GameClub Mage Gauntlet (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Ashflow

    Ashflow Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Last thing before so fall asleep:
    Do spawned enemies drop hats?
  2. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Oh, ok. Can see. I'll check the boss XP again, it should be working, but might be bugged?

    They shouldn't.
  3. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    Yeah I think it is bugged, I don't get any XP from grinding bosses.
  4. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    The bosses have not given EXP from the get go. I posted this earlier and you told me you would look into it. Just rehashing so your aware that ALL bosses fail to give exp.

    As well you mentioned something about boss text being skipped after retrying. That doesn't work either. Only on Master Mode will there be no text as you go right into the boss battle.
  5. Lazykw

    Lazykw Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010

    can anyone help me? i bought mage gauntlet on the day of its release and got the rocketcat fan pack which was included. recently i changed my phone to iphone 4s and re downloaded the game but the pack was not included. how to i get it back? i tried connecting to news and update for a couple a times but still no use.
  6. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    PM Kepa about it, he should be able to fix it for ya ;)
  7. coderkid

    coderkid Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    The "Lexi is affected by magic thing" made sense to me because up until the Demon levels, all the spellcasters use elemental magic, which is different. Think about it - if one of the enemies pulled out a flamethrower, decided it was Barbeque time and attacked Lexi with it, she'd get hurt, or if she got struck by lighting, she'd be hurt. That was until the Demon levels - they do those weird circle thingies that hurt Lexi, didn't make sense to me. Plus I hate the demons in general, the little bastards.

    Anyway, just saying but I haven't been able to beat the Master Mode 2nd Demon level, or the first Crypt level. I've kinda been ignoring Mage Gauntlet until I logged into TouchArcade today and decided to mention it.
  8. Ashflow

    Ashflow Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    So what all is coming in the "mini" update?
    -buffs changed
    -a few trinkets' abilities changed
    -new swords with different effects
    -removing red walls (the ones that close behind you) from story mode
    -a few difficulty "fixes" on harder story mode levels
    -achievement bug fixes
    -universal! (which I currently don't really care about :p)
    -New IAP?

    Is that it? Did I add one or forget one? Seems like a lot for a "mini-update" :p
  9. twiegp

    twiegp Member

    Aug 20, 2011
    I finally made it to MM Hurgoth and it seems pretty insane, the enemies spawn faster than I can kill them. So here's my question: Do you actually have to damage Hurgoth to defeat him? I was never really clear about this, since in story mode the dialogue implies that you merely have to wait out the battle and that damaging him is optional. If I could focus 100% of my energies on killing the adds, then maybe the fight is doable.
  10. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    This is an interesting question. Simply use the glowing sword + 50% buff increase duration and make sure you get both silence and time circle and you should be fine. To be completely honest I think for story mode it's what you posted but for master mode it's not like that.

    Don't know for sure because I only beat him on story mode once.
  11. twiegp

    twiegp Member

    Aug 20, 2011
    #1211 twiegp, Nov 13, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
    Ah, okay. Well, I realized that the main thing I was missing about that strategy is that the glowing sword only extends buff duration if you use it to kill enemies. ie. If you're using spells on the adds, your buffs will expire.

    So now the game is complete. Huzzah. Definitely one of my favorites on the iPad. Most constructive criticism I'd have of it has already been covered, I believe:

    - RPG elements could use improvement. More equipment slots, more sense of improvement, etc.

    - I really like the world-building that was done, but I wish there was more lore available for those who like that sort of thing. Like you'd find these interesting secret rooms and the achievements kinda described them, but for the most part they were a mystery. A bit too tantalizing.

    - Story-wise,
    how is one supposed to make sense of Master Mode? At first I thought it's supposed to portray a weird post-game where Lexi is going through the "Dark Realm" version of various locales. The hidden messages corroborate this interpretation. But then the Master Mode ending is a simple extension of the Story Mode ending that contradicts this. Is the Master Mode story some weird non-canonical thing?

