should do in the meantime while I wait. I bought the hookgames from Rocketcat to pass the time as well, but it's just not the same sort of game. Pretty though.

    Anyway, aside from going off and playing Final Fantasy or something, is there anything I can do? I only have one non story related achievement remaining aside from beating MM and 3-starring, but I'm not even sure if being able to kill an eyeball without noticing is possible at this point. I've used every spell I could think of, long range light beams, lightning on another enemy who's on the edge of my screen to combo hit one... It doesn't register. Is it bugged? I noticed no one on the forum has mentioned that so far, and the wiki is a tad lackluster in the anything other than basic info department.

    ANYWAY. The point I'm trying to make, any help for MM Pinnacle 2 before I rage quit and play Skyrim till sometime in early December (I hope) when the update comes out?
  15. Penkanuin

    Penkanuin Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2011
    For the eyeball achievement, there's a room in Pinnacle 2 (I think) near the end where it's a room full of eyeballs. I managed to get the achievement there with an Earth Spike. I'm sure a similar spell would have the same result. Just make sure you cast the spell almost as soon as you step into the room.

    Any word on whether the Seeker Guise is acquired through finding all the secrets?
  16. PixyJunket

    PixyJunket Well-Known Member

    Heh, a lot of people are having trouble with MM Pinnacle 2 and 3. There is some spell balancing being released in the next update that may help a little bit, so you might want to wait a little bit.

    My personal best on those levels was using the Glowing Sword/Old Pendant combo, but you have to get a little lucky to get both Silence and Time Circle and then you have to be ON MARK to keep them active as long as possible. The combo platter version of those spells in the update is my beacon for a possible complete of these two levels.
  17. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Definitely equip all of your IAP items, and the key to winning this level is proper use of your magic. Don't use any magic on anything you don't absolutely need to. I use magic only when there are 2 or more large blue/red devils, when there are large groups of baton-zombies, large groups of the yellow fast-moving slime-spawning guys,or when there are 2 or more zombie-casting ghosts. If you have a silence buff, use it only when large groups of projectile-tossing enemies are nearby. A very good strategy for any part of the level that allows you to backtrack, is to inch your way forward just enough that you can see the next enemy and "get their attention", and when they approach you, strike and run backwards, and repeat until dead. The "stick and move" strategy. If you are in a closed room, circle the room and time your strikes to immediately follow theirs, and keep moving. Remember that if you get hit, you have about 5 seconds of invulnerability, so use it to go slash-crazy while you can.

    That said, this level is still very difficult, so if you get your ass kicked again and again, don't think you're doing anything wrong, the level is just that difficult. Good luck :D
  18. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    In the next update, the rabbit's foot will increase hat drop rates by 5x. Just so you know.

    Next update.

    Yeah, we're merging silence with time circle, and removing lucky and shield from the rotation (though you can still get shield from smashing urns when full). Should remove (or at least severely diminish) having your runs ruined by getting spells inappropriate to the situation.

    Making progress on the update, right now taking a break from levels to tweak the new weapon changes more.
  19. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    I didn't use any IAP items. They're actually not good once you get the yellow archmage and bluish? battlemage armor.

    Also I use Giant Slayer, best weapon in the game imo.
  20. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    #1240 Quazonk, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2011
    Diff'rent strokes, worked awesome for me! I like the Giant Slayer too, as well as the Heavy Cleaver, if you're slick with your strikes and dashes.

    P.S. not even Phoenix Feather? Damn!

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