    - What's the deal with the middle section of the world map? Seems like there should be more levels here. Add-ons maybe? :p

    - Levels towards the end were too linear.

    - Not much variation in boss strategies.

    Probably some other stuff I'm not remembering since I cleared everything over a period of weeks. I think all of this has been taken to heart though and it's awesome to have developers actively soliciting and incorporating feedback. Really looking forward to the sequel/spinoffs.
  12. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    You need to damage Hurgoth to kill him. There were some pretty great tips in this thread for beating him, though I can't quite find it.

    - Time Circle and Silence Merged
    - Sword Fury made stronger and (slightly) more common.
    - Shield and Lucky removed from the spell rotation, which will remove Lucky completely.
    - Some trinket ability changes
    - No new swords, but some of the crappier old swords will have new effects. Like Corruption and King's Wager will become chance-to-shoot-spell swords like Inferno Blade.
    - No new IAP planned for this update. Maybe I can throw a pet in or something.
    - Univeral, screen flip, cloud saving, lots of other stuff I'm forgetting right now.

    Also I'm still attempting to shorten the really long levels. It's a really big patch.

    The downside is that the content patch (Drudge Arena) won't happen until the spinoff is about to come out. Though that's better anyway, since Drudge Arena is based on new systems we're doing for the spinoff. We'll now make arena levels in the spinoff dungeon crawler, then port it to Mage Gauntlet, rather than the other way around.
  13. Trysis3

    Trysis3 Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    @kepa please make the game icon look like the one from the store ,at least for retina devices. Since it looks a lot better than the current one !!?
  14. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    Any ETA on this. If you say few weeks I will take that as before 2012.
  15. Pteros

    Pteros Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    Master Mode is streamlined for gameplay reasons; I imagine everyone didn't want to trudge through the same story stuff again and it would be weird if everything was rewritten and re-scripted to accommodate it (canonically, Lexi just makes one journey: the one in story mode).

    The master mode book secrets and the extended ending are all part of the canon story, though, as they lead directly into Mage Gauntlet 2. Just assume it all occurred in story mode.

    That was where the endless dungeon mode was going to go, but it got too big for just one game. The large structure in the middle of the mountain is a portion of the free spinoff game that's coming up next.

    It actually extends both above and below of what's shown on the map. Right now, it just serves as a teaser of what's to come.
  16. swarmster

    swarmster Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Sweet! I've been playing a lot of Zombieville 2, Scribblenauts, and ShadowGun lately, and all other games just feel broken in comparison. Universal+iCloud is fantastic.
  17. Ashflow

    Ashflow Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    #1217 Ashflow, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
    lol, Shadowgun makes other games feel broken? I guess it would be fun if it wasn't such a crashfest... (though Scribblenauts also crashes far more than it should...)

    Universal updates usually increase size dramatically because all the art assets are basically doubled, right? But since new graphics aren't being added for the most part, MG will probably stay below 20mb, correct? Just curious.

    Edit: Oh yeah, the Rook's drop rate is getting fixed too, right?
  18. SilverCircleCircus

    SilverCircleCircus Active Member

    Jul 27, 2010
    Y'know there are still nights where I wake up in a cold sweat dreaming about that hat-filled metroidvania spoken of in legend.

    And what's this I hear about a rocketcat turn based rpg? Like FF3 with hats I'd hope?
  19. Shankopotamus

    Shankopotamus Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    So when is will the Universal update hit the app store? I've been waiting to buy this until the update comes so I can play on my iPad.
  20. Lance_TA

    Lance_TA Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Been playing this for a while, and its not really an RPG, dont know where i got the idea that this was an RPG, and this game lacks most of RPG components, in fact this game isnt an RPG at all, no quests, no leveling system, no shops or taberns, no NPCs, only attack and attack.... im playing The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and it remebered me what an RPG is.... not Mage Gauntlet, a hack-and-slash game by all means.... waste of time and money, 1 star from me:mad:

    Now flame me, but its the truth and what I think :)

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